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For those of you not following the Politics thread, I've been heavily affected by the whole morass that's going on in Wisconsin.

Short version: due to a reduction in number of youth being placed in the juvenile system, they are closing my workplace in Waukesha and moving them all up to a place near Merrill - which is four hours away.

I have just been offered a job up there. Same position, same pay - but I would have to find a place to live up there, then try to sell this place.

Oh, and I'm not sure if they have high-speed internet up there. :Leyla:


sucks on the move, but glad they have a job for you. I wish you many lucks on your house selling!
It may just be because I'm used to moving between apartments in the same 20 mile radius, but 4 hours sounds like a serious move to me. Good luck!
I'm glad you've been offered a job at the other facility. Moving sucks pretty hard core, but if you don't mind the idea of uprooting I'm sure you'll adjust. Good luck, man!
There is good news: I start Monday, May 9th up there.

Not so good news: I have to pay $1300 for first month's rent AND deposit.

I'm not liking the omens:

My wife and dad went up with me to take a look at said apartment on Sunday. On our way out of the city, we stopped at a Culver's custard stand to have some dinner. While in there, we noticed something about a "tornado warning" for Taylor County.

We all were looking around, wondering where Taylor County was - especially in relation to Merrill.

It's a good thing we got out of there and headed south on 51/39. We got hit with the lesser stuff (massive sheets of rain and hail) as we drove south of Stevens Point.

I get home and find out a tornado - and a particularly nasty one - had hit Merrill. Fortunately, it only left the apartments with minor damage; the tornado actually touched down on the other side of the river and wiped out a bunch of factories in the industrial park.

I've got five more days at my current institution, then 11 days to pack, move & unpack, then start up there on the 9th.

Morale at work is at an all-time low. I'm not sure if I'm experiencing Stockholm Syndrome or just second-guessing myself.
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