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Mash-up ideas




Got any?

I was thinking Joker vs. Michael Myers. They're complete opposite ends of the fictional serial killer spectrum. It would be an awesome "fight". It would take place in one of the Joker's dilapidated funhouses or amusement parks. Michael Myers would win in the end--he's superhumanly strong and unrelenting. He's unresponsive to any of Joker's psychological weapons. But Joker would get the last laugh in a way that would actually bother Myers, if anything would. A shot of good ol' fashioned Joker Gas as Joker goes down, butcher knife in the chest. Myers has to break his precious silence, his mask, and his emotionlessness as the Gas kicks in...


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In the spirit of Freddy vs Jason, I give you: Michael Meyers vs Jason

It'll be the quietest horror movie ever.

One of my friends and I once sat around wondering what would happen if you had Jedi vs Decepticons or Sith vs Autobots. He thought that the Transformers would win that battle just due to sheer size and firepower, but I argued that with the force and lightsabers, the Jedi/Sith would win.




Jedi would definitely win... we've seen them take on TANKS and shit without breaking a sweat.


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Exactly my point. Size matters not. :D




Hmm... I think it could be argued that Transformers can take on tanks pretty easily too.
(Jedi would still win because they are by far cooler. That may not be a valid reason, but still.)




No, the size is to their advantage here, they could outmaneuver any transformer easily, walking between their legs while chopping off their legs in one single motion or something.


Just Me

Just Me

Size matters not for the Jedi.
Neither the size of an army nor the size of giant machines.
Heck, even withouta weapon a Jedi can kick serious butt.

Gee, how I love this episode!


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General Specific

Size matters not for the Jedi.
Neither the size of an army nor the size of giant machines.
Heck, even withouta weapon a Jedi can kick serious butt.

Gee, how I love this episode!
Yes, that right there is how a Jedi should fight. That is why the Transformers would not have a chance against them.




I dunno, on "Coolness" alone Megatron wins by default.


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Well, as i can't see ytmnd from work, I'll just post this for now:




It's just a "high ground" joke.




Oh come on, you can't use anakin as an excuse for lame Jedi.. there are DOZENS of lamer transformers we could throw back at you.




I said Megatron, he said Vader. I responded in kind. I didn't pick the character.




Yeah but... Vader isn't anakin it's... but....... ugh.

fucking lucas


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---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:24 PM ----------

Here we go, and will even get us back on track a little bit:




...is that a Sith transformer?



Scuse me a moment, this is going to require some prime nerd rage and channelling the force

ok, this might be my last nerd fight for a while, but can I remind you that without exception, most all the so called bad ass Jedis got pwned by genetic mutations? Clone Troopers.

Yes Yes, Jedi's can toss battle droids and xwings around, but a barrage of bus sized lasers from dozens of crazy, pissed off robots that are smarter than your heavy battle droids are not so easy to deflect.

the jedis cant be seen in this screenshoot cause they ran like super fast little bitches

Don't give me that mace windu crap, he got pwned by Anakin. THE EMO JEDI KILLED MOTHERFUCKING SAMUEL L JACKSON LIKE A BITCH!

way to lose to an emo teen and geriatric man.

Force lightning? Please, those robots eat energon for lunch.

Force lightning would be like meth fueled sex to them. Yoda might have stood a chance, but not if we got unicron involved. But the primary reason that SW loses is because the transformers never ever tried to take themselves seriously, and Lucas ruined the campy fun of SW with fucking midichlorians. Magic universal sperm, or the autobot matrix of leadership, motherfuckers? Which will it be?

first conceptual drawing of Midichlorians
And oh yes, we aren't the first losers to have this debate.




Jedi vs Autobots is an interesting debate, given that both are handicapped by their moral code.
Jedi vs Decepticons? Megatron would simply terminate the entire planet if they bothered him enough to even notice them.




Are we just talking Versus matches? Or any sort of media mash-up? If we're talking more generally, I've got a couple ideas:

Dinner: Impossible / Justice League Unlimited
Chef Robert has to prepare dinner for 600 dignitaries aboard the JLU Watchtower satellite. All the javelins are busy shuttling the ambassadors and their staff, so he has to do his shopping with Green Lantern providing the transport. Then he finds out that his assistant chefs are Flash, Booster Gold, Shining Knight and Huntress (along with David and the Georges). Problems arise when Aquaman shows up with unexpected ingredients brought from the seas, Huntress starts clashing with Robert and Flash runs a dish by completing it before Robert can finish giving him all the instructions.

Sliders / Left 4 Dead
I'm not sure which season's cast would best face off against the zombie hordes, but if I'm not mistaken there were usually four of them in the cast. Ah, now that I've do some searching, I remember the zombie episode that's already been done. Ah, screw repetition, a L4D style crescendo event as the timer counted down to the vortex opening would be a lot more awesome than that episode.
