I know this is going to be a bit of a redundant thread since there are already a couple of threads (and a contest) dedicated to my game, but I wanted to do a little self promotion anyway.
For those that have not read the thread in the general area, my card game is called Geek Fight. It allows you to live out all of the fantasies that go through your mind while you and a friend are "discussing" whether or not Darth Vader could defeat the crew of a Borg Cube singlehandedly.
Our first small regional release (lovingly referred to as Beta Edition) takes place in a gaming/sci-fi/anime convention, and brings all of our favorite geek archetypes into the ring (which will be re-released at a future date). Our first national release brings in none other than the Angry Video Game Nerd and the Nostalgia Critic.
We only at least half the price of the other guys (without sacrificing quality), but we are also meant to be the new business cards for the industry. We allow other companies to advertise on our cards, and even though some players may not like that it does offer them some advantages. The sponsored promo cards increase the size of the card pool, it helps us keep the costs to the players down, and it teaches players about other geek related companies and products.
We are always coming up with new set and cards ideas, so you can look forward to many more set to come.