For whatever reason, I seem to be seeing a lot of very focused, personal attacks in some threads where posters have disagreed with each other. Now, it is only human nature to disagree, but I think that we are above name calling and rude insults. I understand that we have a lax set of rules here, but I don't feel that this is the type of behavior that we are trying to foster in our little community.
Maybe I'm wrong, and, if this is the case, I will just move on to some other forums, but I really have no desire to have some rabid Trekkie/Democrat/Republican/HFCS fanatic tell me I am an idiot or a fucking retard because I dare to have a differing opinion. That isn't the type of interaction that I am looking for here in the forum community that I call home.
Whatever opinions you may have, you are free to express them, but leave out the third grade name calling so that we can all enjoy the forums together, with minimal animosity.