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More vBulletin Happiness!




You'll all like this a lot.

vBulletin is going from version 3.8.4 to 4.0 soon. In fact, screen prints are now available at this site. Not sure when they'll stop supporting 3.8.4 but they are going to be aggressively trying to get us to move to 4.0.

I won't be moving to 4.0 for a while, but we have some things we need to decide when we do.

First, there are two levels of vBulletin 4.0 - forum and suite. Forum is just that - a forum. Nothing else. The suite includes the blog, a front page and an article manager. The forum upgrade is free and the suite upgrade is $130 for a limited time. That doesn't mean we have to change, but depending on what we decide we'll grab the discounted upgrade. (After discount time forum upgrade is $195 and suite is $235.)

What's going to drive which we get are such determinations as the work Ame has put into site redesign, whether we want to keep the blogs and if the CMS front page is something we want instead of making our own.

Stay tuned for more information on this, but when I got this information yesterday in the midst of all the shitstorm I was going through I was ready to cry. Now, though, I'm feeling better about it.

---------- Post added at 08:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 AM ----------


The pre-sale period will only last until Friday October 30th, 2009.
So we have a bit of time.




I like the new default theme. much better.




If the suite saves you and ame more than 30 minutes of aggravation then that alone is worth it. I'll donate some in a week or two to help defray the difference.





Not really worried about cost. Well, not really. I'm a bit pissed off that I spent that much money only a couple of months ago and now I'm being forced to do it again when there's no release date and no demo. But whatever.

I just need to find out how to pay with PayPal and I'll be set.




Just an FYI to all here. I went ahead and paid for the v4 Suite upgrade. I would like to thank all of you who donated as it really, REALLY helped to defray the cost of it.

So when the new version comes out we can either switch right away or wait until we feel more comfortable with the change. Ame and I will be setting up a test site and doing it all there before we make any changes here.

Moving forward and ever onward!
