Mel Gibson has totally lost it.

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Wasabi Poptart

I just heard this about an hour ago on XM/Sirius/whatever it is these days. Holy crap! He's totally out of control.
....they're not letting it play outside the US.

Goddamn it. You'd think I should be used to that shit by now and not get pissed... but I'm not and I do! :angry:


....they're not letting it play outside the US.

Goddamn it. You'd think I should be used to that shit by now and not get pissed... but I'm not and I do! :angry:
... Regional restrictions, or wife-beating?
regional restrictions..... not that I'm all for wife beating, mind you, but unless it's someone I actually know it's just general outrage, y'know?


Staff member
You know, I knew Mel Gibson was a mental case, but reading the article I'm actually glad I can't hear the audio (regional restrictions and so on). That is some grade-A, bat-shit loco right there.

Also, I put wife-beaters in the same category as child-molesters, rapists and people who talk in movie theatres. Burn 'em. Slowly.


That's ok, the audio isn't playing (for me) here IN the States either. Not that I really need to hear it.

If Mel has threatened her thusly, and "broken two of her teeth" then why is he not in jail?

And which episode of the Simpsons was it that Mel was in where they had said he was crazy, and he acted on it, ...involved Mt Rushmore... ?

this may be it:
Hm? *looks up* Oh, don't worry guys, I'm almost done, anyway.

*goes back to work on Gibson's toilet* Now, should it be the red wire or the green wire...
I was talking to my wife about this and said I woudn't be able to watch Lethal Weapon again, and then realized that I would be able to, as that was the one where he was basically a violent nutjob. They homogenized him into a family friendly killer for the later movies, but now we all know where he got the inspiration for the first one.
I hope he gets the counseling he needs to get him through this rough patch... after he has done the maximum sentence for a first time wife beater.
I lol'd pretty hard at Penny Arcade's spoof on this today: Duplicity

Also, what the hell? I'd thought that Mel Gibson jokes about him being crazy were simply satire...not, y'know, accurate.


Stupid question that may have been answered in the article...
How and why is this fight taped and how did it get out?
This wasn't the first time something like this had happened, and his wife taped it.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was his girlfriend AFTER he left his wife?[/QUOTE]

Maybe. I couldn't remember if she was his girlfriend or wife, and didn't really want to reread the article to check.
You know, this guy has played loud, brash, macho men with a vendetta in so many movies, I wonder if it's starting to seep into his real personality. He's still off his gourd, but yeah.
That's ok, the audio isn't playing (for me) here IN the States either. Not that I really need to hear it.

If Mel has threatened her thusly, and "broken two of her teeth" then why is he not in jail?

And which episode of the Simpsons was it that Mel was in where they had said he was crazy, and he acted on it, ...involved Mt Rushmore... ?

this may be it: Watching: The Simpsons 1101 Beyond Blunderdome*|*Watch The Simpsons Online - FREE!

You are thinking of Family Guy. North by North quahog.
What frightens me most about this is that if this was a "regular" guy, he'd be hauled in jail right away. When you're rich and famous, you can get away with almost anything. I'm afraid of him possibly being on the streets without HEAVY medication and counseling.
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