Need some MLA Works Cited help

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Okay, so I'm working on my paper that's due in 10 hours, and need to properly write my works cited page... and my google-fu is failing to help me figure out how exactly I'm supposed to cite this graphic novel.

Can anyone help me out?

It's Marvel Comic's Pride & Prejudice. Writer: Nancy Butler. Artist: Hugo Petrus. Colorist: Alejandro Torres. Letterer: Dave Sharpe

And a whole bunch of other people credited for various things.
Hmm, my MLA handbook doesn't help too much either.

In this kind of situation, I would probably treat all of the writers, artists etc as authors. So it would be something like,
Butler, Nancy, Hugo Petrus, Alejandro Torres, and Dave Sharpe. Pride & Prejudice. (Publishing location): Marvel Comics, (Publication date).
Try here . You may need something for a volume or edition in a series... there's also an entry for comic strips, but I doubt that would apply to books. My advise would be make it look right, and your prof won't know the difference.
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