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Need a program to screen cap entire window




Hi all, can't believe I'm having such a hard time finding something like this.

I just want a program, or whatever, to screen cap an entire window, not just what I can see. For example, if I had to scroll up or down to see the rest of a webpage, it would screen cap the ENTIRE web page, instead of me having to cap and paste 3 different images onto each other.

I know something like this exists, I just can't find it for some reason, and normally my Google-foo is godly.

Thanks fo' any help!

Edit: Not just web pages, any window I open.




Here is a place to start looking:

DuckCapture Is a Screen Capture Tool for Long and Multi-Page Documents

It mentions one program and the comments mention several others.




You don't say free, so I'm going to suggest Techsmith's Snaggit - it's $50, which is reasonable, and does exactly what you want in any program. I've tried a few other free programs and haven't found anything that works so well.

You can, of course, simply screenshot, scroll, screenshot, scroll, ..., import into panaramic photo stitcher (lots of free ones) and have it merge the snapshots.




Would printing to a pdf be sufficient?
