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My first 3d Canvas model



This is the first time I've been able to get my mind to wrap around the controls of a 3d modeling program, without having any guidance or instructions (written or verbal).. I know the text is upside down and backwards (not sure what's causing that?!... even tried reversing the image and adding it manually.. no go) and it's very unfinished, but still, was a lot of fun to make. The deluxe version of the program is $70 so not too bad.





Should have known that you'd make a tardis! :D

That looks sweet, man!



Thanks.. just installed the program on my Win7 partition.. loaded up the model and looked at it again,.. found a edge that was malformed (somewhere along the line I hit deform).. couldn't figure out how to remove the deformation... so I remade that section (haven't learned how to get the objects locked to each other yet :p ) and in so doing, realized I had the textures set to a ORB, not a square, so set that properly, and now the text is proper. YAY! so here's a new shot of it, and I corrected the light up top a little too. (oh and changed the window texture) I still need to add the base at the bottom but I can copy the panel from the top for that, once I get grouping worked on. What I want to do with this is make the Tardis bumping down the Time Corridor as seen in the opening sequence.





Nice. Sounds like you are having fun! Thats always nice :)




I think Strata3D has a starter edition for $0.99 if you want to try it out. In fact, I know it does.




Still working on it with what I've been testing with (and getting the hang of! WOW!) ..been working on textures, which looks better? The black squares (which can be modified to be shades) or the white squares? Also got the plaque panel replaced to be a square not a rectangle, and retyped it all on eggshell white paneling instead of blue paneling.




My latest version.. really coming along.. found the Merge function, YAY! Next step! backgrounds and some sort of animation! I'll have this thing bopping along a time corridor yet!





Very nice!
