National Day of Action against Joe

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So today was a protest against Joe Arpaio and 287(g), I hate the former but support the latter so I was not in attendance. I do have a number of friends/family who went and I was wondering what other people have heard/ think about the protests and what they are protesting. From what I know tear gas was used on the Black Bloc (Isn't it great to have these fools out ruining a cause?) when they approached Tent City, though how close I do not know. There were 3-5 arrests I'm told.
... maybe you should give us a bit more information about this? Some links would be nice, as I have NO idea what you are talking about.

Kitty Sinatra

Sheriff Joe is trying to rid Arizona's mean streets of the filthy Mexican illegals, one rights-trampling detainment at a time. ;)


Staff member
As for this 287(g)... did someone get caught with 287 grams of marihuana and was therefore promptly rodgered by Sheriff Joe?


Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so used to people here knowing exactly what I'm talking about.

Joe Arpaio is the Sheriff of Maricopa County in Arizona. He's known as the worlds toughest sheriff and more recently as the States most racist. He does these things called sweeps where he is looking for illegal immigrants but what results is the stopping of any hispanic person that his people come across. 287(G) is summed up by wikipedia here,


Me no understand legalese. Translate, plox?[/QUOTE]

Before this law only federal officers could arrest illegal immigrants. This law allows the federal government to designate state/county agencies to do it. "Sheriff" Arpaio is know bending the rule.

It should also be noted that he's pretty much the only person who says he's the 'Toughest' Sheriff.

He's also a pretend cowboy, which is pretty much enough to piss anybody off.
It doesn't appear that 287(g) is the problem. If it was used by honest officers, it would hardly come up and would be used fairly if it did. The problem is that Joe appears to be the human personification of hatred and isn't above harassing anyone who tries to stop him, nor is he above abusing any of his powers to ensure he gets what he wants.


Well yes. That's Twitch's thing. That's the problem with these protests, they lump up one thing that's just fine, with another that's clearly evil.

I have no problem with 287 (g) simply because there aren't enough Federal officers to do the job. Plus it's silly not to allow a Deputy not arrest an illegal immigrant if he's already standing there. But it's rife with abuse by Arpaio.


Spot on Rabbitgod. I thought most people called him by his nickname because I'd heard of him by it back when I lived in Washington.


I've heard people call him by that, but he gave himself that name. In the history of nicknames nobody worthwhile has ever given themselves their own nickname. It's the title of one of his 'books' and I think he used it during campaigns.

Luckily his margin of victory for each term has been progressively lower, so as long as the trend continues he may not be elected next time. Not that it matters much to me, but he's too much of a creep to represent Arizona.


Have to admit. He's at least trying to help with the illegal immigrant problem.
He's not helping, and I doubt that's the reason he's doing it. The law gives him an excuse to be himself for a living.

Most people I know who bitch about illegal immigration use that because they have the law on their side for it, when what they really want to bitch about is immigrants in general. Any immigrant they like is legal, any they don't is "those illegals". This asshole is painting with a broad stroke, like most racial profilers in the police.


Not saying I agree with how he's going about it.

Just seems like anyone who tries to do anything about it gets lumped in the same catagory. He's not the only one using broad strokes.
Not saying I agree with how he's going about it.

Just seems like anyone who tries to do anything about it gets lumped in the same catagory. He's not the only one using broad strokes.
It's true that those who try to stop illegal immigration are generally treated like shit for upholding law and order, but Joe is NOT a paragon of virtue. He's abused his power to make anyone who runs against him suffer for it and basically runs them out of town. His gestapo tactics against illegal immigration are only a symptom of a much greater problem... that being he is a soulless monster, hellbent on making anyone who gets in his way suffer for all eternity :)


Waaait... run this one past me again.

Why's everyone so upset about coffee?
I am not a fan of the Sheriff Joe, when he is beat in the elections I will think about moving back to Phoenix. Until then I re-enlist for Hawaii until they kick me out. :)

Kitty Sinatra

It's true that those who try to stop illegal immigration are generally treated like shit for upholding law and order
I sincerely doubt those Customs and Immigration Officers and staff who do their job properly - and this would be the vast majority of them - are treated like shit. Well, except those who pat me down at the airport; the fucking perverts.


It's true that those who try to stop illegal immigration are generally treated like shit for upholding law and order
I sincerely doubt those Customs and Immigration Officers and staff who do their job properly - and this would be the vast majority of them - are treated like shit. Well, except those who pat me down at the airport; the fucking perverts.[/QUOTE]
The ICE I know are pretty much given shit just for being ICE.


I now wait for the counter protest from Joe's lunatic fringe, who insist he's 'Saving America'
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