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Love the Warrior




Just lyrics for a song I've got going; it might seem choppy in a few points, but I'll post the synth guitar, synth voice, and actual drums to go along with it when I get them done. (gonna be done in Swedish death-metal stylings)

(crack of thunder, sound of rain, and voices whispering and overlaying in the dark)

A cenotaph in the storm...the names of every hero, etched into stone...thousands of ghosts, their heads bowed...and a young man, reading their names.

Then the lightning flashed, followed by the thunder of guns
and every one of those heroes extended their arms.

'Love not the war,' they cried, 'but love the warrior;
the father in the trenches, the daughter in the storm'

And together they rode, and together they strived
and together they fought, and together they died
for country, for land, for freedom, for voice
every time (every time) their motives the same;

'Was it worth it,' I asked, 'And to those left behind
do they know why you suffer? Do they know why you die?
And do you know that we need you, you and your kind
as long as brother butchers brother time after time?'

And silent they stand, united or no,
steadfast and ready: willing to go
never to yield, never to bend
spiraling through these times without end.



Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

This thread never got a single reply. That's a shame because the song isn't terrible.

where's my necro stamp of approval?




I think we were waiting for the music side of it before it got buried.



Frankie Williamson




DAMN! Beat me to it!
