Multiplayer is where its at for the latest AvP game.

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Yes I know I've created numerous topic posts about this game. I've only played two of the single player campaigns thus far: alien and predator.
Marines I am saving for. However if you truly want to get your money's worth or at least wait a couple of weeks for a price drop I would highly recommend it for the multiplayer.

The community for both the PS3 and the PC is surpisingly strong thus far. Most matches I've played with have been for the PS3 than so with the PC. The best modes to play are Survivor (which is intense), Infestation(excellent), and of course Team Deathmatch.

Most of the matches at least I've played have had pretty decent players. You'll hear a lot of Alien and Predator jokes and quotes during a match. Which is pretty entertaining.

The acid blood at least when your a Marine is incredibly annoying since you can die a whole lot faster if you don't move away from the distegrating pools of alien acid after you kill them.

Team Death match is fun. A lot of people were complaining at first how the trophy kills were easily accomplished this isn't so. The only ones I've been able to pull off is an Alien.

The last two were gratyfyingly sweet since I snuck up behind a Predator who was spamming Marines on the ground below with his plasma cannon and slammed my tail straight through his gut and all the neon blood just gushed. They dont really take away from the gore.

Predator Hunt mode is a tad annoying. It's hard to spot the Predator and you can sometimes get spammed with the guy using the disc too much since it doesnt require a whole lot of skill and energy.

The maps are pretty decent too in variation.
Overall I'd give the game at least a good 7.5/10 with regards to the story and with multiplayer an 8/10. If your hesitant about getting the game at least wait for a price drop. It's a good albeit not as great successor to AVP I and II.
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