All the people, I mean once they put that thing in space.
Wasabi Poptart
And to think my husband only gets to play with missiles.
Pyew pyew!
Archimedes would be proud.
I want 5 megawatts by mid-May.
The 12-gauge auto-loader.
That's Italian. You can go pump or auto.
The .45 long slide, with laser sighting.
These are brand new; we just got them in. That's a good gun. Just touch the trigger, the beam comes on and you put the red dot where you want the bullet to go. You can't miss. Anything else?
Phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range.
Hey, just what you see, pal!
Imagine, just imagine what our home microwaves are going to be like in the future. Just a little pistol that we point at our frozen chicken and then BAM! DINNER! FIRE! OHSHIT!
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