NCAA Bracket time!!

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Staff member

Now that the teams have been picked, I'm ready to let everyone know about the NCAA Basketball pool. Site link is above.


  1. Pick your teams.
  2. Each round gives a certain amount of points. Round 1: 1 point; Round 2: 2 points; Round 3: 4 points, etc. until we get to the Championship game, which is worth 32 points.
  3. Correct picks get you the round points * the seed # of the team. So if you choose a team that is the #5 seed to win the 3rd round and are correct, you get 20 points.
  4. No cost to join.
  5. No prizes will be given.
  6. Enter as many times as you like.
That's it, dudes. Pick 'em & have fun!


Staff member
Just a quick note, the games start TOMORROW!! You have to get your submissions in now now now!
My submission is in, but it doesn't let me pick the games tomorrow, so I'm not sure people don't have until Thursday to fill it in.


Staff member
Yeah, the playin games can be picked on as the winner of the two teams. Your picks are fine.
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