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My 1st ever CN Tower Climb!!


Made Ya Blush

Made Ya Blush

I just wanted to let everybody know that in order to conquer my fear of heights... Even the thought of climbing a ladder makes me sick to my stomach....

I will be climbing the CN Tower in order to raise money for the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) a great cause I think. :)

If you would like to make a contribution that would be awesome. Here is the link:


All I really want though is some moral support and words of encouragement...
This will be my first time climbing the CN Tower. LOL I have just over 2 months to train for it.
The climb will be held on April 16/11.




That's not a tower climb, THIS is a tower climb




Woo! Go! Go! Go!

You'll have a lot of fun. Good luck!




Go for it! Good Luck.




I'll getcha up those stairs, dontcha worry.


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

Will Nick be climbing to fund the WWE? :awesome:


Neon Pirate

Neon Pirate

Good luck, you'll do great! I conquered mine by climbing a mountain, best way to beat that fear is to just climb on up! I've since done plenty of work on top of tall buildings so that approach works. Tall extension ladders still bug me because they get so floppy, but otherwise everything from big buildings to the Eiffel Tower have been fine so I know you'll rock the big stuff!




I'll getcha up those stairs, dontcha worry.

You're planning on goosing her the whole way up aren't you?




Whatno! I would never...no! C'mon, Mathias, why would you...no!

Well...okay, maybe...I mean, it might happen and...

Yes. :D


Neon Pirate

Neon Pirate

Every bit of motivation counts so way to get behind the cause Nick!




Whatno! I would never...no! C'mon, Mathias, why would you...no!

Well...okay, maybe...I mean, it might happen and...

Yes. :D
You ass-goosin' son of a bitch, you.
