More vital information from (Internet arguments)

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Staff member
Horse porn epic poem? And a hundred point rebuttal? Jesus Christ! This guy fighting with Gas and JCM would be EPIC!


Staff member
I also hear there's this thing where you type in a short message and it goes out immediately to everyone who follows you! Thitter. Twipper.

Something like that.


Oh, that's nothing. I once found this site where you can just type in a few words, and it'll show you this whole list of related webpages! Yeah, that's right. Pages. On the web.

Pity about the stupid name, though. 'Goggle' or summat.
Oh, that's nothing. I once found this site where you can just type in a few words, and it'll show you this whole list of related webpages! Yeah, that's right. Pages. On the web.

Pity about the stupid name, though. 'Goggle' or summat.
It's called Goagal nub:

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