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My Life is Best


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

My life is best. What I have done it is better objectively than anything you did. My experiences as a youth left me with a stronger past than yours, with which I use to have a stronger future. My tastes in music, movies, art, and all things are correct, while yours or not. There is no difference. I am simply optimum. The mistakes I have made were those necessary to teach me, while your mistakes were merely wastes of time. My existence, whether I be happy with someone, or many someones, or no one at all, is at any given time better than yours, simply by failing to be me.

My education is more complete. My choices have led me on the master path of destiny, simply by being born. You are lesser for not being of my mother and father. You are lesser for not being me, at this moment, typing what I type, posting what I posting, breathing what I breathe, thinking what I think.

So long as you are not me, you are inferior, and so this is your eternal tragedy.

There, I've summed up everyone on Halforum. No one need ever post again; they can just copy and paste that.




There, I've summed up everyone on Halforum.
Bullshit. That's hardly the prevailing attitude around here. It is an opinion heard all too often, but there are a good number of people on these forums who hold more moderate and rational viewpoints.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

My life fucking sucks, why else would I post here




So long as you are not me, you are inferior, and so this is your eternal tragedy.
Sir, you may be younger than me, you may be faster than me, heck you may even be smarter than me. But you know what, you will never ever be crazier than me!




You are lesser for not being me, at this moment, typing what I type, posting what I posting, breathing what I breathe, thinking what I think.
For someone sooo superior...ahem...you might want to make sure you're speaking correctly. It kinda defeats the purpose.:retard:




.......What brought THAT on?



just sayin.....

hahahah..my bad!! I totally didn't read the last line.

sniffs* hangs head

but still the miss spelling fucked it up. uhhh gah..never mind. I'm a douche




I just come in here and this is the first thing I see. I'm backtracking, seeing if I missed some heated debate or something...

*search search search*




I am more humble than I've been told I have reason to be.




Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

My grammar is bester than your grammar.

There was no heated debate; if there was, I wouldn't get involved. Actually, I've been considering this for a while, just observing patterns of behavior and perspective here, and I see it quite a bit. I think the Motivational Poster of Xp Dolphin saying someone's opinion was wrong for listening to Rolling Stones more than the Beatles, and even saying it was their taste and not saying one was better than the other, was what got the ball rolling. The GuyWithGlasses topic made me decide that it was time.


Cuyval Dar

I think that most of the people here are more rational and logical in real life than on here.

I point to the John Gabriel Theory of Internet Assholery as evidence.




Well, I surely hope you can show us the way.


Cuyval Dar

Ok, I will start by toning down the vitriol.




I point to the John Gabriel Theory of Internet Assholery as evidence.
I've always felt that theory to be false. It reminds me of the adage of "A gentleman is a gentleman by what he does when no one is watching." I've never felt that annominity creates ninnies but rather reveals the ninnies within.

Meh, but what do I know, I'm sining along with Bugs & Daffy as I type this;



I just come in here and this is the first thing I see. I'm backtracking, seeing if I missed some heated debate or something...

*search search search*

nah, I don't think its in response to anything specifically, just the attitude of the occasional poster.


Cuyval Dar

nah, I don't think its in response to anything specifically, just the attitude of the typical troll poster.



You would say that, you stupidhead (trolling is hard :p)


Cuyval Dar

You would say that, you stupidhead (trolling is hard :p)
Nah, it is actively trying not to become another Chaz or Charsinger that is hard.

The power of the Troll Side is so very tempting.



My life is best. What I have done it is better objectively than anything you did. My experiences as a youth left me with a stronger past than yours, with which I use to have a stronger future. My tastes in music, movies, art, and all things are correct, while yours or not. There is no difference. I am simply optimum. The mistakes I have made were those necessary to teach me, while your mistakes were merely wastes of time. My existence, whether I be happy with someone, or many someones, or no one at all, is at any given time better than yours, simply by failing to be me.

My education is more complete. My choices have led me on the master path of destiny, simply by being born. You are lesser for not being of my mother and father. You are lesser for not being me, at this moment, typing what I type, posting what I posting, breathing what I breathe, thinking what I think.

So long as you are not me, you are inferior, and so this is your eternal tragedy.

There, I've summed up everyone on Halforum. No one need ever post again; they can just copy and paste that.
tl;dr, and I banged your mom last night. Thanks.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

tl;dr, and I banged your mom last night. Thanks.
So you're my new stepmom? Awesome! Now I have three mommies!



So you're my new stepmom? Awesome! Now I have three mommies!
and not one loves you. Bummer.


Cuyval Dar

and not one loves you. Bummer.
That's our Amy!




Bullshit. That's hardly the prevailing attitude around here. It is an opinion heard all too often, but there are a good number of people on these forums who hold more moderate and rational viewpoints.
The mythical snack speaks the truth. The problem is that the people who do have that attitude are usually extraordinarily LOUD about it, more so than the others.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

That's our Amy!
*laugh track*


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Please don't compare me to Chazwozel. Although I do have to admit, I'm glad that since the early days he toned down the image macros.


Cuyval Dar

Please don't compare me to Chazwozel. Although I do have to admit, I'm glad that since the early days he toned down the image macros.
Yeah, that was a little harsh on you and Kissybear.



My life is best.

I have crushed my enemies, seen them driven before me, and heard the lamentation of their women!



Please don't compare me to Chazwozel. Although I do have to admit, I'm glad that since the early days he toned down the image macros.

---------- Post added at 03:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 AM ----------

I keeed I keeed


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

so how much do you want for it?

---------- Post added at 08:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 PM ----------

I'll pay with anything but money

---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 PM ----------

If you want my body, I warn you: I'm a cryer



[/COLOR]If you want my body, I warn you: I'm a cryer

as long as you're quiet when doing it. :hump:


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Then I guess I'm yours






Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

nibbler used to love to eat puppies




*laugh track*
your doubts exceed your skills, and you gaze outstrips your grasp. Which is to say, you are a shitting nipple dick chested furry transvestite.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

My life is annoying and stressful
Told ya.



don't bother trying to convince him. It's a great trolling technique, really. I'm just glad he did it; one more voice to tune the fuck out.




I agree with the hun.






Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

people that complain about all the people with superiority complex's suffer from them the most.

Please get over yourself.
Yes, everyone who's complained about--well, not sure I should name names--is irritated by that attitude because they have the same attitude. It's not at all because people who refuse to see subjectivity, differences, agree to disagree, bring negativity to a discussion, or start fights where there are none. I'll point at the Felicia Day thread. Everyone in there apparently has a superiority complex because they are taking issue with one individual?

EDIT: Also by that logic, let's say that by complaining about people with that attitude, I thus am the same. Therefore, you complaining about me just now, you would also be the same. And then anyone one who complained about you would have this issue too. And anyone who complained them as well.

That is one hell of a twisted web.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

It's the difference between sitting on your porch glaring at everyone that walks by and thinking to yourself, "those bastards all think they're better than me."

and you know, actually having a conversation with them.
Like everyone does on this forum when they're posting and replying and exchanging dialogue with the typing on the keyboards.

Nor was my OP the alternative; I was saving people time. Hence it "being time." I've stated this twice now, in two different threads. It's like people aren't reading, and my superiority complex only exists when it feeds on others. It is the antithesis to the web of superiority, spreading the path, and then devouring any who walk upon it.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

This is called life.
A psych professor once said to me, "sometimes I don't know if the paranoid schizophrenics are the only ones that see life the way it really is."
That'd be difficult to gauge, considering the ratio of different types of schizophrenia. A general disconnection with reality is one thing, but you have to take into account the portion that experience visual hallucinations, and then the larger number with auditory hallucinations (though I think the former is more severe). Cutting out hallucinations, you have a wide range of spectrum to how severe it is, fitting the different criteria. I believe there were 5 for paranoid schizophrenia with delusions of persecution, but I may be remembering incorrectly. I don't think you need to have them all to be considered afflicted, but then I imagine you could have some, and as long as you were aware of which presumptions and paranoia fit into reality and which did not, you could still be considered okay as far as general mental health is concerned.

My point being, even among that category, the range of perception is wide, and so who may or may not be seeing life "the way it really is" would need to be narrowed within that.






Frankie Williamson


The best motivational poster ever!

My best friend and I laughed at that one for, and this is no exaggeration, around 10 minutes (it was one of those times where one person's laughter infects the other and it keeps going back and forth causing the laughter to last far longer than it normally would).












Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

It has no place in this discussion.
That can describe a lot of posts pertaining to a lot of threads.

if you have issue with the quote take it up with my professor.
I was bringing up a discussion about the quote, which seemed to have no place in this discussion (very troublesome). I thought we were supposed to be having a conversation, whereas any reply to you is perceived as an attack. I do not live in that kind of world, though I know many who do.

If you want to start a topic about perception, that would be interesting but is separate from telling everyone on the board they think they are superior.
I'd discuss why I think it doesn't matter, because one idea can lead to another, and division seems unnecessary, but if I post too much more in this thread it might be going too far in the mental masturbation, and become mental ejaculation.

用一個個 酒翻一 不在乎翻








And I thought people'd think I was annoying if I posted in Dutch. Gah! :-P





As for the other stuff being discussed, I agree with Zen. Most of us are reasonable, respectful forumites. It's just the minority who aren't reasonable and respectful take pleasure in rubbing that in everyone else's faces.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Just to clear it up... besides Crone and Hun, since I assume they were doing it for real... Who's actually typing Chinese and who's just putting up random characters?

Cause I was doing the latter.




Tin and escushion appear to be the only ones posting nonsensical Chinese, everyone else's makes some sense.



Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

As much as their English?

Just so long as I didn't accidentally curse anyone's mother.




Eh, she really is pretty cheap. I've been telling her to raise her prices for some time now, but she won't.





---------- Post added at 11:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 AM ----------

Good lord, why is it every time I try to edit on this forum using FF, it takes darn near *ages* to save the changes, or, even better, it doesn't save it at all! Gah!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Use advanced.




Tin and escushion appear to be the only ones posting nonsensical Chinese, everyone else's makes some sense.

責備谷歌 :)




責備谷歌 :)
See, you just posted "scold valley song."




pbbbb....what?!? Really? If anything, I see people saying they think their lives suck more than anything else here!

That being said, it's not wrong to have an opinion, and it's not arrogant or conceited to defend it. Doesn't mean that you think it's better than anyone else's but it does mean you think it's worth having.



fades life sucks.



I love my life! What can i say...I'm spoiled




sure, just go on and tell everyone how pussy whipped I am.

I'm trying to maintain a reputation here woman!




sure, just go on and tell everyone how pussy whipped I am.

I'm trying to maintain a reputation here woman!


ahem* I'm sorry Sir. I've been a baaaad girl. I'll take my spanking now.





sure, just go on and tell everyone how pussy whipped I am.

I'm trying to maintain a reputation here woman!

long before she arrived, we knew. It has been widely known for Ages past, and foretold for generations.



long before she arrived, we knew. It has been widely known for Ages past, and foretold for generations.
wow...umm..Tin do you get burned like this often? lmao




yeah, but momma says they're just jealous of my awesomeness


actually, everyone pretty much burns everyone around here. It's just like home that way ;)



i love how your avatar matches the 1st smiley



But Crone does it sooo well. hehe

However, you have to be nice to me today.



But Crone does it sooo well. hehe

However, you have to be nice to me today.
Me? Or Tin?

Because baby I'll be nice to you today, and all night long as well.




Can I have her???? PLEEEEEEASEEE??!!




Nah..i get the sneaking suspicion that I'd be left out in the cold ;)



Honestly, so would she. I prefer the more violent ladies.




fades life sucks.
Only when I come here.



don't have sex on the internet then.




input output input output input output input output




do you have a lazy eye?




What? No.



I don't see any such thing.




I don't see any such thing.
I do. Look at it, just laying about when there's work to be done.
