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Manbaw - I needs me a woman!



Manbaw thread.

So I'm in Subway today, and there's this pretty person next to me who has the most gorgeous drop dead topaz blue eyes I've ever seen.. I mean these things could pierce a balloon a mile away, and her smile was the prettiest I've seen in a long time. I at least got enough nerve to ask her where she works (she was wearing a work shirt but I couldn't make it out at first)..but dammit - I was too chickenshit to go further and ask for her number!

I guess I have one more shot.. go to Red Robin and hope I get her table?
I am NOT good at meeting new people.. people I KNOW, I'm ok, but meeting someone out of the blue, especially someone I'm attracted to, I get tongue tied to the max, afraid I'm going to just blurt out "wangothemovieswithme!!" and run off like a little girl..




The Neon Grue said:
I'm ok, but meeting someone out of the blue, especially someone I'm attracted to, I get tongue tied to the max, afraid I'm going to just blurt out "wangothemovieswithme!!" and run off like a little girl..
I'd pay to watch that...



..... I can try recording it and I have a Paypal but I'd charge $100 minimum to view.. I mean come on, we're talking my personal embarassment here!




You'd be a YouTube star!

Maybe, it depends on how many cute kitten videos get uploaded.




I used to be a lot like that. Well still am usually. Just incapable of going that extra step and asking for a number. But the truth is once you actually try it, you find that it's not as hard as it looks.
I'm currently dating someone I took a chance with. I met her at a volunteer meeting at the local animal shelter. I saw her sitting, asked her if the seat next to her was taken, and then struck up a conversation with her. At the end I asked her if we could exchange numbers.
So far the payoff has been good.




The Neon Grue said:
I guess I have one more shot.. go to Red Robin and hope I get her table?
Man, that would be weird...



well instead of just ignoring me when we left, she seemed to make a point to wish me a good day..if she weren't interested, would she normally have done that?




The Neon Grue said:
well instead of just ignoring me when we left, she seemed to make a point to wish me a good day..if she weren't interested, would she normally have done that?
Doesn't matter.
Personally I think that showing up at that Red Robin, at least any time soon, would be creepy. Maybe you'll get lucky and see her on the Subway again.




The Neon Grue said:
..... I can try recording it and I have a Paypal but I'd charge $100 minimum to view.. I mean come on, we're talking my personal embarassment here!
You're overestimating your embarrassment's worth... you should go for quantity instead...

Personally I think that showing up at that Red Robin, at least any time soon, would be creepy. Maybe you'll get lucky and see her on the Subway again.
Question is, would you rather be creepy, or alone? (better plan, find out when they get off and "accidentally" bump into her when she's going home... preferably in the subway again... more stalkerish, but harder to notice :twisted: )





The experience will serve him well next time he stalks someone!




I vote just trying to overcome your being tongue tied (it does get easier with time, but the hardest step is always just approaching them), going to the Red Robin, asking if (I'm assuming you got her name) is there, and just being honest. Something to the tune of, "I don't want to be creepy, but I'm normally not good at talking to new people. I sort of regretted not saying something last time, but I thought you were really cute, and was wondering if you might want to go grab dinner sometime."

I also found that making a joke/just having a good sense of humor helps you get over the tongue-tied-ness. She laughs, you feel better about yourself, and you both are more relaxed.

Good luck to you, man.


Next time make sure that you have some business cards on you. Don't ask for her number - give her yours. You can play this one of two ways. You could either say, "Here's the number to my business. Call me if you want to go have coffee sometime." or, "Here's the number to my business. If you ever need help with your computer bring it over - I'll give you a deal."

Either way you show her that you are interested without being pushy and that you own your own business!! Instant attractive.

You're welcome.




I sell you my daughter for 500 rupels and a goat!




I was in the same situation a few weeks ago, only I was at Wendy’s.
My mind went blank and I couldn’t think of a thing to say to say.

Unfortunately I tend to have a running commentary running through my head questioning me on why this person would want me attempting to talk to them anyway.


Kovac said:
I was in the same situation a few weeks ago, only I was at Wendy’s.
My mind went blank and I couldn’t think of a thing to say to say.

Unfortunately I tend to have a running commentary running through my head questioning me on why this person would want me attempting to talk to them anyway.
Walk up to her, nod and say, "Wendy's - it's hot & juicy!" Wink and then walk away slowly, swishing your hips like a two-bit whore.

Gets 'em every time.



Next week you and a friend go to Red Robin. You have to have someone else there with you or it will be incredibly creepy. Hope that you do not get her table but look around to see if she is working. As you are leaving you approach her and give her a business card and say what Dave suggested. While it might come off as creepy your only chance is to make some sort of move. You have to put the ball in her court though so just give her a card, tell her to call if she wants to grab coffee, then leave.


Exactly. It's really the best way to show that you are interested but not pushy or creepy. Put her at ease. Plus it shows you own your own business! I can't stress that enough. It shows that you are stable, ambitious and gives the impression that you are wealthy. I know that you're not, but people have misconceptions about people who own their own business.




Get her name from where she works without her knowning. Then find her phone number in the white pages. Call her several times in the middle of the night and breathe heavily.




Next time, whip it out.


Shawnacy said:
Get her name from where she works without her knowing. Then find her phone number in the white pages.
This will give you an address. Dig up a grave - making sure the burial was as recent as possible. Cut off an ear. Send it to her in a package with a note that you got the idea from Van Gogh. Include a cassette tape with the song "Vincent (Starry Night)".




I like where this thread is going . . . . :drool:




Edrondol said:
Shawnacy said:
Get her name from where she works without her knowing. Then find her phone number in the white pages.
This will give you an address. Dig up a grave - making sure the burial was as recent as possible. Cut off an ear. Send it to her in a package with a note that you got the idea from Van Gogh. Include a cassette tape with the song "Vincent (Starry Night)".
Why stop there? Send the entire body. Expensive... but worth it.


Shawnacy said:
Edrondol said:
Shawnacy said:
Get her name from where she works without her knowing. Then find her phone number in the white pages.
This will give you an address. Dig up a grave - making sure the burial was as recent as possible. Cut off an ear. Send it to her in a package with a note that you got the idea from Van Gogh. Include a cassette tape with the song "Vincent (Starry Night)".
Why stop there? Send the entire body. Expensive... but worth it.
That's just creepy! Sending the ear and referencing Van Gogh shows that you are learned and committed at the same time. The fact that it's not YOUR ear shows that you are not a fucking moron.




Edrondol said:
Shawnacy said:
Edrondol said:
Shawnacy said:
Get her name from where she works without her knowing. Then find her phone number in the white pages.
This will give you an address. Dig up a grave - making sure the burial was as recent as possible. Cut off an ear. Send it to her in a package with a note that you got the idea from Van Gogh. Include a cassette tape with the song "Vincent (Starry Night)".
Why stop there? Send the entire body. Expensive... but worth it.
That's just creepy! Sending the ear and referencing Van Gogh shows that you are learned and committed at the same time. The fact that it's not YOUR ear shows that you are not a smurfing moron.
It shows you are quite possibly a mad scientist and have grand goals in life.




Shawnacy said:
Edrondol said:
Shawnacy said:
Get her name from where she works without her knowing. Then find her phone number in the white pages.
This will give you an address. Dig up a grave - making sure the burial was as recent as possible. Cut off an ear. Send it to her in a package with a note that you got the idea from Van Gogh. Include a cassette tape with the song "Vincent (Starry Night)".
Why stop there? Send the entire body. Expensive... but worth it.
You need to keep the body just in case she says no. Then you can dress it up and pretend it's her. Either way you win.





So unless you meet this girl by pure random happenstance, I don't think you'll have luck in asking her out. Showing up at the work place is a bit creepy, not to mention the sheer logistics of it (getting there at the right time, getting in the right section etc) but I think that's a lost shot.

Which is what should motivate you in the future. Realize that you might not see the next cute girl ever again unless you act upon it! And even if she rejects you, realize that at you might not see the next cute girl ever again. So it doesn't matter!

And, as a matter of pride I should mention that I was given a phone number from this cute girl at the Decemberists concert last Tuesday. But alas, I threw it away afterwards 'cause I'm already in a relationship, but I still got a girls number! I still got the charm! Whoo!




I had a similar situation a couple months back but am proud to say that despite the whole thing eventually not going my way, I actually DID something.








Gusto said:
I had a similar situation a couple months back but am proud to say that despite the whole thing eventually not going my way, I actually DID something.
Glad to see someone has taken my advice.



The Neon Grue said:
well instead of just ignoring me when we left, she seemed to make a point to wish me a good day..if she weren't interested, would she normally have done that?

Ah Christ...

No, she was just being nice because you were talking to her numbnuts. I meet a new person everyday in my building and shoot the shit with them in the elevator, if you talk to a person it's common courtesy to say "have a nice day". Saying goodbye doesn't mean she wants to go on a date and have babies with you.




Chazwozel said:
The Neon Grue said:
well instead of just ignoring me when we left, she seemed to make a point to wish me a good day..if she weren't interested, would she normally have done that?

Ah Christ...

No, she was just being nice because you were talking to her numbnuts. I meet a new person everyday in my building and shoot the shit with them in the elevator, if you talk to a person it's common courtesy to say "have a nice day". Saying goodbye doesn't mean she wants to go on a date and have babies with you.
Yeah I superagree with Chaz here.

I say "have a nice day", "have a good one", or something similar to every customer I've served for the past 7 years, regardless of age, gender, or attractiveness. I don't think any of them thought I was "interested".





Wasabi Poptart

Gusto said:
Chazwozel said:
The Neon Grue said:
well instead of just ignoring me when we left, she seemed to make a point to wish me a good day..if she weren't interested, would she normally have done that?

Ah Christ...

No, she was just being nice because you were talking to her numbnuts. I meet a new person everyday in my building and shoot the shit with them in the elevator, if you talk to a person it's common courtesy to say "have a nice day". Saying goodbye doesn't mean she wants to go on a date and have babies with you.
Yeah I superagree with Chaz here.

I say "have a nice day", "have a good one", or something similar to every customer I've served for the past 7 years, regardless of age, gender, or attractiveness. I don't think any of them thought I was "interested".

I was going to say if you work in the service industry in any capacity, then "have a nice day" and similar phrases become part of your everyday language even if you aren't at work. I still do it with a smile just like I was taught in my customer service seminars.




Yeah I'm certainly a more friendly polite person for having worked in service, but I doubt ANYONE ever mistakes it for flirting.

Usually a cigar is just a cigar in this case, Grueman.



ok ok ok I've got it, this will work, guaranteed

walk up to her in Red Robin, dont even bother getting a table in her section, look her dead in the eye and say

"That's not a Tricorder in my pocket, I'm just happy to see you."

boom, she's yours



Damn, Ed.. now I'm majorly kicking myself. I DO carry business cards with me at all times! but yeah, my mind pretty much went blank on me.

The subway is around the corner from my business, she was obviously on her lunch. If fate has any way in this perhaps I'll see her again, but I won't go to Red Robin..for at least a week! :D





Ask the women here what they would expect in the first impression, I'm sure they'll have a ton of insight. If you see this girl routinely - once or twice a week - and take a little time to talk to her, it will level your relationship from stranger to acquaintance.

Yes, I do happen to get my advice from dating sims. :tongue:

Now stop whining and get to it, bub. :slap:


Just watch out where you land on the ladder. BEWARE THE LADDER!



To add on a bit: Neon, you blew your chance. Let it go. If by some miracle of miracles you bump into this chick again, then you can try some pick up tactics, but for all intensive purposes it's done and over with and you should just use the experience to remember not to chicken out next time.


-- Fri May 29, 2009 10:06 am --

Mav said:
ok ok ok I've got it, this will work, guaranteed

walk up to her in Red Robin, dont even bother getting a table in her section, look her dead in the eye and say

"That's not a Tricorder in my pocket, I'm just happy to see you."

boom, she's yours


The only thing I really get frustrated about in these threads is how much some of you guys overthink this shit.




Chazwozel said:
To add on a bit: Neon, you blew your chance. Let it go. If by some miracle of miracles you bump into this chick again, then you can try some pick up tactics, but for all intensive purposes it's done and over with and you should just use the experience to remember not to chicken out next time.

Yeah, a million times this.

I work with a bunch of ladies who have had dudes coming in time after time, looking for them. It's creepy and terrifying and NOT endearing.

We actually have our own set of rules for it!

Listen, I'm a skinny dude, but in uniform and at work, I tend to look bigger and more intense. I have BEEN USED AS A BOUNCER AT OUR GODDAMN GROCERY STORE.

Don't be That Guy, Neon.






Chazwozel said:
The only thing I really get frustrated about in these threads is how much some of you guys overthink this shit.
Mine was good though, right? Do I still have what it takes to be the smooth talking Casanova?




So, he already blew his chance?

Then my advice is just a waste of time. :angry:



Edrondol said:
Chazwozel said:
The only thing I really get frustrated about in these threads is how much some of you guys overthink this poop.
Mine was good though, right? Do I still have what it takes to be the smooth talking Casanova?
Yeah but your advice wasn't over thinking anything. It was pretty much a really good way to give the girl info without sounding personal about it. It's these "go to Red Robin with a dozen flowers and woo her with a love ballet" stories that I could do without. :D

And you also acknowledged that he blew his chance. Anything now that goes out of your way to get her info just seems stalkerish and creepy.

That comic that was posted was great though, but it also works on reversed genders. I was at a bar with my buddy once and this mildly attractive girl sat next to us. Well I she joined up in one of our football conversations. Long story short, she thought I was flirting with her and got pissed off when she found out I had a wife. "Well, does your wife know you go around bars and try to pick up girls?" I was kinda flabbergasted. I didn't realize NOT buying you any drinks and talking Steelers football was 'flirting'. :rofl: Plus, it's not like I don't wear a wedding ring or something. People are weird.


I was talking about digging up the body and going all Van Gogh, but I'll take what I can get. :tongue:




Chazwozel said:
That comic that was posted was great though, but it also works on reversed genders. I was at a bar with my buddy once and this mildly attractive girl sat next to us. Well I she joined up in one of our football conversations. Long story short, she thought I was flirting with her and got pissed off when she found out I had a wife. "Well, does your wife know you go around bars and try to pick up girls?" I was kinda flabbergasted. I didn't realize NOT buying you any drinks and talking Steelers football was 'flirting'. :rofl: Plus, it's not like I don't wear a wedding ring or something. People are weird.

DOES your wife know?




Gusto said:
Chazwozel said:
That comic that was posted was great though, but it also works on reversed genders. I was at a bar with my buddy once and this mildly attractive girl sat next to us. Well I she joined up in one of our football conversations. Long story short, she thought I was flirting with her and got * off when she found out I had a wife. "Well, does your wife know you go around bars and try to pick up girls?" I was kinda flabbergasted. I didn't realize NOT buying you any drinks and talking Steelers football was 'flirting'. :rofl: Plus, it's not like I don't wear a wedding ring or something. People are weird.

DOES your wife know?

Yeah, I told her apparently I'm prime grade A, beef and she needs to chaperon me to the bar to fend off the hordes of women that flock before my feet. She got a pretty good laugh.




Chazwozel said:
Gusto said:
Chazwozel said:
That comic that was posted was great though, but it also works on reversed genders. I was at a bar with my buddy once and this mildly attractive girl sat next to us. Well I she joined up in one of our football conversations. Long story short, she thought I was flirting with her and got * off when she found out I had a wife. "Well, does your wife know you go around bars and try to pick up girls?" I was kinda flabbergasted. I didn't realize NOT buying you any drinks and talking Steelers football was 'flirting'. :rofl: Plus, it's not like I don't wear a wedding ring or something. People are weird.

DOES your wife know?

Yeah, I told her apparently I'm prime grade A, beef and she needs to chaperon me to the bar to fend off the hordes of women that flock before my feet. She got a pretty good laugh.
Good stuff. :rofl:



BlackCrossCrusader said:

Ask the women here what they would expect in the first impression, I'm sure they'll have a ton of insight.
Dude, seriously?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Whatever you do, do not even think about that.. You're going to get so many criss crossed answers...just no. Never ask our female population on the forums for womenly advice..


My wife would say, "Let her keep you for a few hours - she'll bring you back. It's whether I'll TAKE you that is the question."




Mav said:
BlackCrossCrusader said:

Ask the women here what they would expect in the first impression, I'm sure they'll have a ton of insight.
Dude, seriously?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Whatever you do, do not even think about that.. You're going to get so many criss crossed answers...just no. Never ask our female population on the forums for womenly advice..
As of this moment, you've just highlighted how little you know about women. :zoid:



BlackCrossCrusader said:
As of this moment, you've just highlighted how little you know about women. :zoid:
I could be Nostra-freakin-domus..

It'd turn out something along the lines of..

Shego said:
Find out her address, sit outside her house with a big cardboard sign that has a heart painted on it, IN YOUR OWN BLOOD
SeraRealm said:
Hmmm play it safe rather than sorry, go ahead and castrate yourself, less painful in the end
ZenMonkey said:
You'd be best to just get a few cats, they'll keep you company.
HowDroll said:
Whatever you do, don't post her picture on the forum
Cajangal said:
Vytamindi said:
Ask her to dress up as Daffne from Scooby Doo while you blow her..er she blows you

(these aren't actual quotes but what I'd call close to accurate as to what they'd say lol..)




BlackCrossCrusader said:
Mav said:
BlackCrossCrusader said:

Ask the women here what they would expect in the first impression, I'm sure they'll have a ton of insight.
Dude, seriously?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Whatever you do, do not even think about that.. You're going to get so many criss crossed answers...just no. Never ask our female population on the forums for womenly advice..
As of this moment, you've just highlighted how little you know about women. :zoid:
Did it really need to be highlighted?


Of course you'll get different answers! They are individual people. But I'd be willing to bet that every last one of them would think it's creepy to show up at the girl's work. :uhhuh:

edit: Oh, Mav. You really do know how to fan the flames don't you? Time to get NR to take off his pants and I'm gonna get me some :popcorn:



Eh I'm bored :tongue:


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Seriously, the women here that aren't murderous are rather friendly. Mostly they can be unfriendly if the dude is being a misogynist about women, if a dude turns a non-manbaw thread into a manbaw thread, or if there is just too much complaining.

Heck, if you ask for advice, it shows you're more committed to doing something about your problems than you are complaining about it.




See THIS is what I was waiting for.






Gusto said:
See THIS is what I was waiting for.


Free brewski's for all!





I get my advice from ladies the same way I get my funding: privately.



:popcorn: :falldown: :popcorn: :falldown: :popcorn: :falldown: :popcorn: :google:


:google: :wha:


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Gusto said:
I get my advice from ladies the same way I get my funding: privately.



Hmmmm... satisfy my schadenfreude or defend the forumettes... decisions decisions...

You should definitely take advice from Mav-anova over women in relationships! :) We don't know diddly about what attracts us to men.


Lally said:
Hmmmm... satisfy my schadenfreude or defend the forumettes... decisions decisions...

You should definitely take advice from Mav-anova over women in relationships! :) We don't know diddly about what attracts us to men.
I thought what attracted you to men WAS the diddly.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Edrondol said:
Lally said:
Hmmmm... satisfy my schadenfreude or defend the forumettes... decisions decisions...

You should definitely take advice from Mav-anova over women in relationships! :) We don't know diddly about what attracts us to men.
I thought what attracted you to men WAS the diddly.

Ned Flanders said:
Hi-diddly-ho, petal-to-the-metal-ophiles.



My plan: [strike:v9ss73al]Stalk her to the max..[/strike:v9ss73al] thankfully I've grown out of that., but it's good to know that going to her work is seen as creepy. I didn't know that.

My plan: cringe and cower and pray she returns to Subway today, :p :thumbsup: I'll eat there and wait a while instead of taking take-out.




The Neon Grue said:
I'll eat there and wait a while instead of taking take-out.
Which is not stalking at all. :eyeroll:



The Neon Grue said:
My plan: [strike:2lg31jil]Stalk her to the max..[/strike:2lg31jil] thankfully I've grown out of that., but it's good to know that going to her work is seen as creepy. I didn't know that.

My plan: cringe and cower and pray she returns to Subway today, :p :thumbsup: I'll eat there and wait a while instead of taking take-out.

FUCKING A!!! NO! LET IT FUCKING GO. "Oh I'm glad I finally 'bumped' into you, I've been eating lunch in the subway for the past month like a bum scouring the trains to see if you'd come off.

Dude, how do you even know if she has a boyfriend? Lesbian? Not looking for love? Doesn't find you attractive? You're really setting yourself up here and wasting your time. You had a shot and you blew it, MOVE ON! I don't want to be mean, but man your game sucks ass.



Chazwozel said:
The Neon Grue said:
My plan: [strike:uaae6od1]Stalk her to the max..[/strike:uaae6od1] thankfully I've grown out of that., but it's good to know that going to her work is seen as creepy. I didn't know that.

My plan: cringe and cower and pray she returns to Subway today, :p :thumbsup: I'll eat there and wait a while instead of taking take-out.

FUCKING A!!! NO! LET IT FUCKING GO. "Oh I'm glad I finally 'bumped' into you, I've been eating lunch in the subway for the past month like a bum scouring the trains to see if you'd come off.

Dude, how do you even know if she has a boyfriend? Lesbian? Not looking for love? Doesn't find you attractive? You're really setting yourself up here and wasting your time. You had a shot and you blew it, MOVE ON! I don't want to be mean, but man your game sucks ass.
There is some quality advice.. :eyeroll:




The worst case scenario is to be turned down. While for some they hate being rejected, once you get it a few times, it stings less and less. There's plenty of fish out there and you have no emotional attachment to this prospect. Now, you'll feel the sting of "What if?" and it only gets worse as times go on as you think about her. You really need to ball up and if she was interested enough to give you the time of day, you should ask her a few questions leading to what you initially asked. "Thank god it's Friday, huh? lol" "how's work been today?" be supportive, then ask "I don't know if you're available, but I really like talking to you and maybe... we could go out for a a coffee or drink?" at worse, she'll turn you down... "i got a bf" "i'm married" bla bla bla... one thing is for sure though, you would have made her day. if she accepts, then make sure to ask "can i kindly have your phone number?" don't just give her yours, some of them, DON'T CALL, cause some women are shy, just like you.

At this point, let it go for a few days. Next week, go to where she works with a friend. if you're lucky enough to bump into her, tell her, she made you think about eating here and you wanted to see her again, and wanted to ask her if she's available for coffee or a drink.

if she turns you down, move on, balls up SIR, you kinda blew it, stop hoping that things turn out like in those teen movies with happy endings.

80% chance is at this point, the only happy ending you'll have is rubbing one out while thinking about her.




The Neon Grue said:
My plan: Don't stalk her, but absolutely totally stalk her.
^This^ is what I just read.

C'mon man. DON'T BE THAT GUY!






Mav said:
Chazwozel said:
The Neon Grue said:
My plan: [strike:4i7g475e]Stalk her to the max..[/strike:4i7g475e] thankfully I've grown out of that., but it's good to know that going to her work is seen as creepy. I didn't know that.

My plan: cringe and cower and pray she returns to Subway today, :p :thumbsup: I'll eat there and wait a while instead of taking take-out.

FUCKING A!!! NO! LET IT FUCKING GO. "Oh I'm glad I finally 'bumped' into you, I've been eating lunch in the subway for the past month like a bum scouring the trains to see if you'd come off.

Dude, how do you even know if she has a boyfriend? Lesbian? Not looking for love? Doesn't find you attractive? You're really setting yourself up here and wasting your time. You had a shot and you blew it, MOVE ON! I don't want to be mean, but man your game sucks ass.
There is some quality advice.. :eyeroll:
There is a judgment springing from a wealth of experience. :eyeroll:



Jake said:
Mav said:
There is a judgment springing from a wealth of experience. :eyeroll:
Well I fail to see how he's lost his shot here. Should he have spoken up? Debatable. Is there anything wrong, creepy or weird in hoping he see's her again or whatnot? No, he's interested.

Now when he starts to build a candle light shrine of her pictures in his apartment..then we can break out the bum scouring wtf comments..



ZenMonkey said:




I don't think I have EVER laughed so hard at a thread (not at you Neon, just some of the hilarious posts in this). You guys win.




Mav said:
Jake said:
Mav said:
There is a judgment springing from a wealth of experience. :eyeroll:
Well I fail to see how he's lost his shot here. Should he have spoken up? Debatable. Is there anything wrong, creepy or weird in hoping he see's her again or whatnot? No, he's interested.

Now when he starts to build a candle light shrine of her pictures in his apartment..then we can break out the bum scouring wtf comments..
Speaking from experience, if you ask a girl on the subway where she works and then show up to her place of business to make googly eyes and maybe ask her out, she will be creeped out, like 98% of the time.




Mav said:
Jake said:
Mav said:
There is a judgment springing from a wealth of experience. :eyeroll:
Well I fail
Let me stop you right there.




*sees the title and pops in... then sees where this thread is going*

... I'm totally staying the fuck out of this one.





AshburnerX said:
... I'm totally staying the fuck out of this one.
Well that almost worked. ;)



Jake said:
Mav said:
Jake said:
Mav said:
There is a judgment springing from a wealth of experience. :eyeroll:
Well I fail
Let me stop you right there.
Ok I loled, I concede good sir.



Mav said:
Jake said:
Mav said:
There is a judgment springing from a wealth of experience. :eyeroll:
Well I fail to see how he's lost his shot here. Should he have spoken up? Debatable. Is there anything wrong, creepy or weird in hoping he see's her again or whatnot? No, he's interested.

Now when he starts to build a candle light shrine of her pictures in his apartment..then we can break out the bum scouring wtf comments..
Ok, Mav, I'll type this out as clear as I can because you're an obvious social retard.

If he goes to her place of work, or hangs out in the subway to meet her it will tell her one thing and one thing only: this guy got my information without me giving it to him. It's an invasion of privacy. Believe it or not, women are not objects to pursue like wanting to buy a Corvette. They get pissed off if a total stranger invites himself into their personal space and shows a totally creepy sign of pursuit.

Hanging out in a goddamn subway and going out of your way to "bump" into her is borderline stalking. You get one and only one shot to make an impression with a total stranger, and he blew it. It's not a big deal. Live and learn for next time; get a girl's number. And it's very doubtful that she'd give him her number after an exchange of a few sentences about her work shirt on a train. Ed's idea about giving her his card --for business purposes --was the best approach he could of taken to see and get to know her better.


Mav said:
ZenMonkey said:
You'd be best to just get a few cats, they'll keep you company.
No no, sweetie, my cats are a substitution for children, not a relationship. Try to keep up.

I'm this thing they call "married." What's your qualification again? Oh right, not ever wanting to be involved with women ever ever ever.

By all means accept advice from this man.



Wow, someone can't take a joke..

Notice I never gave him actual serious advice? A joke, yea. Nothing even remotely what I'd call "serious" advice.

And I'll refrain from a rebuttal.. your mod shield is at full strength.






Mav said:
Wow, someone can't take a joke..

Notice I never gave him actual serious advice? A joke, yea. Nothing even remotely what I'd call "serious" advice.

And I'll refrain from a rebuttal.. your mod shield is at full strength.
While you didn't give him any direct advice, you DID condone his creepystalker course-of-action.


Mav said:
Wow, someone can't take a joke..
What you said about me was pretty mild since you're scared of my "mod shield" (which makes sense since I do go on those mass permabanning sprees).

But if you think that post about what the women on this forum would say doesn't solidify your reputation as a misogynistic slime -- as if it needed any more validation -- then you are sadly mistaken.



Gusto said:
Mav said:
Wow, someone can't take a joke..

Notice I never gave him actual serious advice? A joke, yea. Nothing even remotely what I'd call "serious" advice.

And I'll refrain from a rebuttal.. your mod shield is at full strength.
While you didn't give him any direct advice, you DID condone his creepystalker course-of-action.
Yea but to be fair I don't consider what he's planning to do as stalkerish..

I mean if he starts keeping a lock of her hair he somehow ninja cut off of her in his wallet and sniffs it as he falls asleep each night or some twisted shit like that.. Totally agree. Seeking her out one time after seeing her that one day for a brief period?.. Nah not so much.




Mav said:
Gusto said:
Mav said:
Wow, someone can't take a joke..

Notice I never gave him actual serious advice? A joke, yea. Nothing even remotely what I'd call "serious" advice.

And I'll refrain from a rebuttal.. your mod shield is at full strength.
While you didn't give him any direct advice, you DID condone his creepystalker course-of-action.
Yea but to be fair I don't consider what he's planning to do as stalkerish..

I mean if he starts keeping a lock of her hair he somehow ninja cut off of her in his wallet and sniffs it as he falls asleep each night or some twisted shit like that.. Totally agree. Seeking her out one time after seeing her that one day for a brief period?.. Nah not so much.
See, and I consider stalking to be stalkerish, seeing as he knows nothing about this girl.

Whereas I would describe what you've detailed as voodoo witchcraft.

Agree to disagree, I guess. :thumbsup:



ZenMonkey said:
Mav said:
Wow, someone can't take a joke..
What you said about me was pretty mild since you're scared of my "mod shield" (which makes sense since I do go on those mass permabanning sprees).

But if you think that post about what the women on this forum would say doesn't solidify your reputation as a misogynistic slime -- as if it needed any more validation -- then you are sadly mistaken.

There needs to be a new forum rule.. mods can't just outright insult regular posters, I mean if we reply in retaliation we'd just be banned.. cause yea I can easily think of a million not so nice things to say about you.. But no, I try to keep it civil, even when I make a joke..




Mav said:
mods can't just outright insult regular posters, I mean if we reply in retaliation we'd just be banned
Find me a single example where this happened.




Mav said:
your mod shield is at full strength.

Yeah, dont you love that?

Anywhoo, the best answer to this is simply:

-- Fri May 29, 2009 12:42 pm --

ZenMonkey said:
Mav said:
mods can't just outright insult regular posters, I mean if we reply in retaliation we'd just be banned
Find me a single example where this happened.

/wave :D



ok I think you're misunderstanding a few things, Chazwozel..

1: Subway..the RESTAURANT..not a subway STATION. I live in podunkville-wannabe-big-city-but-small-city Oregon, not NY City.

2: SHE gave me the info for where she works

3: I have no real intentions of stalking her

4: I thought I would give chance encounters another try.. FFS my shop is 300 feet from getting a sandwich, I can almost see it out my window.

5: I *NEVER* play the field. That means I NEVER ask women out everyday, which though you make it sound like you do it all the time, I DO NOT. It is a NEW experience for me.
That doesn't mean I'm going to go all "stalker Dave" (name pulled out of thin air) on her, I just want to see if lightning can strike in the same place twice.. If not, I'll let it go and move on.




Wow, gorram.

Guys... women are PEOPLE.. alright? Human beings.. they're not the love interest in a movie that exist purely as a romantic foil for you... they have to be as interested in you as you are in them. The camera did not make a close up of her face a sshe said "have a nice day", the music swelling up to point out there was a connection.


What I find more disturbing about this is how much some of you guys are piling up onto this just cause she was pretty. That's not enough.. you should NOT pursue a girl to go-to-her-workplace means just cause she's pretty. Again, there's a complex human being beneath that attractive exterior you rave on so much about, there's much more to her than that... you thinking she's pretty won't flatter her enough to go out on a date with you, there has to be more of a connection than that if it's already been days since you met her.

Seriously, take a step back. You're acting as if you thought she was PERFECT for you, in all ways possible.. jsut cause she has pretty eyes and a great smile. You're considering doing shenanigans like in a chick flick movie with hugh grant or something over a girl that could, for all you know, eat babies for dessert.

Stop.. just STOP. And let it be a lesson learned towards next time you meet a girl you are really really attracted to... have the "If I don't say something now it'll be a shot missed, just like with the red robin girl" on your mind.. take a deep breath.. and just talk to her like you would talk to a friend of yours you haven't seen in years. Friendly, but not too close. Get to know her a little before deciding she's dating material, and let HER see you're dating material.


Zen is not a mod. She's an Admin. She makes even the mods quiver in fear.

What people need to understand is Edrondol = Zen in board power rating.

But the other mods have the passwords, too...


Shannow said:
Good memory you have there. Please find the post where you insulted me and that's what led to your banning.



ZenMonkey said:
Mav said:
mods can't just outright insult regular posters, I mean if we reply in retaliation we'd just be banned
Find me a single example where this happened.
Oh I never said it has happened, I meant it would happen.

You can sit back and flame with impunity, perks of the job I guess. The rest of us have to tip toe around egg shells with what we say against a mod, potentially.

Cause yea.. Whereas I try to be civil, you just throw that shit out the door, I mean seriously what did you have for breakfast, Carnation Instant Bitch?




I have an obsessive personality, so I completely understand the constant thought and wanting to see her again, and all these other various ideas.

And I'll go ahead and say that trying to force it usually does creep them out. I've never turned a girl away faster than by trying too hard.

But then again, I can't give any advice that works because I got my girlfriend the easy way--- friends for a few years then "Oh look we care about each other." :p


Shannow said:
ZenMonkey said:
Find me a single example where this happened.

/wave :D
Wasn't that a Juski? I'm just saying.

The only people who have been banned by Zen are spammers and those bastards deserved it.




Edrondol said:
Zen is not a mod. She's an Admin. She makes even the mods quiver in fear.

What people need to understand is Edrondol = Zen in board power rating.

But the other mods have the passwords, too...
It shouldn't matter, is the thing.

If Mav has something to say, he should say it. Zen isn't fast and loose with the banhammer, and certainly isn't thin-skinned.




Calleja said:
Wow, gorram.

Guys... women are PEOPLE.. alright? Human beings.. they're not the love interest in a movie that exist purely as a romantic foil for you... they have to be as interested in you as you are in them. The camera did not make a close up of her face a sshe said "have a nice day", the music swelling up to point out there was a connection.


What I find more disturbing about this is how much some of you guys are piling up onto this just cause she was pretty. That's not enough.. you should NOT pursue a girl to go-to-her-workplace means just cause she's pretty. Again, there's a complex human being beneath that attractive exterior you rave on so much about, there's much more to her than that... you thinking she's pretty won't flatter her enough to go out on a date with you, there has to be more of a connection than that if it's already been days since you met her.

Seriously, take a step back. You're acting as if you thought she was PERFECT for you, in all ways possible.. jsut cause she has pretty eyes and a great smile. You're considering doing shenanigans like in a chick flick movie with hugh grant or something over a girl that could, for all you know, eat babies for dessert.

Stop.. just STOP. And let it be a lesson learned towards next time you meet a girl you are really really attracted to... have the "If I don't say something now it'll be a shot missed, just like with the red robin girl" on your mind.. take a deep breath.. and just talk to her like you would talk to a friend of yours you haven't seen in years. Friendly, but not too close. Get to know her a little before deciding she's dating material, and let HER see you're dating material.
Wow, gorram.

Guys... women are PEOPLE.. alright? Human beings.. they're not the love interest in a movie that exist purely as a romantic foil for you... they have to be as interested in you as you are in them. The camera did not make a close up of her face a sshe said "have a nice day", the music swelling up to point out there was a connection.


What I find more disturbing about this is how much some of you guys are piling up onto this just cause she was pretty. That's not enough.. you should NOT pursue a girl to go-to-her-workplace means just cause she's pretty. Again, there's a complex human being beneath that attractive exterior you rave on so much about, there's much more to her than that... you thinking she's pretty won't flatter her enough to go out on a date with you, there has to be more of a connection than that if it's already been days since you met her.

Seriously, take a step back. You're acting as if you thought she was PERFECT for you, in all ways possible.. jsut cause she has pretty eyes and a great smile. You're considering doing shenanigans like in a chick flick movie with hugh grant or something over a girl that could, for all you know, eat babies for dessert.

Stop.. just STOP. And let it be a lesson learned towards next time you meet a girl you are really really attracted to... have the "If I don't say something now it'll be a shot missed, just like with the red robin girl" on your mind.. take a deep breath.. and just talk to her like you would talk to a friend of yours you haven't seen in years. Friendly, but not too close. Get to know her a little before deciding she's dating material, and let HER see you're dating material.

He is completely right. THEN you can take her home and get yourself some herpes.


Mav said:
Cause yea.. Whereas I try to be civil, you just throw that shit out the door
If you think calling a woman a castrator is civil, it's no wonder you're the least successful person on this forum in the realm of dating.

Mav said:
I mean seriously what did you have for breakfast, Carnation Instant Bitch?
Nope, I ran out. This is all natural, baby.



Can you guys PLEASE stop the fucking derailing and get back to the topic at point?




Edrondol said:
Shannow said:
ZenMonkey said:
Find me a single example where this happened.

/wave :D
Wasn't that a Juski? I'm just saying.

The only people who have been banned by Zen are spammers and those bastards deserved it.

Good point. I get thwem all mixed up sometimes. The joke still stands though. :tongue:

And Zen, lighten up.

-- Fri May 29, 2009 12:52 pm --

The Neon Grue said:
Can you guys PLEASE stop the smurfing derailing and get back to the topic at point?

Oh, the irony.

-- Fri May 29, 2009 12:53 pm --

ZenMonkey said:
Mav said:
I mean seriously what did you have for breakfast, Carnation Instant *?
Nope, I ran out. This is all natural, baby.
Sorry about the lighten up comment. That right there is gold! :rofl:


The Neon Grue said:
Can you guys PLEASE stop the fucking derailing and get back to the topic at point?
I thought the topic at point was fucking.




ZenMonkey said:
Mav said:
Mav said:
I mean seriously what did you have for breakfast, Carnation Instant Bitch?
Nope, I ran out. This is all natural, baby.
That's for damn sure.




Mav raining down on Zen for not being able to take a joke has seriously broken my ironymeter to almost beyond repair.

I'll be sending my bill!!




Hmm, that acheivement thread should be stickied for ease of forum use.

I love this thread.


Shannow said:
Sorry about the lighten up comment. That right there is gold! :rofl:
I was gonna say, this is the most fun I've had on the forum in a while. :D



Meanwhile, at FML...




In all fairness, it is his thread.. >.>

Also, I'm not afraid of mods.

See-- watch:

[strike:1006jeid]Fuck[/strike:1006jeid]Screw you, Zen!

*scampers off*







I simultaneously love and hate this thread. It's giving me a headache. :)



Shannow said:
Calleja said:
Wow, gorram.

Guys... women are PEOPLE.. alright? Human beings.. they're not the love interest in a movie that exist purely as a romantic foil for you... they have to be as interested in you as you are in them. The camera did not make a close up of her face a sshe said "have a nice day", the music swelling up to point out there was a connection.


What I find more disturbing about this is how much some of you guys are piling up onto this just cause she was pretty. That's not enough.. you should NOT pursue a girl to go-to-her-workplace means just cause she's pretty. Again, there's a complex human being beneath that attractive exterior you rave on so much about, there's much more to her than that... you thinking she's pretty won't flatter her enough to go out on a date with you, there has to be more of a connection than that if it's already been days since you met her.

Seriously, take a step back. You're acting as if you thought she was PERFECT for you, in all ways possible.. jsut cause she has pretty eyes and a great smile. You're considering doing shenanigans like in a chick flick movie with hugh grant or something over a girl that could, for all you know, eat babies for dessert.

Stop.. just STOP. And let it be a lesson learned towards next time you meet a girl you are really really attracted to... have the "If I don't say something now it'll be a shot missed, just like with the red robin girl" on your mind.. take a deep breath.. and just talk to her like you would talk to a friend of yours you haven't seen in years. Friendly, but not too close. Get to know her a little before deciding she's dating material, and let HER see you're dating material.
Wow, gorram.

Guys... women are PEOPLE.. alright? Human beings.. they're not the love interest in a movie that exist purely as a romantic foil for you... they have to be as interested in you as you are in them. The camera did not make a close up of her face a sshe said "have a nice day", the music swelling up to point out there was a connection.


What I find more disturbing about this is how much some of you guys are piling up onto this just cause she was pretty. That's not enough.. you should NOT pursue a girl to go-to-her-workplace means just cause she's pretty. Again, there's a complex human being beneath that attractive exterior you rave on so much about, there's much more to her than that... you thinking she's pretty won't flatter her enough to go out on a date with you, there has to be more of a connection than that if it's already been days since you met her.

Seriously, take a step back. You're acting as if you thought she was PERFECT for you, in all ways possible.. jsut cause she has pretty eyes and a great smile. You're considering doing shenanigans like in a chick flick movie with hugh grant or something over a girl that could, for all you know, eat babies for dessert.

Stop.. just STOP. And let it be a lesson learned towards next time you meet a girl you are really really attracted to... have the "If I don't say something now it'll be a shot missed, just like with the red robin girl" on your mind.. take a deep breath.. and just talk to her like you would talk to a friend of yours you haven't seen in years. Friendly, but not too close. Get to know her a little before deciding she's dating material, and let HER see you're dating material.

He is completely right. THEN you can take her home and get yourself some herpes.
I have no intention of meeting her simply for a quick "score".. I'm not Shallow Hal, thank you!
I wanted to meet her because I thought she was very pretty, and I would like to get to know her better..develop a friendship first and see where it goes.





Wasabi Poptart

Edrondol said:
Of course you'll get different answers! They are individual people. But I'd be willing to bet that every last one of them would think it's creepy to show up at the girl's work. :uhhuh:
Yes it is. It is also creepy to eat at Subway in the hopes she shows up again. Fucking move on. You blew your chance.




[Insert Obligatory Comment About Mav's Rape "Joke"]

Also: Neon, don't be a creep.



ZenMonkey said:
Mav said:
mods can't just outright insult regular posters, I mean if we reply in retaliation we'd just be banned
Find me a single example where this happened.

Seriously Mav, I don't think Zen's ever banned someone for sticking it to a mod. I should know.




The Neon Grue said:
I have no intention of meeting her simply for a quick "score".. I'm not Shallow Hal, thank you!
I wanted to meet her because I thought she was very pretty, and I would like to get to know her better..develop a friendship first and see where it goes.
Hey, where in my post does it say it's just to get a "quick score"? I've been in more than one serious, long-term, committed relationship dude... that right now I'm single and enjoy meeting girls is a whole 'nother ball park.. if you had asked how to get in her pants my advice would have been COMPLETELY different.

But your comment right there confirms what I was saying. How can you be interested in someone to the "wait for her at subway" level just cause she's pretty? What you're describing is what someone that has already had a cup of coffee with her would.. maybe, if he was bored.. do.



Chazwozel said:
ZenMonkey said:
Mav said:
mods can't just outright insult regular posters, I mean if we reply in retaliation we'd just be banned
Find me a single example where this happened.

Seriously Mav, I don't think Zen's ever banned someone for sticking it to a mod. I should know.
I know she hasn't. That ain't the point, point was she probably would if certain people, myself obviously included, didn't keep our mouths in check. Oh the sweet blissful joy it'd be to just let loose.. but no I'm better than that, sadly.



Mav said:
ZenMonkey said:
Mav said:
mods can't just outright insult regular posters, I mean if we reply in retaliation we'd just be banned
Find me a single example where this happened.
Oh I never said it has happened, I meant it would happen.

You can sit back and flame with impunity, perks of the job I guess. The rest of us have to tip toe around egg shells with what we say against a mod, potentially.

Cause yea.. Whereas I try to be civil, you just throw that poop out the door, I mean seriously what did you have for breakfast, Carnation Instant *?
No we don't. I've never, ever tip toed around telling the mods what I think in a topic.


-- Fri May 29, 2009 1:06 pm --

Mav said:
Chazwozel said:
ZenMonkey said:
Mav said:
mods can't just outright insult regular posters, I mean if we reply in retaliation we'd just be banned
Find me a single example where this happened.

Seriously Mav, I don't think Zen's ever banned someone for sticking it to a mod. I should know.
I know she hasn't. That ain't the point, point was she probably would if certain people, myself obviously included, didn't keep our mouths in check. Oh the sweet blissful joy it'd be to just let loose.. but no I'm better than that, sadly.




I heard Ed likes Old Country Buffet and other old people things. You know, because he's old.

Fuck you, Ed. Ya old man.

And yet I feel safe.




This thread was on topic for nearly three pages of people telling you to let it go, but you keep ignoring it in favor of being a sad puppy-eyed loner in a Subway waiting for his one and only that you only know from a first glance and a hello. You're reading too much into this, you didn't drop your card when you had the chance, you're going to be a creep if you sit around waiting. If you run into her again by happenstance, give it another shot, but don't wait around for her. Ever.


Wasabi Poptart

Calleja said:
But your comment right there confirms what I was saying. How can you be interested in someone to the "wait for her at subway" level just cause she's pretty? What you're describing is what someone [strike:3lv1dcek]that has already had a cup of coffee with her would.. maybe, if he was bored.. do.[/strike:3lv1dcek] who is pathetic and desperate would do.




Chazwozel said:
No we don't. I've never, ever tip toed around telling the mods what I think in a topic.

Lord knows I haven't.


Chazwozel said:
Like I haven't heard that from you before. :tongue:



pathetic? admittedly yes. Desperate? also yes. I'm 36, don't want to be alone anymore, specifically hitting 37 and being alone.

I will freely admit my faults if it can help me to overcome them and be a better person.



If I learn anything from these threads it's that the social retardedness of some people astounds me.

-- Fri May 29, 2009 1:12 pm --

ZenMonkey said:
Chazwozel said:
Like I haven't heard that from you before. :tongue:
If you and I weren't both married, I'd probably try to be that horse.

How's that for internet creepy! :rofl:




ZenMonkey said:
Chazwozel said:
Like I haven't heard that from you before. :tongue:
What did the horse do to you, Chaz?

Point to the place, on this Chaz doll, where the horse touched you.




The Neon Grue said:
pathetic? admittedly yes. Desperate? also yes. I'm 36, don't want to be alone anymore, specifically hitting 37 and being alone.

I will freely admit my faults if it can help me to overcome them and be a better person.
Being the creep that waits at Subway isn't going to help.

It's not romantic. It's not like the movies.

It's creepy.



The Neon Grue said:
pathetic? admittedly yes. Desperate? also yes. I'm 36, don't want to be alone anymore, specifically hitting 37 and being alone.

I will freely admit my faults if it can help me to overcome them and be a better person.

There is a difference between accepting your faults and *confronting* your faults.




Sorry for your situation Neon, but this is not the answer.



Shannow said:
Chazwozel said:
No we don't. I've never, ever tip toed around telling the mods what I think in a topic.

Lord knows I haven't.
Yea and you've been banned before right? Why, I dunno..

And guys, yea you joke around with your whole comments against a mod thing but trust me, I wouldn't be nearly as polite. Think, 4chan meets SomethingAwful meets YTMND.. I could make some real personal insults..about subjects that shouldn't be broached, lines that shouldn't be crossed kind of thing. It's an all or nothing thing for me, and seeing as how I love the forum...yea I'm not risking it. *shrug* I mean, we all remember the joking-flame thread we made at Image and how well that turned out for me.. What I'd say is along those lines. Trust me, Zen knows what I mean..




I would not be afraid to "let loose" on ANY of the mods, for fear of unjust reprisal.

Maybe afraid of North_Ranger taking his pants off, though.

WildSoul said:
Well.. it depends. If I've already been on a date with a girl and there was a great connection, and I knew she was free, I would maybe arrange something of the "oh, hey, fancy meeting you here at your place of work! What a random aleatory happenstance! (pointed grin) Remember you said you really wanted to see that movie? I have an extra ticket, interested?" kind of thing. But I'm one of those weirdos that makes girls giggle with extreme goofiness, I certainly wouldn't advice anyone else to do anything of the sort.

But, again.. after a GREAT connection.. those aren't that common after one date. Let alone just cause I think she's cute.

But yeah, waiting around for her in a sandwich place, meat smell hanging everywhere, people eating, you just staring at that door, waiting for her to come in.... heebie jeebies.




Mav said:
Shannow said:
Chazwozel said:
No we don't. I've never, ever tip toed around telling the mods what I think in a topic.

Lord knows I haven't.
Yea and you've been banned before right? Why, I dunno..

And guys, yea you joke around with your whole comments against a mod thing but trust me, I wouldn't be nearly as polite. Think, 4chan meets SomethingAwful meets YTMND.. I could make some real personal insults..about subjects that shouldn't be broached, lines that shouldn't be crossed kind of thing. It's an all or nothing thing for me, and seeing as how I love the forum...yea I'm not risking it. *shrug* I mean, we all remember the joking-flame thread we made at Image and how well that turned out for me.. What I'd say is along those lines. Trust me, Zen knows what I mean..
Mav = Pandora's Box?




What you think you look like coming to her place of work or waiting in the subway:

The reality of what she sees:


Mav said:
And guys, yea you joke around with your whole comments against a mod thing but trust me, I wouldn't be nearly as polite. Think, 4chan meets SomethingAwful meets YTMND.. I could make some real personal insults..about subjects that shouldn't be broached, lines that shouldn't be crossed kind of thing. It's an all or nothing thing for me, and seeing as how I love the forum...yea I'm not risking it. *shrug* I mean, we all remember the joking-flame thread we made at Image and how well that turned out for me.. What I'd say is along those lines. Trust me, Zen knows what I mean..
Your case for "I'm just a really nice misunderstood guy" is holding up well.



ZenMonkey said:
Mav said:
And guys, yea you joke around with your whole comments against a mod thing but trust me, I wouldn't be nearly as polite. Think, 4chan meets SomethingAwful meets YTMND.. I could make some real personal insults..about subjects that shouldn't be broached, lines that shouldn't be crossed kind of thing. It's an all or nothing thing for me, and seeing as how I love the forum...yea I'm not risking it. *shrug* I mean, we all remember the joking-flame thread we made at Image and how well that turned out for me.. What I'd say is along those lines. Trust me, Zen knows what I mean..
Your case for "I'm just a really nice misunderstood guy" is holding up well.
Never claimed to be. I honestly don't give a rats ass what your opinion is of myself, I could care less. Still, doesn't make me wrong in this matter.



ZenMonkey said:
Mav said:
And guys, yea you joke around with your whole comments against a mod thing but trust me, I wouldn't be nearly as polite. Think, 4chan meets SomethingAwful meets YTMND.. I could make some real personal insults..about subjects that shouldn't be broached, lines that shouldn't be crossed kind of thing. It's an all or nothing thing for me, and seeing as how I love the forum...yea I'm not risking it. *shrug* I mean, we all remember the joking-flame thread we made at Image and how well that turned out for me.. What I'd say is along those lines. Trust me, Zen knows what I mean..
Your case for "I'm just a really nice misunderstood guy" is holding up well.
As well for the evidence piling up that the "really nice misunderstood guy" is an even bigger asshole than the "asshole who doesn't treat her with the respect she deserves."







The Neon Grue said:
I have no intention of meeting her simply for a quick "score".. I'm not Shallow Hal, thank you!
I wanted to meet her because I thought she was very pretty, and I would like to get to know her better..develop a friendship first and see where it goes.
Then go with a friend to Red Robin if she's working there talk to her say that you met her at subway and that you wanted to ask her out but couldn't work up the courage and ask her if she wants to meet up for coffee or something. If she isn't there or she says no then drop it and chalk it up to experience because if you keep on pursuing it you will start looking like a creep.




Mav.. if you let out on personal insults like you describe you should be worried about letting loose on ANYONE, not just mods.



Calleja said:
Mav.. if you let out on personal insults like you describe you should be worried about letting loose on ANYONE, not just mods.
True dat. Look at JCM. His commentary is pretty much shrugged off at this point unless you're new to the forum. Come on, who takes JCM seriously. CAAAAAAMMMMEEE OONNNNNNN!!!!




Mav said:
Shannow said:
Chazwozel said:
No we don't. I've never, ever tip toed around telling the mods what I think in a topic.

Lord knows I haven't.
Yea and you've been banned before right? Why, I dunno..

And guys, yea you joke around with your whole comments against a mod thing but trust me, I wouldn't be nearly as polite. Think, 4chan meets SomethingAwful meets YTMND.. I could make some real personal insults..about subjects that shouldn't be broached, lines that shouldn't be crossed kind of thing. It's an all or nothing thing for me, and seeing as how I love the forum...yea I'm not risking it. *shrug* I mean, we all remember the joking-flame thread we made at Image and how well that turned out for me.. What I'd say is along those lines. Trust me, Zen knows what I mean..
Well fuckin' do it man. Stop being a pussy and say what you gotta say. Make another thread and just let your goddamn heart out.

If anything pisses me off, it's a little bitch bitchin' about how he's too afraid to say anything. The mods and admin here are mods and admin for a reason. They were hand-picked by Dave, who is proably the most upstanding guy I know. The only mod I'm even iffy about is Juski (see? Just say whatever dawg.) but that's just because we have differing views on like, everything.

Even so, you will not be banned for speaking your mind. At most, a thread will be locked for public instigation.

If I'm wrong, whatever. But if you have something to say, fucking say it.




FUCK YOU CHAZ! You.. sweat! and you do sports!! BLAAHRGG!!

(please don't ban me mods! pleaaase? I'm a nice guy, I swear!)




doomdragon6 said:
If anything pisses me off, it's a little bitch bitchin' about how he's too afraid to say anything. The mods and admin here are mods and admin for a reason. They were hand-picked by Dave, who is proably the most upstanding guy I know. The only mod I'm even iffy about is Juski (see? Just say whatever dawg.) but that's just because we have differing views on like, everything.
What's bugging me is he's talkin' up is insultin' ability WHILE HIDING BEHIND HIS BANHAMMER FEAR.

I think Mav's bark is worse than his... bark.

Huh. :confused:



Calleja said:
Mav.. if you let out on personal insults like you describe you should be worried about letting loose on ANYONE, not just mods.

Seeing the double standard now? Certainly nameless mods, get impunity to say whatever their hearts desire.

We don't. Well we can but there are probably ban related consequences.

*shrug* Oh well, I just consider it an automatic win, if people need to use powers and privileges they've been given to settle an argument then yea.. oh well.


Chazwozel said:



Mav said:
Never claimed to be.

Well, anyway, I'm a-gonna lock this puppy at the request of its creator, but damn I've had some fun this morning, thanks guys.




We have a rant thread just in case you all don't know.
Go play in it.
