A school in England is teaching small school aged children what it means to run a farm. And they learned their lesson well. A sheep that was hand raised by the class was voted to go to the slaughter house.
Good for them for supporting the students on this one. Ignoring the parents and other celebs? Good on them.
It's called farming. It's part of the Great CIIIIIIIIRCLE OF LIIIIIIIIIFE!
Fun Size
People are so goddamned dumb sometimes. "But we can't have little Sally knowing where the meat actually comes from." It's good for the school to teach the kids things like this. The celebs and whatnot need a hot steaming cup of STFU.
The kids voted 13-1, which means THEY chose to have it slaughtered. And the money went to getting more animals and such, thus keeping them fed on natural, healthy food. And it teaches them some valuable lessons about where the their food comes from.
Yeah, I gotta say, as much as I'm for the environment and mistreatment of animals (I would rather support natural animals farms, not industrialized), this is an overreaction from others.
Wow, good for those kids and poo on anyone crying about this. It was a farm, not a freaking petting zoo.
Off the watch the Fun with Veal Southpark!
Bravo for the school and the kids.
A big flippin' bird to everybody else. Buncha tight-ass wankers...
The article didn't say what happened to the meat, I hope the kids each got a share.
Mary had a little lamb, my dog has fleas. Mairzy doats and dozy doats and I'll be home for Christmas. ...Your loving son, Queen Victoria.
Its encouraging to see that fewer than 700 people joined the Facebook group to save the sheep. Those that did are little scary. Comments range from 'Some one must have an address' in relation to the head teacher. To the whole council should be slaughtered instead! 0_o
I live in the country and do a lot of farm and farm show visits. For me its important that my kids to know about animal husbandry and welfare and where their food comes from. Happy animals sure taste good.
Growing up on a farm, my sister and I showed sheep in high school. I chose breeding lambs because I get really attached to animals. She chose two castrated male market lambs.
It kinda stinks when you get a little attached to the animals destined for slaughter, but it was a great exercise for us because we both learned that processing the animal was cheaper in the long run due to less wasted resources... you know, to feed my lambs.
But I do have to say, a lamb that is raised in your backyard does taste a lot better than any lamb I have ever been served in a restaurant!