MP3 Tags

Which Player do you like?

  • XEON

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Unnamed

    Votes: 10 83.3%
  • Neither

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't care & won't use it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Staff member
Okay, I found 2 MP3 tags and I can't decide on them. (Yes, I know I have a similar thread in the Media section, but I can't add a poll to that thread because of its age...)

The first one is called XEON and allows for faster streaming. It also has a more streamlined look.


The second has no real name but gives volume control and the ability to change to different points in the song.


Tell me which one you want.

---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ----------

I should also note that the XEON one has updates planned that will do things like popup the player so that you can keep surfing, allow for playlists, etc. In the end it'll be more robust but right now is of limited capability.

Kitty Sinatra

If only the unnamed one showed the name of the song before clicking play, I'd never have had to even think about this. Still, I voted for it.
I voted for unnamed because I like it better aesthetically, but dunno, maybe Xeon has skins or something? What Gruebeard mentions about unnamed not showing the song's name before playing iis a concern indeed.

Kitty Sinatra

Also, one of these tags plays a second's worth when the page loads.


Staff member

Thus us what the XEON would look like when the mod is updated. Basically we set it to read specific directories (like the one from teh Downloads mod...) and it pulls music from there.
I feel like the 'not being able to see the name of the song' thing is a non-issue. You could just post the name of the MP3 before the code for the player, and effectively label it in-post.

Kitty Sinatra

It's even less of an issue than that: You can see the name of the song once you start playing it. I was just saying that's the one thing Xeon had Nemo beat on.
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