Love Letters: 40 oz. To Freedom [3/29]

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I really, honestly think that everyone discovers Sublime in high school. I don't think you can get away without hearing them. And if you do, you're missing out. I actually went to school in California, and let me tell you, few bands play better with the windows rolled down on a cool summer day. With the volume knob at 11, of course. I remember catching onto these guys and the Chili Peppers and feeling like I had really missed out.
Ahhh sublime. I beleive they were my 3rd favorite band (not in ranking of favorites, but the third band to become my favorite, following R.E.M. and They Might Be Giants). Sadly, like so many people, I didn't get into them until after Brad was gone. The song "what I got" got me through boot camp (not that we actually got to listen to music, but it would continually play in my head, typically early in the morning, as i was rising to go into the street). When I lived in Japan, I had all of thier CD's on perminant rotation in my room over the weekend. As with you, I enjoyed them before I knew of the Happy Herb, but that did not lessen my enjoyment of them.

Good write up man.
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