I remember that, on a past Halforums, there was a thread started for a game called Make Movies Even More Awesome. The basic gist is that you give a basic description of a film, but replace the names of characters from that film with names of characters that have been played the same actors.
I'll start things off.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: George Michael falls in love with Lucy Gennaro-McClane, but in order to date her he must defeat all seven of her exes, who include the likes of Captain America, Superman, Katara and Max Fischer.
Inception: Where Romeo must break into Scarecrow's mind in order to plant an idea. His crew (which includes Juno, Cobra Commander, Dr. Max Patel, Bane, and the rebel samurai Katsumodo) uses various tricks such as disguising themselves as Theodore Roosevelt, but are constantly thwarted by Billie Frechette.
Every movie must star Mila Kunis, Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie or Salma Hayek...or more than 1 of any of these. If solo they must get completely naked. If starring with more than one they must not only get naked but kiss.
BAM! Every movie better.
Mutant Chronicles - Hellboy finds out that an ancient machine is going to turn the world's population into mutants, so he recruits The Punisher and Miho (from Sin City) which are financed by Humma Kavula (of HHGttG).