Missing pages / missing fillers

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i'm a new reader and as such i've started reading from the start and occasionally find that there are missing pages, the first one i can't remember,m but now i've found one that i surely don't want to miss:
Part 4- Page 78 it's url is: http://www.janahoffmann.com/angels/2007/01/20/part-4-comic-78/

Another thing, in the briefing section it says: "check out the 7 part History of the Sol System available in the filler section of the archives.", but ther'es no "filler" section in the archives at all, just the parts....

Well i hope i can continue reading once the missing page is up ;)

(i'm posting here as i haven't found any other way to contact the authors directly)


In the Olden Days we had two separate drop-down archives: Pages and Filler. It looks like they had to manually re-upload everything to Jana's servers--that's just a guess, since the dates in the current archives start in '05 and I started reading Angels in '02 or '03--so my hypothesis is that uploading all the Filler just fell by the wayside. :)

(The pages all used to have hilarious titles, too. I miss that fun feature...)


Hi There,

D you remember the part / Chapter of the comic the missing strip was in, or even the story arc? That might help me narrow it down. Otherwise I have to hunt through 400 + strips :)


Hansagan, i think i posted it in my first post(along with the link): Part 4- Page 78

the chapter is the same "part 4: first blood"

hope it helps


OK, I'm a little confused.....you both say they're missing, yet they seem to all be in the archive, and even turn up ok when skipping through comic by comic....are you not seeing them?


Hansagan, if you broswe in the archives, they appear as valid(you see the entire page layout, but not the comic page itself), but the images themselves are missing from the server(if you try to access the jpg directly for those pages, it 404s)


Ok, I think I know what's happened here, I can see them cause it's referencing my local machine, or something confusing like that.....I'll get onto it.


excellent, good to hear you managed to found the dodgy problem.

What about the "filler" section?(i'd really love to read the backstory of the Angels universe)


interesting post that one!

let us know when you get around to fixing the missing pages so i can continue reading, tehehe


until part 4 comic 58 it's working ok, when i reach the nerw one i'll let you know!, thanks for the fix!
If there's still something missing, feel free to have a look at the emergency mirror I set up a while ago (about half a decade or so) when the official website went down. It should be mostly complete, and I think I also got most of the fillers. I know it's a hell to navigate, but hey, it was supposed to be an emergency mirror! :p
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