Export thread

Mozilla Seabird




PRETTY!!! *_*




I keep seeing stuff about how small they are able to make projectors, but I have yet to see any products that really make use of it. With phones being used to take pictures and record video more, it would be cool to be able to have a projector in it to show them. I'm not a big fan of the keyboard. I just can't use on-screen keyboards, I need the feel of the keys, so I'd have trouble with it. Pretty neat idea though.




At first I was like "TWO projectors? Well that's just dumb. What could it possibly use two projectors for?"

And then I wet my pants a little.




You can buy pocket projectors now, but they necessarily have a severe limitation due to their size - they can't project in a reasonably lit environment. They aren't much more than toys at the moment. Even once we can get adequate light output without a cooling system the size of a normal projector, they will suck so much power that they really won't work well for portable battery powered devices.
