Interesting fact of my Halloween Party last year.
I wore a simple easy to use "Evil Italian Chef" host costume and let my friends go out of their way to win the best costume prize. On my spare time, I worked on creating a "How to Cook Human Meat" guide that I placed with excellent white, lined in red ink parchment paper folded, in half and written with a plume that went into extensive detail on how to properly capture, cook and dress human meat to party guests. It was written very carefully and was easily a 5 minute read. It was.... very troubling.
In the middle of it, I put a hidden prize. "It is important to say compliments to the chef and the best compliment is schwartz silently beside the chef's ear."
Out of the near 20 guests... 3 of them came to me and whispered schwartz to my ear... obviously people who took the time to not only notice the menu on top of the toilet seat but take the time to read it completely.
Their reward? A 10$ Gift Card to Schwartz Smoked Meat.
I bought 5 of those cards... I tend to eat there once a month... so I had nothing to lose.