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Most Appropriate Forum Banner Ever




Kitty Sinatra

It could be worse. It could read "One of is us a fucking pedophile"




It could be worse. It could read "One of is us a fucking pedophile"
You are paying for whatever it costs to have this rupture sewn up.





Kitty Sinatra

Well hopefully everyone just ignores me like they should.


Cuyval Dar

It could be worse. It could read "One of is us a fucking pedophile"
You are paying for whatever it costs to have this rupture sewn up.[/QUOTE]
Never has greater truth been spoken.


Kitty Sinatra

Y'know, I read the title of this thread wrong. I thought it had said "Most Inappropriate Forum Banner Ever." :yo:



Man, the Beard was just stating a fact. Tip'o'the hat and everything.




Well hopefully everyone just ignores me like they should.
Rupture from laughing, dork.



OMG Im sick of all this DRAMA shit. Im quittin ur forums!!!!!!1 U'll nevr C me again! how do u liek that HALF orums!

DONT post about how much U'll miss me, cause I know I'm just a degenerate retard faggit (no offense to tha gays) that has no frends.


Kitty Sinatra

Oh. Right, then just well, ignore me . . . like I, uh, already suggested. Damn I've got some insecurity issues.




Oh. Right, then just well, ignore me . . . like I, uh, already suggested. Damn I've got some insecurity issues.
Make a poll about it.



It could be worse. It could read "One of is us a fucking pedophile"
You are paying for whatever it costs to have this rupture sewn up.[/QUOTE]

I can do it for free Zen.... lemme just steal a few packs of these from the ER after my next transport.

Ok.... let me seeeeeeeee....... which end do I start onnnnn.....


Kitty Sinatra

Oh. Right, then just well, ignore me . . . like I, uh, already suggested. Damn I've got some insecurity issues.
Make a poll about it.[/QUOTE]

I'm tempted. But man, y'all harshed on Bubble so hard I thought he was gonna leave us without even a goodbye thread.

Anyway, running on my goof up on the forum title, anybody else wanna take a go at creating the Most Inappropriate Forum Banner? 'Course, we'll be sending this thread to the flame wars in a matter of moments if we try it.




which end do I start onnnnn.....
Well if you don't know that, keep your mitts off me!


Cuyval Dar

OMG Im sick of all this DRAMA shit. Im quittin ur forums!!!!!!1 U'll nevr C me again! how do u liek that HALF orums!

DONT post about how much U'll miss me, cause I know I'm just a degenerate retard faggit (no offense to tha gays) that has no frends.
Wow, its like every goodbye thread ever just flashed before my eyes.



which end do I start onnnnn.....
Well if you don't know that, keep your mitts off me![/QUOTE]

Mitts??!? I don't need no stinkin' mitts! I go bare handed!




It could be worse. It could read "One of is us a fucking pedophile"
You are paying for whatever it costs to have this rupture sewn up.[/QUOTE]

I can do it for free Zen.... lemme just steal a few packs of these from the ER after my next transport.

Ok.... let me seeeeeeeee....... which end do I start onnnnn.....[/QUOTE]

(For simple interrupted)Start from the middle, divide the wound into halves and continue suturing until the wound is sufficiently closed. Remember to approximate the edges don't strangulate them. But since putting in lots of sutures sucks and hurts my back, I say use a surgical stapler.




surgical stapler.




Oh. Right, then just well, ignore me . . . like I, uh, already suggested. Damn I've got some insecurity issues.
Make a poll about it.[/QUOTE]

I'm tempted. But man, y'all harshed on Bubble so hard I thought he was gonna leave us without even a goodbye thread.

Anyway, running on my goof up on the forum title, anybody else wanna take a go at creating the Most Inappropriate Forum Banner? 'Course, we'll be sending this thread to the flame wars in a matter of moments if we try it.[/QUOTE]

Dude, I've totally left this place for good.


Kitty Sinatra

PatrThom will appreciate that proof!

Damn, I just crossed threads :laser:




Dude, I've totally left this place for good.
Whenever you post now, I hear it in the Elephant Man's voice. It's awesome.




(For simple interrupted)Start from the middle, divide the wound into halves and continue suturing until the wound is sufficiently closed. Remember to approximate the edges don't strangulate them. But since putting in lots of sutures sucks and hurts my back, I say use a surgical stapler.[/QUOTE]

I spent several minutes squinting at the picture, trying to make it come into better focus to see if it was a taper or a cutting needle. which, I then realized, was an excellent indication that it was time for me to go to sleep.

good staples for wounds:

BAD (though likely entertaining) staples for wounds:




Oh yeah great- all y'all people and your fancy-schmancy staplers show up now! Great! Now what the smurf am I going to do with all this yarn??!?


Kitty Sinatra




No sweat Zen, I got you covered. C'mere.




Oh yeah great- all y'all people and your fancy-schmancy staplers show up now! Great! Now what the smurf am I going to do with all this yarn??!?





No sweat Zen, I got you covered. C'mere.
I see how it is. You'd rather staple me than screw me.




Dude, I've totally left this place for good.
Not if I have anything to say about it! Now get your MEP-hoarding, chocolate-eating set of buns back in here and post moar! That's an order!

---------- Post added at 12:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 PM ----------




Damn it, Gruebeard, warn us next time you're gonna pull one of those! The forumites' higher brain functions are not yours to toy with!







Oh yeah great- all y'all people and your fancy-schmancy staplers show up now! Great! Now what the smurf am I going to do with all this yarn??!?

Wow.... I just watched that movie, like, yesterday. Weeeeeird!:eek:




On calls, I am very focused on the task at hand and my lieutenant has no worries about my skills or patient care...... UNLESS there is a kitten in the room- then I'm screwed. I have actually performed patient interviews while holding (and petting) their kitten. My Lt has told me before,
"I saw a kitten back at that house, but I wasn't going to say anything to you until we left the house!"
/sad face




Dude, I've totally left this place for good.
Not if I have anything to say about it! Now get your MEP-hoarding, chocolate-eating set of buns back in here and post moar! That's an order!

I'm...I'm hoarding members of the European Parlaiment? :confused: I admit I live in Brussels, but...:confused:

Also, don't look now, but




No sweat Zen, I got you covered. C'mere.
I see how it is. You'd rather staple me than screw me.[/QUOTE]

Who said I wasn't gonna do both? At the same time anyway. :heythere:




North_Ranger;269057 said:
Dude, I've totally left this place for good.
Not if I have anything to say about it! Now get your MEP-hoarding, chocolate-eating set of buns back in here and post moar! That's an order!

I'm...I'm hoarding members of the European Parlaiment? :confused: I admit I live in Brussels, but...:confused:

Yes, and that's why you hoard MEPs. Guess I should be grateful; you get to take the douchebag Timo Soini in your neighbourhood. Hope you didn't pay too much for your hou...

Also, don't look now, but
