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Name My WoD Character




In the spirit of asking naming advice from the forum populace, here's my current conundrum: I am currently in the middle of a World of Darkness campaign; we're playing Changeling: The Lost. To those unfamiliar with it, it's basically a game where the characters are changelings, people who have been captured by the capricious Fae (more Lovecraftian abominations with inhuman goals than cutesy-boop little butterfly-winged people), and have then managed to make it back to the real world. But their time among the Fae has left them changed, both physically and mentally, leaving them something not quite human.

A major part of the game is simply trying to survive in the real world once more, while at the same time using other people's emotions (anger, joy, lust, fear, shame etc.) as nourishment to keep the Fae side both sated and hidden, as well as to fuel each character's Fae powers. Because of this need to stay hidden, coupled with the fact that a person's own life is often overtaken by a Fae simulacrum called a fetch, many changelings adopt false personas, new identities that they show to the mortal world.

My character, Jonah Boon, is currently at a situation where he has the chance to get false identity papers (i.e. buy a New Identity merit). The thing is, I need to come up with a name for this false face as well. So I'm open to suggestions.

Some background on Jonah and the game:
- male, Caucasian, appears to be in his late 20s
- Darkling (a changeling with an affinity for darkness and shadows), Mirrorskin (a face-changer)
- Survived as a servant among his Fae Master, who enjoyed his servants vying for his favour. In other words, being in the master's good graces was literally a matter of life and death. Jonah managed to get far that way, becoming something of a trusted servant - but not without getting his hands bloodied in the process.
- The motley (the 'adventuring party') consists of Jonah, his brother and their two cousins who were kidnapped as children but also managed to escape together.
- Has no intentions of going back to his 'old life'; partly because as a face-changer his personality is somewhat fluid and malleable, and partly because of fear that the master might find him that much easier if he tried going back.
- Hedonist with a loyal streak towards his only remaining kin.

- The game's based in Chicago, January 2009.
- Names to be avoided: Gary (old first name), Anton (the name his Fae master gave him) or any variant thereof; Waters (old surname), religious or mythological names (considered taboo among the Changelings, as such names tend to draw the attention of the Fae).

Some names I've considered (mostly anagrams with slight twists):
Derek Shafton ('safe in the dark')
Matt Dyer ('maitre d'').
Warren Beck, Aron V. Beck, Aron Wybeck ('never back')
Morris Rink ('mirrorskin')




How about Darkangel?



Frankie Williamson

Harry "Danger" Dangerowskowicz




Har har. Maybe I wasn't quite clear. I'm looking for a name that's either thematic, an anagram/something else of something thematic, but still common enough to pass as a 'normal' name.

Jonah Boon, ill luck and good fortune... that's his 'real' name, in a sense. The name associated with the New Identity, that's just a cover.




Fan Shh Jot which is an anagram for John Shaft. He's a bad mother...


Kitty Sinatra

Peerless Price




Darkling Hedonist = Stone Lingh Raddik




Jonah Boon, ill luck and good fortune... that's his 'real' name, in a sense. The name associated with the New Identity, that's just a cover.

John A. Noob



Patrick Morphy? Peter Clay? Nero Jones? Simon Black?

All are real names which contain additional meanings - 'Morphy' and 'Clay' for the shapeshifting, 'Nero' and 'Black' for the darkness-theme.

Figured those would be a bit more subtle and less obvious as pseudonyms... unless, of course, you want obvious.




Subtle and less obvious, that's the key here, yes.

Simon Black has a nice ring to it...


Kitty Sinatra

Clayton Blackmore


Shaw Coyote

Shaw Coyote

Raven Darktalonblood.

The Third.

Or Wang Fire.




Galmor Sombro (Glamour + 'shade')
Braun Goulart (Corrupted anagram of 'umbra' + homage to famous author of shape-changing characters, Ron Goulart)
Jared Mockley (Main character from 'The Pretender' + mock)
Oscar Cadogan ('oscuro' dark/shady + battle honor)

There's 15 minutes gone.









Harry Potter



How about Darkangel?
hahahaha Yeah i choose that one too lol!




How'd that thing with the serial killer in the making turn out anyway? Last we heard, you were being carted off in police car, disguised as an old man.




Well, the police didn't take the bait so nothing came out of it. They did buy the whole "Oh my God I got mugged" story, though, so I got out of it scot free - that I know off (our ST has the habit of making past errors REALLY come back and bite us in the ass).

At the moment, we're getting settled in the local freehold (changeling community), and I'm waiting for a particularly bothersome pledge to end. We got the crap beaten out of us, and I had to agree to temporary servitude to a frickin' furry goblin for a month.




How about Darkangel?
hahahaha Yeah i choose that one too lol![/QUOTE]

Totally stole that joke from me...




Powers. Tim Powers.


General Specific

General Specific

Hugh Mahn


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I had to agree to temporary servitude to a frickin' furry goblin for a month.
At the end of your tenure, tell that goblin to yiff in hell.




I had to agree to temporary servitude to a frickin' furry goblin for a month.
At the end of your tenure, tell that goblin to yiff in hell.[/QUOTE]

There's no translation for 'yiffing' in Finnish. Thank God for that small blessing.

Interesting game tonight, though... striptease at a gay bar, threesome with two lovely Spring Court ladies, beating up a pimp and stealing the hotel cash box, breaking and entering a church, bribing the parson, scaring a troll off an NPC who insisted on fighting him alone and almost got killed because of that, meeting a swamp-dwelling witch who sounded like a female Yoda with giggles, and talking to the Tree of Truth and answering Monty Pythonesque riddles. And all this with one of our regular group actually missing! GOD that was an awesome game!


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Then tell that goblin to make love to other goblins that feel they have more in common with anthropomorphic animals in HELL.



:( It's never Batman...




I'm Batman.



I'm Batman.
And you can breathe in space.



Channel the spirit of Dolemite and the Blaxploitation scene.




I tend to follow certain naming conventions for my D&D characters that I can try to apply here.

Let's see...

How about Marco Sinclair?
