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Make me Supper


Rob King

Rob King

I haven't been able to cook for myself in forever, due to shitty living arrangements. That's all changed, since I moved into a new place. Today I had a Cornish Hen for supper, and later I ran to the grocery store, and bought several foods that I've been craving for nearly 8 months. Up tomorrow is a fillet of salmon, but I don't know what to do with it.

I have access to a frying pan, casserole dish, an oven and a stove. Someone tell me what to do with it. I don't want it to be boring. I can pick up whatever other ingredients I might need tomorrow after work, although something that will give me a use for my yet-unused saffron would be appreciated.

In fact ... anything that will make use of the saffron, even if it doesn't require salmon, would be appreciated. Perhaps I'll plan a later-in-the-week meal around it.




build a fire out back and cook it on a stick, like a real man!

Preferebly chat something along the lines of BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD while you do it.




I dunno--dinner seems more like a Slaanesh thing.




get some nice seasonings on both sides and fry it up with some honey barbecue sauce.




Release it into the wild, and then hunt it with nothing but a pointed stick and your wits.




Isn't rice pilaf kind of the quintessential saffron dish?




Isn't rice pilaf kind of the quintessential saffron dish?
this is also a good idea.



this is awesome for salmon. and for saffron? dont know, never really have used it.



Kitty Sinatra

I'd bake the fillet with a butter saffron sauce.

Really haven't a clue what that'd actually taste like, but it should work. The sauce would be subtle (not boring) which is good as far as I'm concerned as salmon is so tasty it doesn't need any strong flavours added to it.




Alton Brown did a whole episode on steaming in parchment paper. See if you can find something like that. Salmon's supposed to be perfect for that cooking method.




Rub some salt and freshly cracked black pepper on it and pan fry it in a little olive oil. Done.

Sprinkle some chopped dill on it if you want to get fancy.

Make a shitake cream sauce if you want it more fancy.



People still say supper?




People still say supper?
Some of us say "Supah".




I keep misreading the title as "Make me Super" and then "I'm Super" from the South Park movie starts playing in my head.

I once also misread it as "Make me Suffer" and I considered uploading a sound clip of me singing.


Rob King

Rob King

People still say supper?
Yes they do. Or at least, they do all the way out here.


Kitty Sinatra

Supper's a perfectly cromulent word up here in Canuckistan.

Rob's way out there with the barbarians on the fringes of Outer Canuckistan, but he's kinda lucky because when the nucular apocalypse comes, he'll be spared and his children will get cool mutant psychic powers; and though they'll be persecuted for those powers, they will be saved by mutant kiwis and whisked away to a better life . . . until the triffids get them.

huh. This post makes no sense.




Here's what you do. Get some Roman Noodles, chili, fritos, jalapenoscook it all up real nice and put it on a flour tortilla and eat it! Nothing like eating prison style! (That's how we made our own food while at work in prison during our 15 minute lunch break, that or we made it on the clock either way no one cared)




Just remember, there has never in the history of man been any sort of food that wasn't made better by the addition of hot sauce.




This thread makes me realize how much potential for good food I waste.



This thread makes me realize how much potential for good food I waste.
it's your own damn fault for shopping for food when we both know where you really feed.

plus that nasty set of prion diseases. Iick.


Rob King

Rob King

Ended up baking the salmon in butter, red wine, and savory. I fried some finely chopped onions and mushrooms in a copious amount of butter, then made a sauce from it by adding with sour cream, red wine and savory. Served with rice, and (since my supper was becoming too monochrome) a few stir-fried vegetables atop the rice.

The salmon was great. Very buttery, but when I started eating it with the sauce, it sort of got lost. I liked the sauce, but it definitely overpowered everything else on the plate.

And I did chant "Blood for the blood god" a few times for good measure.

---------- Post added at 05:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:37 PM ----------

And I will definitely be investigating cooking salmon in parchment in the future, as well as grilling on a plank.




I cook salmon on a cedar plank over hardwood charcoal every few weeks. It is absolutely incredible. Try a drizzle of maple syrup.
