[PC Game] Maybe the best deal on games you'll see

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Normally, I'd toss this in the Games on Sale thread. But look at this nonsense.

Absolutely Great Square-Enix Pack

  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Augmented Edition
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link DLC
  • Hitman: Blood Money
  • Just Cause 2
  • Just Cause
  • Supreme Commander 2
  • The Last Remnant
  • Quantum Conundrum
All for 10 bucks. Separate Steam codes for most if I'm not mistaken too.

It won't let me post the Amazon link...
How do we do the Amazon link thing for Halforums? Because yeah, if people are going to take advantage of that it would be good for Dave to grab a few ducats from it.
*looks at collection*

That's a damn good list of games. I wonder how much..



I own half of that list, and it's still a great deal.
Yeah, the best part is you can give the games you already have to other people. It's not like a Humble Indie Bundle where you get one code for everything.

Vrii, you need an American address to buy. I'm sure somebody here can help you out in that regard.

I feel like a shill marketer right now.

But other than Last Remnant (which I've never played) the rest of the games in that pack range from good to excellent.
Got two friends to buy it using the link, I don't know if that's any good.

Also, you only need to put a valid City, State, and ZIP from the US. It doesn't check IP's or the whole address or anything, but I guess I can see why someone would not be comfortable using false information...
Welp, now it's entirely unavailable. Oh well, I guess.

According to the page, they sold so fast they ran out of keys; looks like they're trying to get more. If you're still interested, it's probably worth checking again later in the day/week. It is supposed to be a Deal of the Week.
Apparently this sold in the hundreds of times harder and faster than Amazon expected and they have no more keys and Square Enix won't give them anymore (since video game companies still seem to think that selling their games bulk for cheaper is devaluing them and not selling games at all at full price is a much better way to go about things).

As a consolation this code is good for the rest of the week for 25% off a digital download title excluding XCOM and Borderlands 2.

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