MISSING: Have you seen this man?

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REWARD: $5,000.

Wired writer Evan Ratliff has intentionally gone missing. Dropping out of sight while still doing everyday things. Track him down and win the reward.


As of 2 days ago, he was still in the Bay Area.
I just had a glance at the link. Maybe I didn't search thoroughly enough, but I didn't find an answer to my first question:

I think just to show that you can't really just fall off the face of the earth and disappear without a trace if you still expect to use some of the trappings of modern technological society, like credit cards and cell phones. If someone is looking hard enough, you *will* eventually be found.
Also, he just wrote an article about people trying to go missing. Sounds like he wants to write a follow up about his own experiences trying to do the same.
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