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Mine! My set is almost complete



Bought some comics today and they were giving out power rings, I got a red and a green. I should have bought the yellow, orange, etc since they were only $1 soon..soon

The green and the red are nicey and shiney



Gotta find where my black one went off to...

Picked up Blue and Violet last week, green this week....

Not sure if I'll buy the rest of the collection..but yeah, they've been great fun.




I have every ring except the red and green ones.

Apparently JLA is not a huge seller up this way so they didn't fucking order them.

On a related topic: if anyone has a red power ring they wanna send me, please say so.



I missed out on the Black one :(, but I did get my Indigo, Violet, and Orange rings! Just waiting to get the others.




My store gave them away to people down for All Blackest Night, then made extras available to whoever wanted them.

Love my set.
