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My Superman Game



Warning: This is VERY lengthy, so please no "tl;dr" comments, kay? :)

Given the huge success of getting the perfect Batman game, I've been thinking: what, to me, would be the "perfect" Superman game?

Obviously, the first hurdle is his sheer power and invulnerbility. However, he's got some pretty powerful villains that are on his level. Darkseid (and everything involving Apokalips), Brainiac, Luthor (when handled right), Mxyzptlk, Parasite, Bizarro, etc.

The second is how do you make a game that makes you FEEL like Superman and still be a satisfying game. So, here's my idea. And if anyone in the gaming world reads this, they're welcome to crib my notes, but just give me a free PS3 copy when it comes out. :D

Start the game right off the bat with all of your powers, similar to Prototype. BUT, like Prototype, the story causes almost all of your powers to be lost except for the bare basics of super leaping, some strength and some invulnerability. As the game progresses, you open up more of your abilities again until the end, where you're back to full power.

The story: Luthor finds a way to block out the sun using a number of satellites in orbit around the earth. Throughout the city are various buildings (with a satellite dish or controlling centre) where Luthor has placed a lot of key Superman rogues to guard them. So, as you defeat these various areas (the game is entirely open-ended ala Grand Theft Auto), you gain something, either strength or powers.

Powers: Some buttons would be designed for certain areas of Superman. For example, one button designed for his eye powers (X-ray vision, heat vision, telescopic, etc), another for breath (cold, powerful gusts). You can switch them out at your leisure either in a pause menu ala Mega Man or on the spot ala Prototype.

Villains to use in the game:
-Early in the game, for lower powers: Toyman, Prankster, Intergang, Bloodsport

-Higher difficulty/requires certain powers: Hellgrammite, Metallo, Parasite, Luminus, Lobo (taking over Bibbo's bar!), Volcana. For guys like Metallo and Parasite, maybe have the option of taking them out sooner, if you get a lead-lined suit like from the Animated Series (something you pick up doing STAR Labs missions or Clark Kent as reporter missions)

-For late in the game: Brainiac, Bizarro, Luthor (Lex tower; probably one of the last satellites to take down, as he has security measures out the yin-yang)

-Giant Monsters: These would come up as the story unfolds and would be a huge threat that would cause great collateral damage (and thus, having to save people at the same time as trying to stop the big thing). Some would include some giant Toyman-related robot, Chemo, Firebrand (using cold breath to put out fires!), Titano, etc.

-Finale: Throughout the game, there's hints and build up that unfolds that Darkseid is coming. So, the finale is not only the troops of Apokalips on Earth (fighitng parademons and Darkseid's minions like Kalibak, but the big finale with Darkseid himself). This would be the ulimate test of using ALL your powers all at once.

-Saving people: I loved how in the Spider-Man 2 game, there were people you had to save. It just needs to have a lot more variety. So you have buildings on fire (saving people, putting out the fire by creating a flying vortex vacuum, your cold breath or a nearby fire hydrant), cats in trees (because that's just cute), people falling off buildings, random crimes like car chases and bank robberies, etc. Dependings on how powerful you are or what powers you unluck, these would slowly becomes either more frequent (because you can get there faster) or tougher. Plus, adding this into public boss fights like the giant monsters would be fun as hell. Not sure what the reward would be to save X number of people, though.

-Side Missions: What open-ended game would be without them? How about a racing game where you race against The Flash? Touring with the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit to stop crimes around the city. A gladiator arena set up by Mongul or Roulette. Helping test out equipment for STAR Labs or helping them run tests on you (various challenges). Maybe various breakouts on Stryker's Island (the prison in Metropolis).

But best of all: Clark Kent missions. I was thinking it'd be fun to be able to switch back and forth and your leisure between the two, similar to the disguise system in Prototype (you can tell where I was inspired by this). So, you could go to the Daily Planet, get a story and investigate it. You could still have access to SOME of your powers while as Clark (various vision powers, strength, etc) but it'd be part stealth in that you don't want others to discover your identity. Do team-up missions with Lois where you two sneak in and you can use a lot of your powers in her presence. Again, not sure what the goal of this would be, but...huh, what if it helps alleviate the traps and security measures by Lex? Slowly taking him down by revealing to the public his dastardly deeds?

The nice thing is that, by the end of the game, you're rewarded for your hard work with all of his powers and are welcome to free roam again all you want!

So...what do you guys think?




There already was a perfect Superman game:




I'm sorry... but any Superman game where you don't start right off the bat with the ability to FLY isn't about Superman. It's one of his most iconic abilities.

Also, I'd throw in the life meter from the Superman Returns movie game. It didn't monitor HIS health, because Superman is nigh invulnerable. Instead, it monitored the health and spirit of Metropolis: It goes too low and Superman has failed in his duty to protect the city, meaning you lose. I thought this was pretty novel.



I thought it was a novel idea in theory, but not so great in execution.

The reason I did the leaping thing is to take his powers back to Golden Age levels (faster than a speeding bullet, leaping over tall buildings, etc). It's not like you wouldn't be able to fly for long. Plus, the reason for taking away his powers are for three reasons:

1) Rewards the player for going through the storymode.
2) Temporarily takes his powers back to Golden Agel levels, which I thought was a nice touch.
3) Opens up the possibility of less powerful villains to be a legitimate threat, such as Toyman.

Additionally, like Prototype, once you finish the game, you can replay it again as a New Game Plus with all of your powers.

Man, I thought it would be a neat, different idea for a Superman game, but the other place I posted this (NoScansDaily Livejournal) didn't like the idea, either. :(




I do like it :)



I'd play that game and I'm not even that much of a Superman fan.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I'd tweak the sort of Zelda/Rare game visiting satellites stuff, as you'd want to vary the reasons and motions of fighting Superman baddies, but otherwise, that sounds awesome.




The big problem with making an open world Superman game is that it would ACTUALLY need to be open UNIVERSE.

The story kinda falls flat when you get the idea that Supes could just fly up and take out any harmful satellites and/or circle around to the other end of the Sun, etc.



Given the amount of things already going on in my above idea, I think making it a universe would make it too big. Besides, if he's lost most of his power, he wouldn't have the capability to go up and take out the satellites, anyway!

Though you do make a good point, Escushion. It might get a little repetative. What if one of them was through helping the SCU with missions (maybe include Intergang in those missions, for example) that somehow ties into the satellites?

Plus, each enemy couldn't be beaten the same way. Metallo and Parasite couldn't be fought straight on due to a kryptonite heart or power-sucking abilities. Lobo could be fun, for a giant bar brawl. Toyman would be throwing endless different kinds of dangerous toys your way. And there's the giant monsters, as I'd mentioned.




I dunno man. I think Supes is too powerful to be constrained by the framework your game idea is trying to set up.



How is it any different than the majority of other games where you gradually become more powerful and the harder enemies keeps piling up until the end? Throughout most games, you gain new abilities, weapons, equipment and then the game gets tougher, testing your use of said abilities and such. It works for most FPS games, most RTS, Zelda games, Metroid, Mega Man, Mario in many cases, RPGs, etc. By the end of most games, the only tough battle left to give you a challenge is the final boss.

It's a system that most video games go by, honestly.




Because most other superhero games don't feature a character who could end Metropolis with a thought?

Even in his earliest stages, your Superman is more powerful than Arkhams' fully beefed-up Batman. Granted, so are his foes, but it takes a big suspension of disbelief for player to buy that Superman would allow himself to be hampered in this way.

Even in commentary for the animated series, the producers/creators said that they couldn't have their Superman have ALL the power that he should have, because it wouldn't be much of a show.



He would be extremely limited in taking them out, though. And Luthor plans it out that a lot of heavy hitters and contenders are all guarding each of the controlling stations.

If it's an issue about him leaving the city? Hmm.

*snaps his fingers* Got it. Brainiac. His ship is ominously hovering over the city. His technology creates a giant force bubble around the city, keeping anyone from getting in (Justice League) or out (Superman). Unfortunately, to even GET to the ship, you have to have most of your powers because Brainiac and his advanced technologies keep the Man of Steel out.

Plus, it doubly works as another Luthor/Brainiac team-up, a classic part of the mythos. And he's used the force bubble/shield before in Justice League.




He would be extremely limited in taking them out, though. And Luthor plans it out that a lot of heavy hitters and contenders are all guarding each of the controlling stations.

If it's an issue about him leaving the city? Hmm.

*snaps his fingers* Got it. Brainiac. His ship is ominously hovering over the city. His technology creates a giant force bubble around the city, keeping anyone from getting in (Justice League) or out (Superman). Unfortunately, to even GET to the ship, you have to have most of your powers because Brainiac and his advanced technologies keep the Man of Steel out.

Plus, it doubly works as another Luthor/Brainiac team-up, a classic part of the mythos. And he's used the force bubble/shield before in Justice League.
I liked the original idea, and was about to sugest brainiac but in a different way, rather than the force bubble/Shield Brainiac puts Metropolis in "a "bottle" for his collection a bonus for this drama could be that you might have to team up with luthor! (who was betrayed by brainy), The power lost was caused by dimesional nature of the "bottle" or maybe brainiac just put a red solar lamp over it xD

if you don't like this idea, I would sugest to use satelites that turn the sun light in red light rather than blocking it.

also, Parasite should be used in the very first mission, the bad guys want him to both make superman lose his powers and be unable to "recharge" them, there might even have a funny bit where Parasite looks like is about to take down superman, and them the red sun light is activated and his loses his stolen powers as well.

Other points for the Brainiac Bottle idea:
*It closes the game "universe" but in a way that is classic for superman.
*It opens plots and drama possibilities, not only Metropolis "lost" his man of stell, but is now trapped, much of the side missions and rescues could come from the everyday population that is growing more and more desperate (and like in Prototype, your actions might cause the city to go in a direction or the other)
*Much like above you might have to do a deal with devil and get help from Luthor.
*Rather than satelites blocking the sun, the goal of the game is to power up superman using alternate power sources, a idea that would be epic: Create a "Sun" using the Daily Planet globe
**Said sun could turn in to superman foe solaris as part of a Luthor Backstabing
*While trying to escape, they find a way to visit other "bottled cities", specially Kandor, there you might even meet supergirl!!
**And you don't need to limit yourself to Metropolis or Kandor, but any number of planets or even from Earth, some cities might even come as bonus afeter you complete the game

Also, using Kandor, you could have game be about supergirl, but I doubt that you would like that, still it could even be a separated game.


That was longer than I thought it would be >.<




Sorry to necro the thread, but I figured it'd be easier and less redundant.

Okay, so I was thinking today of what my favourite game is: the Half-Life series. What I love about it is that there are no cut scenes. You're right there, in first person, while the whole thing goes on. True, there are times that you're held captive or locked in a room while the story progresses, but everything flows from point A to point B pretty seemlessly.

What if there was a superhero game with that same idea? Combine that with Mirror Edge's idea of seeing your body as it moves around. Imagine playing Superman in first person.

-During flight, you see your arms out in front of you. This position changes depending on which way you fly or changing directions.
-The screen turns red for a brief second and your heat vision blasts out.
-During periods as Clark Kent, you literally see through a pair of glasses. And could arc them down while you secretly use one of your vision powers.
-Badguys shooting at you? Look down. You can see the bullets bouncing off of you. Personally, I'd get it just for this feature, alone.
-Saving and carrying people talk to you while they're in your arms.
-You stop a runaway train with your bare hands and see the metal crushing in front of you. Ditto for crushing guns that you take from criminals.

Then, you have an open world Metropolis with a lot of the similar ideas that I've posted above. Of course, people who want to SEE Superman could do so whenever they fly by many of the windowed buildings. =D



I'd love a good Superman game. You guys make vaild points.
I just think it's impossible to make a Superman game that will please everybody.




The "start out with all powers only to suddenly lose them" happened to Alucard in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night didn't it?




Yes, it did. Well, his gear.




Yes, it did. Well, his gear.
Except there are ways to keep it, if you exploit some of the game's bugs.




I think Supes should be set up by Luthor as a bad guy and now he has good/bad heroes after him. The health bar is how the city perceives him.




I loved the idea of the city health bar, but not in execution. It didn't allow a sandbox-like way of just flying around and checking out the city.




I would buy it if Jimmy Olsen randomly develops a superpower that mysteriously makes him evil for no good reason every level.



dude he's just a reporter




Heh, not in the Silver Age he wasn't. He developed a new power almost every month.




Heh, not in the Silver Age he wasn't. He developed a new power almost every month.
My favorite is that giant turtle olsen. :)


Either way, the idea of a superman first person game is intriguing, but I wonder if it is a bit too much outside the box to work.

I'd love a good Superman game. You guys make vaild points.
I just think it's impossible to make a Superman game that will please everybody.
The solution is make a game for each group :)




A few notes. Lobo should be way higher on the powerful villain scale. As much as I hate him as a character, his power levels can even rival Superman's.

Secondly, first person is a bad idea in general for super hero games. You want to see the super hero that you bought the game for. Besides, watching supe's cape flap while flying with the type of physics they had in Arkham Asylum for Batman would just be awsome as hell.

Finally, I'd like Lex Luthor moved to the side for whatever the next incarnation of Superman is. We've seen far too much of him in adaptations done. Superman has a much bigger rogues gallery than Lex Luthor and I'm just sick of his bald ass. I could totally go for villains like Bizzaro, Parasite, Darkseid et all.




The problem with Superman's enemies is that most of the one who can actually do something to him aren't very smart and the ones who ARE smart tend to be fragile Masterminds like Lex Luther. Really, the only ones who fit into both categories are Brainiac and Darkseid. If they do another Supes Game, they need to have one of those as the Top Dog.



What about Mongul as a villain?




What if instead of losing the powers and slowly regaining them, certain bosses and even levels are set up to work against using certain powers. Perhaps one kind of enemy is just immune to the heat vision while others are so strong that punching them like normal won't do much against them. Or perhaps you run into a room and red sun lamps turn on and the longer you're in there the less powers you have access to.

That way, when you're in between main missions you have access to everything so you can go around and do basic crime fighting stuff and saving people missions. One thing that I'm thinking you should add is that you can be going along and you hear people with your super hearing calling for help, so you kind of have to fly around and find the source of the problem and solve it.

Just an idea. I'm liking it so far!




Oh wait, I know the idea was a superman game, but how about using that first person idea in a superboy game? It could have a strong focus in Clark Kent fiding his "super-identity" and the first-person gameplay would reflect how clarks still doesn't see himself as a superman/boy, but trough the game others start to see his actions as the hero that he really is. In other words, Smallville done right.

This could even have the "City Health Bar" idea of popularity.
