Love Letters: News Radio [3/1]

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The quest to map out my pop culture roots continues...

For those interested, the first three seasons are on Crackle! over at Youtube, and on Netflix Instant, and the whole shibang is on DVD. Forgot to mention the sad passing of Phil Hartman; the show wasn't the same after he died (though by god they tried! Patrick Warburton's cameos towards the ends were all genius).


Staff member
News Radio was a gem--a sitcom that doesn't assume the audience is mentally retarded.
I love News Radio. I didn't get to watch many of the episodes growing up but thanks to Youtube/Netflix/Hulu I finally got a chance to watch all of them last year. I must say when Phil Hartman died the show did lose a bit of itself but it was still enjoyable. I look forward to eventually buying the DVD set sometime in the future.


Staff member
I love News Radio. I didn't get to watch many of the episodes growing up but thanks to Youtube/Netflix/Hulu I finally got a chance to watch all of them last year. I must say when Phil Hartman died the show did lose a bit of itself but it was still enjoyable. I look forward to eventually buying the DVD set sometime in the future.
The first episode of the fifth season is one of the most painful things to watch on a sitcom--or really, any other television show. The scene where they're all standing around crying and laughing and remembering their friend in character and as themselves...its heart wrenching, yo.
I was just watching the episodes that Hulu has (it's missing some sporadically, for some reason), I almost forgot how hilarious that show was. Good times.
I love News Radio. I didn't get to watch many of the episodes growing up but thanks to Youtube/Netflix/Hulu I finally got a chance to watch all of them last year. I must say when Phil Hartman died the show did lose a bit of itself but it was still enjoyable. I look forward to eventually buying the DVD set sometime in the future.
The first episode of the fifth season is one of the most painful things to watch on a sitcom--or really, any other television show. The scene where they're all standing around crying and laughing and remembering their friend in character and as themselves...its heart wrenching, yo.[/QUOTE]


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