My Week.

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Ever have one of those weeks where things just don't go as you'd planned? Well, that's my week in a nutshell. So here it is.

Dave's Week: A Retrospective

Monday: First, I was the only person who had to get up. I hate that. Kerri is still out of work and since there was no school Sammi got to sleep in also. The day itself was uneventful, but on the way home there was a huge *ker-THUNK* from the front of the car. Uh oh. I was unable to take it to the mechanic because they were closed but it was drivable if not stealthy. In fact, driving makes a God-awful racket.

Tuesday: Worked from home as Kerri needed to use the car and mine got taken to the mechanic. I discovered that it was probably the swaybar and holy crap I was right!! Mechanic said it would cost about $100...he hoped. But that's not what made Tuesday special. That was Patti.

Now, for those of you who don't know, Patti is the name of my ex-finacee. We were high school sweethearts and she moved to California to be with me when I was in the Marines. I had orders to go to Hawaii and if she wanted to go with me she'd have had to be my wife. So we started making plans to marry. Fast forward to early 1987. I came home from work one day...and she was gone. I basically shut down and didn't wake up for at least 2 years. I got out of the marines, I let me hair grow long and I just moped, working mindless and pointless jobs just to pass the time. Found out later that she had had a baby. The father was her sister's platonic roommate.

So Tuesday out of the blue I get a Facebook message from her. My Facebook is not set for private so anyone can post. Here is the (slightly edited) texts.

I don't know how I stumbled upon your profile but had to acknowledge doing so since we were quite tight when (much) younger.
Your wife is beautiful David.
You look so very different and yet I can tell it's you by the eyes. I pray your life is where you want it to be and you are joyful and blessed with good things.
No response requested nor expected.
Tay (aka Patti)
Well this is an interesting message out of the blue! I don't look that much different unless you count the facial hair and 40 or 50 pounds of excess me.

Is my life where I thought it would be? Not really, but then again whose is? You've seen my wife, Kerri, to whom I've been married for 17 years. I have a son, Zachary, who turns 20 (!!) in May. He's not my biological son, but I'm the only dad he's ever known and I've adopted him legally. Then there's my daughter Samantha who just turned 17 in December. (No correlation on the age of Sammi and our anniversary - it's just a happy coincidence.)

I currently work at Bellevue University as a Quality Assurance Analyst which means I sit in a chair and pour over numbers. Exciting and riveting stuff. As you can see from the profile picture I was a wedding DJ for quite some time - started in 1992 and retired from it in October. I loved the job, the music and the people, but being away from the family every weekend wasn't worth it any more. The money was nice but some things are worth more than money, you know?

Anyway, now that you've become caught up on my life whether you asked for it or not...

How have you been? Of course I think about you now & again. I've been to your profile a time or two (don't forget I'm a computer geek and my Google-fu skills are pretty solid) and see that you have another daughter just a little younger than your first. And by a little I mean holy crap! You seem to be happy, though, so that's what counts as I wish you nothing but the best.

By all means don't hesitate to ask questions or drop me a line. Although if you do ask questions be ready for a barrage of words and a wall of text. Kind of like this response was to a simple query. (Some things never change, right?)

I had no idea you thought about and I'm flattered David. Yes, on a quest to renew the flame that had gone dim in my union of 23 yrs, the birth control had no effect and just as we were high-fiving that we were almost empty-nesters when I began feeling un-like myself and him assuring me it was probably something I ate, 9 months later.., we ended up divorcing anyway. Go figure.
Since then, I've been seeking things that make me happy and keep me sane. My grandchildren are the lights of my eyes and my 23 yr old TT is still in need of her Mommy and so she and my 7 yr old keep me pretty entertained and busy "doing" you know?
I don't really remember much about our time together, just that it was, as I was in a car accident and I suffered a bit of memory readjustments afterwards which has stayed with me. Your name is familiar of course and your eyes and lips but unfortunately, not much beyond that. I apologize for this. I was actually hesitant to reach out and contact you because I couldnt recall if the reason we weren't together in life was because of something the younger, selfish-er Tay did so I'm happy to have notice in my in-box that you responded and it was positive.
I am dating again after a break-up with a man who courted me from Burbank CA and with whom I fell head over heels- his wife contacted me finally after 2-1/2 years of suspicion. (Don't ask and I won't tell the gory details.) Anyway, now I've got a stalker on my hands and my heart is still healing but you gotta' get back on the horse, right? LOL. There's lots of beautiful "Forms" out here walking the planet and it's been an interesting ride with some nice connections so we'll see.
Thanks again for the response. I think you were probably very sweet in that earlier life of mine.

So the woman who broke my heart, ripped it out of my chest and stomped all over it...doesn't remember any of it. My guess is she saw my picture and it was powerful enough to trigger a memory, even though she doesn't know exactly what or why. She knows I meant something to her but she can't say what. She doesn't remember any of the bad things she did or even that we were engaged to be married. I'm okay with that. Telling her how it really was benefits nobody.

Wednesday: Most of Wednesday was really nice. until Wednesday night. My wife's best friend is named Mary. Now, Mary is always down in the dumps and talks....really....slow....For a while now Kerri has been ignoring Mary's calls as she doesn't want to deal with the drama or depression. And now we know why she was like this.

Mary has been suffering for years with migraines. She's seen several doctors trying to get help and has been given more and more and more pain medication to mask the pain. I'm talking hydrocodone, oxycontin, mescaline...Folks, she's on over 30 medications every day. She was the way she was because she was stoned and addicted to the narcotics.

Wednesday night the blood clot in her brain which had been growing for years - apparently undetected by the slough of doctors who had examined her - finally pushed her over the edge and she had an aneurysm. She's currently in a medically induced coma and has very little brain activity. They think even if she does wake up again she'll at least have totally lost her memory and more than likely be a total vegetable. She's on life support right now and had she signed an NDR they wouldn't even have bothered to do that as they think she is that far gone. End Wednesday.

Thursday: So Thursday I AGAIN worked from home as the car is still in the shop and Kerri needed the other one to go back to the hospital. Now, Mary has 5 kids (ages about 14 to 21 or so) and an ex-husband. She has a mother, father and two siblings. She's in the hospital in a coma and is not expected to every be able to take care of herself again (if she does make it).

Kerri was the only person there with her.

Now we start getting into the politics of it all. Her ex doesn't want her family to take over anything and the oldest child - who is the next of kin thanks to the divorce - doesn't want to make any decisions. She "can't handle it." So the ex took them to an attorney and has gotten it set up so that the kids have to form a committee which must unanimously agree on anything before it can be done. If there are any disagreements it has to go to arbitration. This is basically the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. Tell the oldest daughter life sucks, but it's time to step up and be a fucking adult.

So now there's a war brewing over whether to take her off of life support, who will manage the life insurance money, etc. etc. etc.

Meanwhile, Kerri is in the room with Mary reading to her and talking. End Thursday.

Friday: Today remains to be seen. I know my car is done and it's going to be $80 which is nice. Thankfully I've pretty much taken my son's paycheck to take care of it. I got a ride to work so Kerri could go back to the hospital. I have a couple of meetings this afternoon on my duties for the parking lot attendant job and also for a mentoring program I'm joining for underprivileged kids. We'll see how that turns out.

So there you have it. That's my week.

How's yours?
Last week when I went on vacation for 6 days, I had 3 work tasks incomplete.

When I returned from vacation Wednesday, I had 42.

Since then, I've spent 10 hours per day working, and I'm currently at...71. I'd have spent more time working, but my mother-in-law broke her tibia on Wednesday, meaning my wife has had to take care of things for her. Which essentially left me as a single father the past two days, and I refuse to prioritize work over my son.

However, as annoying as it is, it's still just work.

So, I hope things settle down for you a bit.


Staff member
Jesus Christ, Dave. Crazy week. I'm so sorry for your wife's friend. What a terrible situation, and it sounds like it's not going to be resolved easily.

I'm not quite following the thing with your ex. Is she claiming to have had memory problems before y'all were together, or did something happen while y'all were together that made her start forgetting things? Either way it sounds very soap opera. Must have been a very shocking day. :confused: Here's to a relaxing weekend for you, I hope I hope I hope...


Worst thing that has happened to me was that the ex, after placing her on a 2 week block hoping to calm her down, has reemerged "clear headed" and "accepting" of my decision not to get back with her.

Her only request, is that I allow her to see me in person, at least once. When I even remotly hinted that it would be a possibility, in the future (which I made clear) she started getting sexually flirty again. -sigh- Looks like I'm going to have to block her permantely.

Edit: To those who are still screaming at me to cut her off completely, I did the temp block to hopefully calm her down enough to understand my position and that I wasn't going to cheat on my girlfriend (even for a no string attached session) or change my mind and get back with her.

I really did want to maintain some communication with her as a friend as I've managed to do with the biological mother of my kids recently without having drama or issues. If that ever has a chance to work, I'm apparantly going to have to block her for months at the least or until she moves on.
I am sorry to hear about how your week has been Dave and I hope it all works out for everyone. Other than that I am at a loss for what to say other than what I have already said. But I do want to once again thank you for everything you have done for the message board even while things have been going on in your life. If there is ever anything you need just let us know and I am sure that everyone here would be eager to help in anyway we could.


Saturday through Monday I spent my time either sitting in the waiting room of some medical establishment or lying in bed in pain while not moving and being covered in cats.
Tuesday I spent 5 hours at a car fix it place in another town.
Wednesday I spent traveling with my family. Actually the only downside to Wednesday was the cold and even that wasn't so bad.
Thursday I woke up all swollen from allergies again so I missed my morning classes. The rest of the day was pretty nice actually I got most of the stuff I won in the mail so that made my day. I did some grocery shopping. Things started going badly about 10:30 when I had this inexplicable stomach ache. It was awful so even though Thursdays is one of my stay up late nights I was in bed by 11:30.
Late Thursday- Technically Friday- I wake up at 2 to realize that the stomach pain I had all night was simply a prelude to getting violently sick. I refused to do so in my dorm room or the dorm hall so I had the most uncomfortable agonizing walk to the bathroom. Could the bathroom BE any farther away? Who thought this dorm shit up?!
Friday- I just got up again. I feel ok. My throat is sore from being sick and my breathing is labored from the allergies. I have been completely abusing Benadryl so I am trying not to take it. I have a feeling I'll give in here soon. "Young lady would you like to do the one thing that makes you feel well even though you shouldn't?" "Why yes I would thanks."

Dave, I know what it is like when it is one thing after another. I try to remember "this too will pass" and I rant about it in the rant thread. Although my rants are generally less ranty and more seriously wtf life?!


Jiarn: cut the ties man! but that's another thread.

Interesting week Dave. TGIF.


Oh don't get me wrong, this year started off amazing and is getting better every day, I just had that bump.

Dave, you seem to go through phases of bad then phases of good, I'm sure your good will rotate around soon enough, till then.... you've got us! Oh wait....
Don't worry, Dave. After all these troubles, things are going to be so much better for you in the next few months. Seriously, they are. My Nicktuition told me so. It's never been wrong. Ask anyone who's heard of the Nicktuition.

By this summer, things are going to be amazing for you from almost every part of your life. Ya just gotta get through this shitstorm.
My week has been a mixed bag.

Bad: Apartment complex had to shut off water sat & sun due to a water main break. Just as they got it fixed around 5pm on sun, the backhoe broke it again. Did not get water service (and thusly showers & flushing) back until 11pm sunday.

Good: Had monday off due to Martin Luther King day.

Good: New job is going well and got to hang out all week w/ a cool Jamaican guy.

Bad: My 93 yr-old Grandmother was taken to the hospital with a heart attack. Thankfully, she recognized the signs very early and the nursing home she is in is the next block over from the hospital, so she received extra quick care. She's fine, had to have a procedure done to relieve a 90% blockage, but she got the doctor that had been doing that kind of procedure for 30 years & teaches everyone else how to do it. She should be back in her room at the home & resting by now.


Sheesh Genspec. *hugs*

All I did was under a series of MRI's (always fun.))


Staff member
Thursday update on Mary (my wife's friend). This last week has been a very up & down thing.

Mary was taken off of life support last week. Instead of doing what the doctors thought she was going to do - die - she did just the opposite. She improved. In fact, she not only woke up but was (eventually) lucid and was able to talk. The doctors do not have an explanation as to how she was able to regain ANY functionality with the damage to her brain. As one doctor put it, they never thought she'd ever be anything but a vegetable. The fact that she woke up at all? Miracle. That she was aware of her surroundings? Miracle. The fact that she was able to speak when they said her language/memory/speech areas were pretty much obliterated? Beyond miracle.

Last night, though, she started speaking gibberish and getting violent. Now she's back in the ICU and they THINK she's has a series of small to medium strokes. Kerri is back with her at the hospital. The only bright side from all of this is that if she does get irreparable damage this time Kerri got to talk to her and Mary got to at least get some closure with those who were there.

There are still some family issues going on (like her oldest daughter being MIA as she "can't handle it") but these are largely things we just have to deal with. I'll keep you all appraised of the situation if changes...whether you want to hear them or not. :p
Personally, I think your ex is full of shit personally Dave. How convenient to have memory loss around something that she obviously fucked up. But that's neither here nor there (Although it sounds like karma has been a bitch, with puppies!)

As for Mary, I wouldn't be too hard on the 21 year old daughter. It's incredibly hard to make those kinds of decisions, especially with pressure from family.
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