Movies in 1D - Soon to be on Talk Radio Reddit

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Staff member
Nice! Can't wait to check it out!

Listening on Soundcloud right now... it's great man! I signed up to vote you up (did I do that right?).
The Casting Recliner.

From the Couch.

The Casting Cocks. (You could use roosters for your logo! What the hell where you imagining?)
Film Flam
Movies in 1D
Movies in the Dark
The Ticket Stubs (or just The Ticket Stub)
Caught in the Projector (?? sorry, I don't know why that popped in my head)

Okay, they're getting weird so I'll stop now.
Yes they are. The slant of our show, however, will be to see if the movie was as promised, whether we thought it was fun, etc. As I stated in the 'cast, we aren't critics, we're just two dudes who like movies.
I think perhaps he was suggesting a title for the show...

Good luck, at any rate! I will give it a listen.


Staff member
Critics are dudes (or ladies) that love movies too. That's why they pursued a career path that is watching movies all the time.
Yes, but most of the time they think they are better than everyone else at watching and breaking down movies. They drink their own Kool-aid, as it were. Not I! I take myself not even a little serious.
they think they are better than everyone else at watching and breaking down movies.
Much like professional basketball players think they are better than everyone else at driving the lane and posting up? They are literally paid because they are good at writing about movies UAGAHGAGHAGAHGAGKSDHGFAKSDJFSDFSDLFASDJF
First, loved the podcast. Keep it coming boss. Any chance of getting it on iTunes?

Second: I think Charlie is right in the sense that "everyone" is a critic in their own right, but there is a difference between someone who has spent time to actually learn and understand the craft in order to better analyze it. They are professionals in their field. Doesn't make them "better" or "smarter" than anyone but at least with some there is a chance that their insights can or at least should go deeper than someone who has not studied the art and craft of film.

Personally I think "Everyone's a critic" would be a great tag line for 1D movies.

And you should have charlie on the show.


Staff member
Actually, very few critics have ANY experience with the movie industry. Their "expert" status is mostly bullshit. Which is unlike basketball players who have to practice, practice practice.

I'm not saying all critics are bad, I'm just saying that their views (i.e. OPINIONS) are neither of greater or lesser value than my own.
Actually, very few critics have ANY experience with the movie industry. Their "expert" status is mostly bullshit. Which is unlike basketball players who have to practice, practice practice.

I'm not saying all critics are bad, I'm just saying that their views (i.e. OPINIONS) are neither of greater or lesser value than my own.
Now hold on there. Are we saying that those who study analysis (be it of film, art, music, theory, philosophy, ancient texts, architecture, etc, etc, etc,) do not have perhaps a greater grasp on the subject than the layman? I don't really understand that line of thinking. I mean, if a "critic" of any subject has made a study of it I would indeed believe their opinion to have FAR more weight than the average layman. Of course that doesn't make them automatically RIGHT, but do they know more about the subject than me and possibly have insight that I might not have since I didn't spend years and years studying the form? Of course. That in no way means that they are to be given god like status but I don't understand the line of thinking that says those who have made a study of a subject don't possibly have more valuable insight than the average person. Again, it doesn't mean that if Ebert hates "Transformers: Shit Thrown At The Screen and BOOMBOOMBOOMSPLOSIANS!" on both a critical and personal opinion level that someone else won't enjoy it or find value in it, but if we wanted to discuss the merits of the film as a FILM I'd give his thoughts more weight than someone who has a degree in architecture, sure.

The exception is of course, "critics" who actually have never studied the form they criticize nor the actual art of criticism. Then I would agree that the "expert" label is, as you said, BS. I would also tend to refer to a critic with actual film experience as far more of an expert than one who just studied it, which is part of the reason why I do give Ebert a lot of weight, he did make a film, it was horrible, but he did it.


Staff member
Anyone can say they made a study of movies. Absolutely anyone. And unless they have a degree in something movie/film related, it's all crap.
Anyone can say they made a study of movies. Absolutely anyone. And unless they have a degree in something movie/film related, it's all crap.
Clearly we agree:
The exception is of course, "critics" who actually have never studied the form they criticize nor the actual art of criticism. Then I would agree that the "expert" label is, as you said, BS. I would also tend to refer to a critic with actual film experience as far more of an expert than one who just studied it, which is part of the reason why I do give Ebert a lot of weight, he did make a film, it was horrible, but he did it.


Staff member
Clearly we agree:
Right, and I'm also asserting that nearly all the critics these days - even the respected ones - fall under the purview of not having formal training. Hell, I have a friend (who shall remain nameless) who is a fairly major critic. He's just a dude like me. We went to movies together all the time. Yet he's a respected critic. His degree? Engineering. What was his link to the movie industry? He took 1 - ONE!! - undergrad level film class.

I have little respect for critics, which is why I go out of my way to make sure people know I'm not calling myself one. I'm possibly being criticAL, but that doesn't make me a critic.
Look, I may not know much, but I do know your show is already obsolete: Clue is the best movie ever made and the rest of you can...

Deal with it.
Right, and I'm also asserting that nearly all the critics these days - even the respected ones - fall under the purview of not having formal training. Hell, I have a friend (who shall remain nameless) who is a fairly major critic. He's just a dude like me. We went to movies together all the time. Yet he's a respected critic. His degree? Engineering. What was his link to the movie industry? He took 1 - ONE!! - undergrad level film class.

I have little respect for critics, which is why I go out of my way to make sure people know I'm not calling myself one. I'm possibly being criticAL, but that doesn't make me a critic.
Sure, I totally agree with you, I have no idea what it takes to become a film critic, but I would assume it would take some study of the actual subject. If not then, well, yeah, you are just a dude talking about movies. Which is fine. Thats why your podcast works. Speaking of which it looks like it has 8 up votes right now. How many do you need to get it high up on the ranks? I wanna see thing rock it.


Staff member
I have no idea how many upvotes it's going to take. There's another movie 'cast and they are - to be frank - better than I. They've only had 10 episodes but they've already had guests that I could only dream of.

Still, I gotta root for the little guy!
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