Magic Shrooms

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I should have posted this in the "ask Dave" subforum! :p


I have to say I'm still at a purely theoretical point with this mushroom thing, but from what I know right now, it seems that like this is the right drug for me to try.

---------- Post added at 02:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 PM ----------

I freaking LOVE the descriptions of Trip Reports!
I'm reading some of the "level 1" reports and even those are amazing... at least for somebody who has never done drugs other than caffeine and alcohol.


Staff member
I don't approve of drugs personally and I've NEVER been drunk or high. But as long as you don't hurt yourself or others I fail to see why some things are demonized (shrooms, pot, etc) while more destructive substances (alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine) are totally legal and accepted.


Try it with a few friends. Have a playlist of about 4 to 5 hours. Trippy music works best. Pink Floyds the Wall is good to keep around just incase you hit a lull in the laughing and carrying on(Heavy Metal is good too.) DO NOT DO IT BY YOURSELF. Try to keep the atmoshpere fun and light. You should have a real good time.

Incase you feel anxitiy(SP) before, have a beer or two to calm you down and put you in the mood.

Just be safe and have fun.


Staff member
Just remember, eating 'shrooms won't give you a tail or the power of flight. Also, jumping down sewer pipes is a bad idea.
You know, I've always wanted to try LSD. Blame Timmothy Leary.

But, I'd wouldn't even know where to get some, how to tell if it was safe (I wouldn't exactly trust a random drug dealer), and would only do it in a safe environment with sober friends who would make sure I don't freak right the fuck out.
I had a friend who ate a bunch of shrooms before we watched Fear an Loathing. He started going nuts part way through and threw up all over the place. Never had much of an urge to try it after that. It could have been all the orange juice he drank. He kept going on about how gophers were going to rise up and try to take over the world. Apparently orange juice is some super drink that would be able to give you the power to fight off the gophers, and he wouldn't quit drinking it.


I've doen shrooms about five times this year.
first of all
read everything here (including basics & effects & dosage)

second of all
be aware that drugs vary in potency by a wild amount, and individuals are affected in a widely ranging amount.
Therefore, there is NO correct starting dosage.
The only thing you can do, is try some and see how you feel.
I recommend 1.5-2 grams if you want to dip your toes in
I recommend 3.5 grams if you want to make sure it will work.

Mushrooms have had a massively positive impact on my life, how i love it, and my personality

---------- Post added at 06:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:46 PM ----------

I had a friend who ate a bunch of shrooms before we watched Fear an Loathing. He started going nuts part way through and threw up all over the place. Never had much of an urge to try it after that. It could have been all the orange juice he drank. He kept going on about how gophers were going to rise up and try to take over the world. Apparently orange juice is some super drink that would be able to give you the power to fight off the gophers, and he wouldn't quit drinking it.
orange juice, any any drink with absorbic acid, will make you trip HARDER on magic mushrooms as it lowers the PH of your stomach making you break it down faster and more efficiently
I've had LSD once, MDMA about 5 times and smoke ganja regularly, but I've never had the chance of doing shrooms. Which are the last thing that I haven't done drug-wise of what I'd be willing to do. Besides the mentioned, alcohol, caffeine and whatever they put in big macs.

---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 PM ----------

Oh, and peyote which isn't shroom but I won't do until I've had at least a couple shroom experiences first.


I've had LSD once, MDMA about 5 times and smoke ganja regularly, but I've never had the chance of doing shrooms. Which are the last thing that I haven't done drug-wise of what I'd be willing to do. Besides the mentioned, alcohol, caffeine and whatever they put in big macs.

---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 PM ----------

Oh, and peyote which isn't shroom but I won't do until I've had at least a couple shroom experiences first.
Compared to LSD, mushrooms aren't *that* different, but tend to be more emotionally intense, a little more introspective, and its easier to become less functioning. They also last 1/2 or 3/4ths as long as LSD.
Personally, I don't touch drugs that develop any kind of *physical* addiction, so the drugs i'd do is pretty identical to that.
Adding DMT, DXM, Salvia, minus the alcohol caffeine & bigmacs haha.

First times doing LSD and magic mushrooms, I took a high dose (3.5 grams / 3 hits) and was 100% alone the whole time.
Both times were one of the best experiences of my life, both of which I grew as a person from and helped me recognize necessary changes in my life, changes I've made since then and speaking now, have dramatically improved my life.
Changes dealing with relationships, eating/exercise habits (I've lost quite a bit of weight since taking psychedelics / gained muscle), and drug habits.
Compared to LSD, mushrooms aren't *that* different, but tend to be more emotionally intense, a little more introspective, and its easier to become less functioning. They also last 1/2 or 3/4ths as long as LSD.
My lone experience with mushrooms was WAY more intense than any LSD I'd ever tried. Then again, I was accidentally given 12 grams.


Staff member
I've always wanted to try shrooms, but don't really know where to get 'em, and my gf/friends prob'ly wouldn't approve.


Compared to LSD, mushrooms aren't *that* different, but tend to be more emotionally intense, a little more introspective, and its easier to become less functioning. They also last 1/2 or 3/4ths as long as LSD.
My lone experience with mushrooms was WAY more intense than any LSD I'd ever tried. Then again, I was accidentally given 12 grams.[/QUOTE]

How could you accidentally consume 12 grams?
Was it in some kind of food product? Because that is a very long duration of just bunching on handfuls of mushrooms :wtf:

But even from 3 hits of LSD, I've had 3.5 grams of mushrooms that felt more intense at the plateau too.

Don't expect anything in terms of visuals. You may get intense open eyed visuals (OEVs) or you may not. It can easily be as subtle as the gradual breathing of walls and surfaces, many a little color distortion. It takes a good dose of quality mushrooms to produce more tangible hallucinations.
Bad trips are caused by bad situations & mental state, both created by yourself, so go in with an open mind, stay positive the whole time, don't get into any unfamiliar location (large gatherings of people), and you're almost guaranteed to be fine.
they had been powdered and put into gel-caps.

The person who did it miscalculated how many grams went in each capsule.

I tripped balls so hard that I had 3 distinct hallucinatory episodes that completely blocked out reality. That has never happened with LSD.


they had been powdered and put into gel-caps.

The person who did it miscalculated how many grams went in each capsule.

I tripped balls so hard that I had 3 distinct hallucinatory episodes that completely blocked out reality. That has never happened with LSD.
I've experienced a similar experience, consuming one of the most potent mushrooms that can be grown (there's lots of subspecies with different concentrations of psychoactive chemicals) @ midnight, with the whole experience taking place in a pitch black room, with no music or sounds, ~5-6 hours under the covers. Created sensory deprivation and completely left the reality of the universe in the dust, entirely consumed in mental capacities.

This actually was the only trip I'd classify as "going bad", but to anyone whose has a bad trip, they often say the bad trips are the ones you learn the most from. I'd agree.

But dissociative type drugs are more associated with the complete loss of reality (pcp, ketamine, salvia, dxm, etc) as all your sensory information becomes distorted, a sight can become a smell, a sound can become a sight, etc.
You do know what the best place for shrooms is, right?

Mexico =D

More specifically Oaxaca. They're famous for this endemic mushroom that's supposed to be great. One of my aunts actually just went there and says it was an amazing experience, apparently there's a whole ritual involved, the local elders are the ones that really know how you're supposed to have them for it to be a good experience and they take you up to the hills in the forest and everyone I know who has been there says it's the coolest thing. I've never done it but I sure will once I find good travelling partners for the trip. hehe.
Honestly, it's not something that I've ever indulged in, nor ever been fascinated by. Listening to y'all talk about it is interesting, though.
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