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Meditation - Inward, on Steam




When I did my 200 hour yoga teacher training years ago, one of the things we studied was meditation. It was something I dabbled in here and there, but always struggled with it. It's hard for me to ground myself and to let all the negative thoughts out long enough to concentrate for 5-10 minutes on meditating.

I've told this story before, but I finally "got" meditation the first time I went to my yoga rock. After a bike ride there, and a short yoga practice on the rock, I decided to try meditating. I struggled at first because my head was filled with thoughts like "I should've done this sooner" or "I could've been doing this for years" or "I'm an idiot for not doing this sooner."

But then I thought to myself, "No, I'm here now. And that's what matters." And suddenly I got it. I was able to take those thoughts, accept them, and simply focus on breathing. I've meditated here and there since then and find it a good way to end the day, by grounding myself and just taking even 5 or 10 minutes to myself to clear my head.

Since then, though, I fell off on meditating. For awhile, I played a "game" on Steam called Playne. A lot of it was focused on building a bonfire by keeping a persistent daily meditating schedule. I had a good streak for awhile until I fell off and my in-game fire died.

Recently, though, the developer released a new, similar meditation program called Inward. It has similar rewards, and the fire building mechanic is back, but now you build your own sanctuary by unlocking new things to place in your world by keeping with a persistent schedule.

Unlike Playne, though, this one is free. It's in Early Access, and there's an option to donate $5 to pay for the game, and there are rewards if you subscribe to his Patreon, but otherwise, the game is free. There's a registration at the beginning, but he said that's there for the mobile app that he wants to develop so it can run concurrent with this game. That'd be nice, to not have to rely on my desktop computer.

Anyway, I'm quite enjoying it. I've done two 10-minute sessions so far. I don't know if anyone here would be interested in trying it, but hey, it's free, so it's worth a shot, right?

(I also wasn't sure where to put this, since it's not really a "game," exactly. So I figured the Health & Advice subforum would work.)




Reposting this here because it seems on topic.

