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My wife can't drive :(




Taking the kids to school today my wife got into an accident when she t-boned a red Dodge pickup. our car has very little damage to it where the dodge's drivers side door is all tore up. Long story short she got a ticket for failure to yield the right of way and I'm out of a job barely making it on unemployment... fun



Taking the kids to school today my wife got into an accident when she t-boned a red Dodge pickup. our car has very little damage to it where the dodge's drivers side door is all tore up. Long story short she got a ticket for failure to yield the right of way and I'm out of a job barely making it on unemployment... fun

Women drivers: no survivors.




It's your own damn fault for marrying a woman...

that sucks dude...




My bro pulled the same maneuver, but it totaled his 15 year old car. He is working 2 jobs and still can not afford to replace it.



My bro pulled the same maneuver, but it totaled his 15 year old car. He is working 2 jobs and still can not afford to replace it.
Male drivers: no survivors.




You have insurance, right?

And she stuck around and didn't run after?

It's why they call them accidents. As long as she's okay you'll recover. I know it sucks but it could have been much, much worse. I hope you let her know that her health is more important to you than the fates of the car or your finances.



You have insurance, right?

And she stuck around and didn't run after?

It's why they call them accidents. As long as she's okay you'll recover. I know it sucks but it could have been much, much worse. I hope you let her know that her health is more important to you than the fates of the car or your finances.
I completely agree with Dave....Be thankful she's not hurt and everyone is ok.




Or being unemployed you could just beat her... i hear that's popular with jobless men nowadays.




Or being unemployed you could just beat her... i hear that's popular with jobless men nowadays.




What can i say, i can't help being hip...




Oh I didn't get mad. No use getting mad over petty shit. I actually had a laugh about it. it tore off our license plate and bent it up a little bit. When the cop came I gave it to him and asked if he needed our license plate number buh dum psh!




My wife wrecked mine when we first moved to Louisiana. Actually, it wasn't her fault. Actually, she was parked on the street in front of a new friend's house, when the friend's husband somehow (I still can't quite work it out in my head) ran into my parked car as he was leaving with his (totally necessary in the suburbs) Ford F-350.




I've been in 2 cars accidents in my life, twice the car wasn't even in movement, twice hit by women, once at a red light where I was waiting for the green light for half a minute, the second time while my car was parked in my own driveway.




I've been in enough fender-benders that I don't get worked up anymore. If you live in a town full of college kids, you are bound to get into a few accidents. Not to be sexist, but 3 out of the 5 times my truck has been hit by another car, there was a young lady at the wheel.




And yet statistically speaking (and according to insurance companies), women are safer drivers. Go figure. :p



I dont know about statistics but my experience on the interstate is the most dangerous drivers are women between the ages of 18-23 and men in their 40's. Both think they own the road and are usually on cell phones. I have nearly died because of people in those age groups too many times to mention.




And yet statistically speaking (and according to insurance companies), women are safer drivers. Go figure. :p
Usually the ones that cause the multi-car pileup don't die, or even get involved in the wreck. They just drive merrily along, swerving in my lane.




The only fender bender I've ever been in was really lucky for me because all I lost was time, honestly. A chick rear ended a dude, who rear ended some lady who rear ended me. You wouldn't have been able to tell that I was hit at all though unless you looked real close for the small chips of paint taken out of my bumper and the impression of the car behind mine's front bumper left in layer of dirt that was covering my car. I mean I considered just leaving but figured that I should make sure everything is official just in case.

What really made the whole experience weird was that this was maybe 10 minutes after my parents called to tell me that my grandpa had died. It just kind of made me go "seriously? what the fuck, universe? We used to be cool."


Kitty Sinatra

Not to be sexist, but 3 out of the 5 times my truck has been hit by another car, there was a young lady at the wheel.
50%+1 is really what your conclusion is based on? What are you, Quebecois?




And yet statistically speaking (and according to insurance companies), women are safer drivers. Go figure. :p
That's because people know to stay at a safe distance from womyn drivers..,.



And yet statistically speaking (and according to insurance companies), women are safer drivers. Go figure. :p

Yet for some strange reason everyone's rates balance out when they hit 25. Weird.

Women don't know what the hell they're doing half the time, but drive slower. Men tend to speed, which increases the damage done if in an accident. If you're an insurance company you care about the driver getting killed and damage.

Did you know that you're supposed to take a turn to the furthermost end and then work in towards the shorter end for maximum distance gain and least centripetal force? Did you know that to pull a 180 degree turnaround you're supposed to prop your hand at the 5-6 o'clock position and rip it hard without hitting the brakes?

Now I'm not saying that all women can't drive or all men are awesome drivers either.

Anyway change of topic. All those morons that got into accidents because of their accelerator sticking in their Toyota. Did they ever hear of 'neutral'? This is why I exclusively drive manual transmission. Fucking automatics.




Did you know that you're supposed to take a turn to the furthermost end and then work in towards the shorter end for maximum distance gain and least centripetal force? Did you know that to pull a 180 degree turnaround you're supposed to prop your hand at the 5-6 o'clock position and rip it hard without hitting the brakes?
Well look who can use google.... :p




Or played Gran Turismo. They call it the "Skip Barber" technique or some bull, even though people have been slingshotting turns before Skip.



Or played Gran Turismo. They call it the "Skip Barber" technique or some bull, even though people have been slingshotting turns before Skip.

Ah good ol' Skip.

---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

Did you know that you're supposed to take a turn to the furthermost end and then work in towards the shorter end for maximum distance gain and least centripetal force? Did you know that to pull a 180 degree turnaround you're supposed to prop your hand at the 5-6 o'clock position and rip it hard without hitting the brakes?
Well look who can use google.... :p[/QUOTE]

No way man, I took high speed driving courses at the local police barracks. It's hella fun for like 100bucks!



Or played Gran Turismo. They call it the "Skip Barber" technique or some bull, even though people have been slingshotting turns before Skip.

Ah good ol' Skip.

---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

Did you know that you're supposed to take a turn to the furthermost end and then work in towards the shorter end for maximum distance gain and least centripetal force? Did you know that to pull a 180 degree turnaround you're supposed to prop your hand at the 5-6 o'clock position and rip it hard without hitting the brakes?
Well look who can use google.... :p[/QUOTE]

No way man, I took high speed driving courses at the local police barracks. It's hella fun for like 100bucks![/QUOTE]

Well, there's one use for my tax return. Police...speed...course.... Wrote it down, thanks.




Yeah, in (my wife's) police academy, they called the high-speed turn thing "driving the apex", but it pretty much the same thing.




Did you know that you're supposed to take a turn to the furthermost end and then work in towards the shorter end for maximum distance gain and least centripetal force? Did you know that to pull a 180 degree turnaround you're supposed to prop your hand at the 5-6 o'clock position and rip it hard without hitting the brakes?
Well look who can use google.... :p
No way man, I took high speed driving courses at the local police barracks. It's hella fun for like 100bucks![/QUOTE]

Google would have been cheaper...



Did you know that you're supposed to take a turn to the furthermost end and then work in towards the shorter end for maximum distance gain and least centripetal force? Did you know that to pull a 180 degree turnaround you're supposed to prop your hand at the 5-6 o'clock position and rip it hard without hitting the brakes?
Well look who can use google.... :p
No way man, I took high speed driving courses at the local police barracks. It's hella fun for like 100bucks![/QUOTE]

Google would have been cheaper...[/QUOTE]

Experience vs. Knowledge. Experience wins.
