Migraines and Nsaids?

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hey..sorry for asking this medical question here, I looked for a category and couldn't find one so here goes.. I also checked Google first..and I know some of you here are knowledgable and helpful, so here goes..

yesterday, had a migraine.. had a friend get me some Advil liquigel caps.. normally I take the regular blue kind, just regular Advil Ibuprofen.. these were Advil Migraine Solublized Ibuprofen (reading front of package) 200mg Pain Reliever (NSAID).

Today I have a ache in my lower right abdomen, an "air" feeling in the back of my throat and I can tell I'm slightly feverish and slightly dizzy. I only took the 2 recommended pills..it feels like how I felt coming off of Zoloft in 2002 cold turkey (DON'T ever do that!) once the big side effects wore off.

Main question : are NSAIDS bad for you or do they mess you up like this, or could someone be sensitive to them, or maybe just catching something?

other than feeling like this, I'm gonna be fine.. I think!


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I am not sure we have any medical professionals on here. I'd check WebMD and if still worried go to a doctor.

Wasabi Poptart

A migraine can cause an upset stomach. Ibuprofen can also upset your stomach if you take it without eating something first. In my non-professional, strictly Mom-instinct opinion, if you only took one dose of two pills and you are feeling the way you describe, then you're probably dealing with a virus. Go talk to your doctor.


unless your on other meds like lithium, Rheumatrex high blood pressure meds, or clotting meds, if your not showing any allergic reaction (like hives swelling, numbness etc ) or you weigh 70 pounds 400mg (you took 2 200?) you should be ok, but NSAIDS can cause serious issues, so while you're probably ok, eat something like bread, or crackers, drink water, and lay off caffeine/alcohol for a few days until you can hie thee to a Doctor to make sure NSAIDS don't cause you issues


Thank you.. One thing that is GONE is my appetite but I'm not nauseous.. Gonna head home early in a while and try to sleep whatever this is off.

---------- Post added at 08:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ----------

one thing I recall, although I haven't been to the doctor yet, I know I'm at least aspirin or ibuprofen sensitive, meaning if I don't coat my stomach with food first, I will get sick. I'm not sure if this is NSAID sensitivity, per se but that's what I know for that. I also know Tylenol has almost ZERO effect on me, as well as Aleve.
Tylenol and Aleve are NSAIDS which are not as rough on your stomach as Ibuprofen and Aspirin. That is why the Tylenol people are always going on about 'does not cause stomach upset.' However, Ibuprofen and Aspirin are both better at relieving inflammation. Tylenol is more about relieving just the pain. This is why Ibuprofen & Aspirin are better at relieving muscle aches and post-exercise soreness and sprains and the like.

Most migraines (at least the ones Kati suffers) are either vascular or neurological in origin. The neurological ones generally have to be ridden out, there never really seems to be anything to do for them besides eliminating as much outside stimuli as possible. The vascular ones can be helped by heating or cooling her head (depending on which one started things in the first place).


Wasabi Poptart

Tylenol/acetaminophen is not an NSAID as it does not reduce inflammation (NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflamatory drugs). Aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil), and naproxen (Aleve) all are NSAIDs.
Bah. My bad. I know what NSAID stands for, but I tend to use the term interchangeably with 'over-the-counter painkiller.'



I think I totally psyched myself out after seeing something on the label that appears to have always (or at least very recently) been there.. I went back and first looked at and then bought my regular box of Advil liquigels normal (blue box).. and they say NSAID on them too.. whether that's new or not I couldn't tell you, I'd literally have to dig through my garbage to see, but I go through a small bottle of about 48 in oh.. 3 - 5 months or so..(as a side note, I now take 3 at a time, weaned myself down from 4-5 for migraines.. was initially for bad migraine headaches back in the 2000's and early 2000's but now mainly for neck pain-induced migraines)

I had to take some again yesterday and got away with 2 (regular, not the migraine version) and having it do the trick.. and I never did fully come down sick with anything,.. so again I think I simply psyched myself out.. where's the emoticon for the embarassed icon...

I appreciate the feedback...I am still curious why Aleve has almost no effect on me... I thought it was supposed to be "little..yellow..different.." ;)
I am still curious why Aleve has almost no effect on me... I thought it was supposed to be "little..yellow..different.." ;)
That's Nuprin (Ibuprofen). Aleve is Naproxen Sodium, and is usually a little blue pill. Some people say that all Aleve does is make them dizzy.

Ibuprofen and Aspirin have always been NSAIDs, they just weren't always labeled as such.



..damn.. messed up a quote... this calls for me to watch Wayne's World again.. :p
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