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Losing one of my jobs.



Apparently one of them is closing, so I'll have to look for gainful employment elsewhere.:confused:




Sorry to hear that, Sera.

All the best wishes for good luck!




At least you still have




Deathstar got blown up, huh? I heard about that. So sorry.

Hope you get back in the game soon. :)




Good luck with the job hunt...

Deathstar got blown up, huh? I heard about that. So sorry.
I hear they're building a new one... and what are the chances of a 2nd one blowing up...




I'm sorry to hear that, Sera.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

At least you still have
Insert sentence completion!

Sorry Sera. Good luck on the next one.




God damn it. When are you gonna get some GOOD news? I mean, money-wise. You have a good home life now.

Good luck, Sera.



Sorry to hear that. I'm sure when the economy picks up there will be more opportunities. For me at least, I'm sufficiently fueled by my hatred for the world and its denizens.




Sorry to hear that. I'm sure when the economy picks up there will be more opportunities. For me at least, I'm sufficiently fueled by my hatred for the world and its denizens.
You don't mean this do you? It'd be kinda sad if you did.
Lost one of your jobs? Take up modeling, your demographic will be the millions of nerds inhabiting TeH webz.




Sucks dude, never fun to have a job dissapear, but at least you still have the one job. Can you get extra shifts there? Could help through the tough spots.



Why do people keep asking me to look into modeling? I dislike being in front of a camera.




Why do people keep asking me to look into modeling? I dislike being in front of a camera.
We want to see you naked... i thought it was obvious.



Why do people keep asking me to look into modeling? I dislike being in front of a camera.
I hear that - took me ages to work up to doing video podcasts with my clan. I just don't care for it much (That, and soon after I did, someone whipped up a picture of me with an afro and a very...friendly...horse behind me. Figures.).

In any event, I'm sorry to hear about your job troubles - my girlfriend is having some issues as well, as are several of my friends. Do you have any ideas about what else you might do?



Trying for more hours at the other job and if I get a day off, I'll see what I can find. It's going to be doubly difficult given the time frame.




Well, all I can do is wish you well on that, for all the nothing my words are worth.
