See? That's exactly how I took it. I don't understand people who keep saying "I KNEW IT! I KNEW THEY WERE ALL DEAD SINCE SEASON 1"... the ISLAND was not purgatory. It wasn't, everything there happened.. it was just the last season's "flash-sideways" that was the afterlife.Good stuff on here! I can finally throw in my two cents! I've had to bite my tongue for far too long. Also, hopefully I can answer some of John's questions about Dharma and the "pointless breadcrumbs" that really, weren't so pointless ...
First ...
The Island:
It was real. Everything that happened on the island that we saw throughout the 6 seasons was real. Forget the final image of the plane crash, it was put in purposely to f*&k with people's heads and show how far the show had come. They really crashed. They really survived. They really discovered Dharma and the Others. The Island keeps the balance of good and evil in the world. It always has and always will perform that role. And the Island will always need a "Protector". Jacob wasn't the first, Hurley won't be the last. However, Jacob had to deal with a malevolent force (MIB) that his mother, nor Hurley had to deal with. He created the devil and had to find a way to kill him -- even though the rules prevented him from actually doing so.
Thus began Jacob's plan to bring candidates to the Island to do the one thing he couldn't do. Kill the MIB. He had a huge list of candidates that spanned generations. Yet everytime he brought people there, the MIB corrupted them and caused them to kill one another. That was until Richard came along and helped Jacob understand that if he didn't take a more active role, then his plan would never work.
Enter Dharma -- which I'm not sure why John is having such a hard time grasping. Dharma, like the countless scores of people that were brought to the island before, were brought there by Jacob as part of his plan to kill the MIB. However, the MIB was aware of this plan and interferred by "corrupting" Ben. Making Ben believe he was doing the work of Jacob when in reality he was doing the work of the MIB. This carried over into all of Ben's "off-island" activities. He was the leader. He spoke for Jacob as far as they were concerned. So the "Others" killed Dharma and later were actively trying to kill Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley and all the candidates because that's what the MIB wanted. And what he couldn't do for himself.
Dharma was originally brought in to be good. But was turned bad by MIB's corruption and eventually destroyed by his pawn Ben. Now, was Dharma only brought there to help Jack and the other Canditates on their overall quest to kill Smokey? Or did Jacob have another list of Canidates from the Dharma group that we were never aware of? That's a question that is purposley not answered because whatever answer the writers came up with would be worse than the one you come up with for yourself. Still ... Dharma's purpose is not "pointless" or even vague. Hell, it's pretty blantent.
Still, despite his grand plan, Jacob wanted to give his "candidates" (our Lostaways) the one thing he, nor his brother, were ever afforded: free will. Hence him bringing a host of "candidates" through the decades and letting them "choose" which one would actually do the job in the end. Maybe he knew Jack would be the one to kill Flocke and that Hurley would be the protector in the end. Maybe he didn't. But that was always the key question of the show: Fate vs Free-will. Science vs Faith. Personally I think Jacob knew from the beginning what was going to happen and that everyone played a part over 6 seasons in helping Jack get to the point where he needed to be to kill Smokey and make Hurley the protector -- I know that's how a lot of the writers viewed it. But again, they won't answer that (nor should they) because that ruins the fun.
In the end, Jack got to do what he always wanted to do from the very first episode of the show: Save his fellow Lostaways. He got Kate and Sawyer off the island and he gave Hurley the purpose in life he'd always been missing. And, in Sideways world (which we'll get to next) he in fact saved everyone by helping them all move on ...
Sideways World:
Sideways world is where it gets really cool in terms of theology and metaphysical discussion (for me at least -- because I love history/religion theories and loved all the talks in the writer's room about it). Basically what the show is proposing is that we're all linked to certain people during our lives. Call them soulmates (though it's not exactly the best word). But these people we're linked to are with us duing "the most important moments of our lives" as Christian said. These are the people we move through the universe with from lifetime to lifetime. It's loosely based in Hinduisim with large doses of western religion thrown into the mix.
The conceit that the writers created, basing it off these religious philosophies, was that as a group, the Lostaways subconsciously created this "sideways" world where they exist in purgatory until they are "awakened" and find one another. Once they all find one another, they can then move on and move forward. In essence, this is the show's concept of the afterlife. According to the show, everyone creates their own "Sideways" purgatory with their "soulmates" throughout their lives and exist there until they all move on together. That's a beautiful notion. Even if you aren't religious or even spirtual, the idea that we live AND die together is deeply profound and moving.
It's a really cool and spirtual concept that fits the whole tone and subtext the show has had from the beginning. These people were SUPPOSED to be together on that plane. They were supposed to live through these events -- not JUST because of Jacob. But because that's what the universe or God (depending on how religious you wish to get) wanted to happen. The show was always about science vs faith -- and it ultimately came down on the side of faith. It answered THE core question of the series. The one question that has been at the root of every island mystery, every character backstory, every plot twist. That, by itself, is quite an accomplishment.
How much you want to extrapolate from that is up to you as the viewer. Think about season 1 when we first found the Hatch. Everyone thought that's THE answer! Whatever is down there is the answer! Then, as we discovered it was just one station of many. One link in a very long chain that kept revealing more, and more of a larger mosiac.
But the writer's took it even further this season by contrasting this Sideways "purgatory" with the Island itself. Remember when Michael appeared to Hurley, he said he was not allowed to leave the Island. Just like the MIB. He wasn't allowed into this sideways world and thus, was not afforded the opportunity to move on. Why? Because he had proven himself to be unworthy with his actions on the Island. He failed the test. The others, passed. They made it into Sideways world when they died -- some before Jack, some years later. In Hurley's case, maybe centuries later. They exist in this sideways world until they are "awakened" and they can only move on TOGETHER because they are linked. They are destined to be together for eternity. That was their destiny.
They were NOT linked to Anna Lucia, Daniel, Roussou, Alex, Miles, Lupidis, (and all the rest who weren't in the chuch -- basically everyone who wasn't in season 1). Yet those people exist in Sideways world. Why? Well again, here's where they leave it up to you to decide. The way I like to think about it, is that those people who were left behind in Sideways world have to find their own soulmates before they can wake up. It's possible that those links aren't people from the island but from their other life (Anna's parnter, the guy she shot --- Roussou's husband, etc etc).
A lot of people have been talking about Ben and why he didn't go into the Church. And if you think of Sideways world in this way, then it gives you the answer to that very question. Ben can't move on yet because he hasn't connected with the people he needs to. It's going to be his job to awaken Roussou, Alex, Anna Lucia (maybe), Ethan, Goodspeed, his father and the rest. He has to attone for his sins more than he did by being Hurley's number two. He has to do what Hurley and Desmond did for our Lostaways with his own people. He has to help them connect. And he can only move on when all the links in his chain are ready to. Same can be said for Faraday, Charlotte, Whidmore, Hawkins etc. It's really a neat, and cool concept. At least to me.
But, from a more "behind the scenes" note: the reason Ben's not in the church, and the reason no one is in the church but for Season 1 people is because they wrote the ending to the show after writing the pilot. And never changed it. The writers always said (and many didn't believe them) that they knew their ending from the very first episode. I applaud them for that. It's pretty fantastic. Originally Ben was supposed to have a 3 episode arc and be done. But he became a big part of the show. They could have easily changed their ending and put him in the church -- but instead they problem solved it. Gave him a BRILLIANT moment with Locke outside the church ... and then that was it. I loved that. For those that wonder -- the original ending started the moment Jack walked into the church and touches the casket to Jack closing his eyes as the other plane flies away. That was always JJ's ending. And they kept it.
For me the ending of this show means a lot. Not only because I worked on it, but because as a writer it inspired me in a way the medium had never done before. I've been inspired to write by great films. Maybe too many to count. And there have been amazing TV shows that I've loved (X-Files, 24, Sopranos, countless 1/2 hour shows). But none did what LOST did for me. None showed me that you could take huge risks (writing a show about faith for network TV) and stick to your creative guns and STILL please the audience. I learned a lot from the show as a writer. I learned even more from being around the incredible writers, producers, PAs, interns and everyone else who slaved on the show for 6 years.
In the end, for me, LOST was a touchstone show that dealt with faith, the afterlife, and all these big, spirtual questions that most shows don't touch. And to me, they never once waivered from their core story -- even with all the sci-fi elements they mixed in. To walk that long and daunting of a creative tightrope and survive is simply astounding.
This is completely false. Carlton and Cuse have said on a billion occasions they didn't do anything towards the endgame until they got the end-date.But, from a more "behind the scenes" note: the reason Ben's not in the church, and the reason no one is in the church but for Season 1 people is because they wrote the ending to the show after writing the pilot. And never changed it. The writers always said (and many didn't believe them) that they knew their ending from the very first episode.
Michael was mentioned in that explanation. I'm not saying I buy it, of course. It seems to me that social networks are vast...absolutely, perhaps, such that you would need a unique group of "soulmates" for each individual that overlapped with another individual's, which overlapped with another individual's, to infinity. There's no reasonable way to ascertain the "boundary" of one's "soulmate" group, really. That doesn't mean the producers of the show did not posit this, just that it is a pretty flawed proposition.This is even MORE absurdly wrong because if that was how they wrote it after the pilot, then where were Walt and Michael? and why the fuck were Desmond and Penny there? How could anyone believe this is real?
I'm pretty sure the whole point of Lost just flew over your head...That still does nothing to answer the 250+ UNANSWERED questions ( )
75+ of which are MAJOR unanswered questions that make absolutely no sense and were never addressed in Season 6 or the finale. Fuck even some brought up IN the finale.
Who created the rock "cork" that was in the tunnel of the Light? Why did the "cork" have egyptian writing on it? Why did the Light tunnel look man-made, i.e. it had smoothed over stones, carved rocks, etc? What is underneath the "cork" that makes the Island go apeshit if the "cork" is removed and the water / light drains out?
And on and on and on.
I'm sorry there is no way you can dance around it dude, the writers dropped the ball. They gave us an explaination of the Sideways Universe, what happens AFTER all the shit on the Island is over, the fate of the entire cast many many years down the road (they all get into the afterlife minus Ben a few others they left out). Thats great and all but that still does absolutely nothing to answer 6 years of questions.
You can say the show is about characters. Thats fine you are entitled to that opinion. I never watched Lost for characters. Some were cool, yes. (I <3 Ecko, Charlie, Desmond, Faraday, etc).
But I watched Lost for polar bears in a jungle. A monster made of smoke. A colonial spanish ship in the middle of a jungle. A statue foot. The numbers. The button. The hatch. Sharks with Dharma logos on them. Dharma itself. Time traveling bunnies. Frozen Donkey Wheels, electromagnetic fences, random cabins in the woods inhabited by ghosts (at the time at least, remember how spooky that shit was when Jacob said "help me"?).
I watched Lost for a concert of science fiction / fantasy / semi-religious cool shit happening on a random Island in the middle of bumfuck no where, and how the people who crashed there have to deal with it and survive.
And yes, I as disappointed. Severely. This, ending, sucked.
I doubt it.It'd be awesome if you could ban specific individuals from specific threads. We'd be in page 3 of interesting, thought-provoking Lost musings by now if it weren't for Mav :humph:
I didn't even remember those 2 were together. I was surprised by that.For some reason it was the Sayid/Shannon moment that most got to me. I got goosebumps when I first saw her, and for some reason some mighty winds picked up at my house when they were kissing, cause I got lots of stuff get into my eyes...aranoid:
Wait, do people seriously think this?See? That's exactly how I took it. I don't understand people who keep saying "I KNEW IT! I KNEW THEY WERE ALL DEAD SINCE SEASON 1"
Wait, do people seriously think this?See? That's exactly how I took it. I don't understand people who keep saying "I KNEW IT! I KNEW THEY WERE ALL DEAD SINCE SEASON 1"
I know that was a common theory in the earlier seasons, but did people seriously watch the finale and conclude that the whole cast was dead and the entire show had taken place in purgatory?That was a theory that I heard thrown around from time to time. I also heard that they were all figments of the imagination of Hurley's gf, or it was all a dream.
I know that was a common theory in the earlier seasons, but did people seriously watch the finale and conclude that the whole cast was dead and the entire show had taken place in purgatory?[/QUOTE]That was a theory that I heard thrown around from time to time. I also heard that they were all figments of the imagination of Hurley's gf, or it was all a dream.
I know that was a common theory in the earlier seasons, but did people seriously watch the finale and conclude that the whole cast was dead and the entire show had taken place in purgatory?[/QUOTE]That was a theory that I heard thrown around from time to time. I also heard that they were all figments of the imagination of Hurley's gf, or it was all a dream.
That's not exactly convincing when the viewership of the show was in the millions.If I am so entirely fucking wrong about Lost, how come there are THOUSANDS of other fans across the Internet, across the entire globe, that agree with me? Not saying you're wrong, but you're really failing to make the case, here.Read DarkUfo, read, read AintItCoolNew's forums/talkback, read the fucking New York Times. I am not disputing your opinion but you have to at least fucking admit, there are a fuck ton of people out there that agree with me.
If it was just a handful of the fanbase, ok sure I could understand me being completely out of my mind and missing the point of the show. But when there are this many people who think the same thing I do, how can all of us be wrong?
Goddamit.Ok answer me this.
If I am so entirely fucking wrong about Lost, how come there are THOUSANDS of other fans across the Internet, across the entire globe, that agree with me?
Read DarkUfo, read, read AintItCoolNew's forums/talkback, read the fucking New York Times. I am not disputing your opinion but you have to at least fucking admit, there are a fuck ton of people out there that agree with me.
If it was just a handful of the fanbase, ok sure I could understand me being completely out of my mind and missing the point of the show. But when there are this many people who think the same thing I do, how can all of us be wrong?
I just wanted answers. Thats all, some simple answers. Pose a question, give an answer. I've never blindly followed a tv show and been so let down. Never.
So, do your worst. Flame, belittle me, whatever makes ya happy, go for it. I'm sure Chaz will jump in any second, the shark avatar and all can probably smell the blood in the water, so to speak.
I don't quite agree with this idea. I think media in general is open to interpretation, but it's important to note whether the creators have been successful in communicating the ideas that they wanted to. Thus far, despite a vocal minority, it seems like they probably have, and that is something that really does trump a lot of the complaints.To ignore that for the sake of wanting answers proves that you never grasped what the show was about according to the people that created/wrote it. This trumps your opinion of what the show should have been about.
That is unquestionably the case.The show was about what the writers made it.
I think I may want to re-watch it in a week or so before making that claim, but I very much enjoyed it.The Lost finale goes down as one of the best in the last decade. IMHO, YMMV.
Okay, answer me this.Ok answer me this.
If I am so entirely fucking wrong about Lost, how come there are THOUSANDS of other fans across the Internet, across the entire globe, that agree with me?
Game. Set. Match. Thanks for proving my point even further dude. Always count on you coming through in a pinch.NO!! YOU ARE WRONG!!! I DON'T KNOW WHY THE GIAN STATUE HAD 4 TOES, THE SHOW SUCKS BALLS AND I'M GOING TO BURN ALL MY DVDS!!!!!1111!!1
So, Mav isn't allowed to post? He's already tried to say, "hey, this is my opinion on it, and it's just different than yours" and you're the one who keeps bringing him up.Hey, I tried to move to a new thread to avoid precisely that... but Mav can't have people enjoying the finale, noo, he has to explain why it's the worst finale in the history of ever. In several paragraphs. In several posts. Across two threads.
Game. Set. Match. Thanks for proving my point even further dude. Always count on you coming through in a pinch.[/QUOTE]NO!! YOU ARE WRONG!!! I DON'T KNOW WHY THE GIAN STATUE HAD 4 TOES, THE SHOW SUCKS BALLS AND I'M GOING TO BURN ALL MY DVDS!!!!!1111!!1
So, Mav isn't allowed to post? He's already tried to say, "hey, this is my opinion on it, and it's just different than yours" and you're the one who keeps bringing him up.Hey, I tried to move to a new thread to avoid precisely that... but Mav can't have people enjoying the finale, noo, he has to explain why it's the worst finale in the history of ever. In several paragraphs. In several posts. Across two threads.
Exactly. I get that Mav is a little excitable, and Mex is a bit confrontational, but Mav did come out swinging in the last thread pretty much immediately with profanity and "everyone agrees with me". The whole purpose of that kind of argument is to imply that the ones who don't agree with you are stupid. While he started out better in this thread, it pretty much turned into the same thing. Is it any wonder that people jumped all over him?Then some one comes out saying that it was the worst show ever, and everyone on the net agrees. That is basically just stirring the pot.
The show was ALWAYS about the characters. You can see that by WATCHING THE SHOW. What was the show's main narrative strategy? flash backs/forwards/sideways. Were these flashes about the mysteries of the island? NOOOO they were about the CHARACTERS.. their back stories, their interactions, their meeting of each other.. their family, their job, their friends.I seem to recall Lost being all about the questions of the Island when the show was starting. I also recall the creators putting stuff like the Dharma logo on the shark just to fuck with people.
Claiming the show was never about nor marketed to be about the mystery of the island is like claiming M*A*S*H was about the Korean War.
Huh. Good point.What, you don't think they argued about the bullshit acts that the jesters, mummers, and troubadours were putting on?
And, I never said I was brave.
And to be fair, most of those mysteries were solved.I still think that's a bit of a cop-out. You can say that about ANY show/story/etc, really.
They really DID promote the first few seasons pretty heavily about the "mysteries".
Well sure, but only the ones that actually mattered.And do be fair, most of those mysteries were solved.
That was the foot of the Taweret statue, which presumably had four toes because hippos have four toes (or at least that's what everyone assumed when we found out the statues identity - seems reasonable to me).Wait, the four fingered foot doesn't matter?!
Well that's exactly the problem, it would have been better if they didn't add mysteries that they couldn't explain in a satisfactory way in the first place.Maybe, some ... but most other mysteries would have had lame answers, none that would please us all.. so leaving it unanswered is better.
Well that's exactly the problem, it would have been better if they didn't add mysteries that they couldn't explain in a satisfactory way in the first place.[/QUOTE]Maybe, some ... but most other mysteries would have had lame answers, none that would please us all.. so leaving it unanswered is better.
Well that's exactly the problem, it would have been better if they didn't add mysteries that they couldn't explain in a satisfactory way in the first place.[/QUOTE]Maybe, some ... but most other mysteries would have had lame answers, none that would please us all.. so leaving it unanswered is better.
I love how you're terrified of me enough to confine yourself to the media section of the forum and anticipate for me to chop through your bones at any moment in a thread. Seriously, I just came at the thought of you cowering in the corner of your room wishing for me to just stop being such a meanie head. That's why you tend to lump me into all of your little retorts isn't it? Even when I barely make an appearance in a thread? You're scared of the big, mean internet person? Grow up.Ok answer me this.
If I am so entirely fucking wrong about Lost, how come there are THOUSANDS of other fans across the Internet, across the entire globe, that agree with me?
Read DarkUfo, read, read AintItCoolNew's forums/talkback, read the fucking New York Times. I am not disputing your opinion but you have to at least fucking admit, there are a fuck ton of people out there that agree with me.
If it was just a handful of the fanbase, ok sure I could understand me being completely out of my mind and missing the point of the show. But when there are this many people who think the same thing I do, how can all of us be wrong?
I just wanted answers. Thats all, some simple answers. Pose a question, give an answer. I've never blindly followed a tv show and been so let down. Never.
So, do your worst. Flame, belittle me, whatever makes ya happy, go for it. I'm sure Chaz will jump in any second, the shark avatar and all can probably smell the blood in the water, so to speak.
Again, never watched Lost. I just think you have your storytelling backwards, i.e. character development is for the purpose of caring about them at the ending (as opposed to developing characters to care about and then finding a good end for them) and mysteries shouldn't be answered if they have poor explanations (as opposed to having an answer and then shrouding it in mystery or giving clues).@li3n, escushion... you, too, missed the point of Lost entirely. I'm sorry about that.
That's a terrible example, because there is an explanation. He has powers given to him by being an alien under our yellow sun. Does it hold up scientifically? Obviously not. But it's an explanation. His flight is not a mystery. To put it in Lost perspective, it'd be like the people on the island suddenly see a man flying through the sky. There's no explanation to who he is, why he did it. He was just there, and they experienced seeing it.OH MY GOD HOW DOES SUPERMAN FLY, THAT'S PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE NO MATTER HOW POWERFUL HE IS, IS HE SUPER FARTING AND BEING PROPELLED BY KRYPTONIAN FLATULENCE!?
Oh, wait, it doesn't matter how he flies, just that he does.
Actually it's more like my fear of what Lost was going to be about came true...@li3n, escushion... you, too, missed the point of Lost entirely. I'm sorry about that.
Actually the ending they knew about was just Jack dying in the same place he woke up at the start of the show...(if what you say about them knowing the ending from the start of the show is true).