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My birthday present to myself: Unemployment!




I quit my job today so I can take a whack at full time consulting. I've got 3 months of cash, an ongoing consulting job (worth another month or so) and two in the pipeline, so I won't need a new job until end of August if nothing else comes along.

In this economy, though, I feel slightly guilty quitting - as though I'm slapping people in the face who are having a hard time finding a job. On the other hand, I'm creating a newly vacant job opening in the automotive sector, so that's not a bad thing altogether...

Strange feeling.

Anyway, my last day will be April 16th. If any of you want me to design an electronic gadget (or have an idea for a gadget I could make and sell) let me know!

Hopefully I don't spend all my new found time on this forum...




Wow! :) Good luck. I hope this is a fun and exciting venture. And happy birthday!


Chad Sexington


Whoo! Good luck and happy birthday!


Rob King

Rob King

Holy shit! I'm so freaking excited for you. Congratulations on taking the leap, and I pray you'll be blessed by what comes out of it!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Best of luck, steinman. And have a good b-day.




I had no idea it was your birthday.





Good luck, and happy birthday




Happy birthday buddy!




Happy Birthday!

I propose a device that beeps whenever a cat is pissed on.




Good luck :thumbsup:



I quit my job today so I can take a whack at full time consulting. I've got 3 months of cash, an ongoing consulting job (worth another month or so) and two in the pipeline, so I won't need a new job until end of August if nothing else comes along.

In this economy, though, I feel slightly guilty quitting - as though I'm slapping people in the face who are having a hard time finding a job. On the other hand, I'm creating a newly vacant job opening in the automotive sector, so that's not a bad thing altogether...

Strange feeling.

Anyway, my last day will be April 16th. If any of you want me to design an electronic gadget (or have an idea for a gadget I could make and sell) let me know!

Hopefully I don't spend all my new found time on this forum...
I salute you and your huge nutsack, sir.

Good luck!




Good luck on that Birthday thing. Hope it works out well for you in this economy.

Also Happy Job!




Good luck Steiny! Happy Birthday!



From someone who's done a similar thing in the last year, GOOD LUCK, and BLESSINGS!! Hold your breath and try to stay afloat!


Fun Size

Fun Size

Remember, worse comes to worse, you can sell like three kids before your wife notices any of them are gone.




¡Feliz cumpleaños!

And congratulations on making such a hard decision. Sometimes it really takes some balls to quit.



Fountains of good luck for you sir!



Good luck man



good luck man :) what kind of electronic gadget?




Thanks all!

@Chibibar: I don't have a specific gadget in mind right now. I've got a few pages of things I want to try, but at the moment I'm basically jumping off the cliff with a few parts and trying to build a plane while I'm falling.

It'll be fun!

Last day is April 16th.
