Mincemeat is disgusting.

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I haven't tried mincemeat in so long I can't remember what it tastes like. Part of me wants to try it again cause I can't remember what I thought f it when I did try it but the other part of me says there is probably a reason I haven't tried it since than.


What does mincemeat taste like? I thought it was just apples & sugar & whatnot but apparently it does contain meat? So, it probably wouldn't make a good cake filling I assume.
Mincemeat pie doesn't contain any meat at all. And it's freakin delicious. The strongest taste in it the way my grandmother made it was raisins.
It's the raisins that bother me. I'll eat raisins plain, or in a trail mix, but don't put them in my breads, bagels, muffins, or pies, thankyewverymuch.

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