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Maybe it was a mistake to come back




Of all the stupidest things to start crying over. Fucking Shannow. It's the same goddamn shit as usual. I'm called thin skinned because apparently I'm not allowed to hope for some goddamn empathy when I'm going through a rough patch.

No, I ask for a very tiny thing in trying to cheer me up with that stupid caption thread. And the FIRST FUCKING COMMENT is snarky. As always. And this one will probably be, what? GasBandit with that stupid crying Indian shit?

Why the fuck did I even come back? It's the same every time. I go through a bad bout, overreact at a snarky comment as always, private message them telling them what they said hurt me and they take the defensive, tell me to grow a pair and tell me to fuck off. Right, because I'm not allowed to be angry or upset or something. I'm just supposed to be the loser comic book idiot with stupid puns. Not like I'm a human being or anything, since everyting is just for laughs and to hell with anyone's feelings, right? Not like someone couldn't have depression, a chemical imbalance where they can't HELP but be extra sensetive, right? Not like anyone gives a shit that I feel like a total fucking loser because I'm turning 32 this year and can't even seem to finish a stupid undergraduate. That I've wasted my life and continue to do so because I don't have the...whatever, I don't even know....to do something with my life. Everyone's married with kids or have a job or both or have someone in their life and I just sit alone doing nothing all the time.

And of course, this will just get snarky comment after snarky comment because god knows there coudl be someone on the other end who is crying their eyes out. Not because of whatever comment was made, but because it just another negative thing to couple on top of everything else going and finally pushed me over the edge. Doesn't matter. This will just get deleted and forgotten and I should probably be banned for bothering to raise drama.



Sorry you're having a rough time - believe me, I know depression - but isn't it standard procedure to message the mods when you get a post you don't like?

Not chewing you out, just seems likely to get better results, is all.



It's unreasonable to expect people to change just because you want them to. Jerks will be jerks forever, if you can't ignore them or fight back, then maybe avoidance is the only way.




It's unreasonable to expect people to change just because you want them to. Jerks will be jerks forever, if you can't ignore them or fight back, then maybe avoidance is the only way.
There's wisdom in this post here Nick. I hear your frustration but here's how we roll, somebody gives you a hard time you do one of these two things: Report the post so we can deal with it or you deal with it. Posting a drama thread isn't going to help, and you know that, you said it. I think this is a pm issue and I think Cajun is already talking to you about it. Fair enough? This thread is only inviting more drama and neither you nor the forum needs it. Let's handle it through pm's. You aren't going to get banned for anything and you know it ;) We like you and want you here. Go with what Makare said and maybe the forum will be less stressful for you man.

