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Netflix Offers $7.99 Streaming-Only Plan, Raises Prices On Existing Plans




Hi, Jessie Becker here, VP Marketing, with an update about changes we are making today to our plans and prices.

First, we are now offering a new $7.99 a month plan which lets you instantly watch unlimited TV episodes and movies streamed to your computer or TV. This plan does not include any DVDs. All the titles you can watch instantly on your current plan are also available on this new plan, and as a reminder, not all titles on DVD are available to watch instantly. This new plan is available immediately - if you’d like to switch to this new plan at any time, simply visit Your Account.

Second, we are increasing the prices on our unlimited plans that offer both watching instantly and DVDs by mail. On our two most popular unlimited plans – the 1 DVD out at a time and 2 DVDs out at a time – the price is increasing by $1 a month. We’ve also included below the changes on all the plans. To see how these changes impact your Netflix account, visit Membership Details.

Why the changes? Our selection of TV episodes and movies available to stream has grown dramatically, and as a result most members want us to deliver unlimited TV episodes and movies two ways: streaming instantly over the internet plus DVDs by mail. The price increase will allow us to continue to offer the popular plan choice of unlimited TV episodes and movies streaming instantly along with unlimited DVDs. The new plan, which does not include DVDs, is a great option for the increasing number of members who only want to watch instantly. The $7.99 a month price reflects no DVD shipping costs on this plan.

You might also wonder why we haven’t introduced a new plan that includes only DVDs by mail. The fact is that Netflix members are already watching more TV episodes and movies streamed instantly over the Internet than on DVDs, and we expect that trend to continue. Creating the best user experience that we can around watching instantly is how we’re spending the vast majority of our time and resources. Because of this, we are not creating any plans that are focused solely on DVDs by mail.

To avoid any confusion, here are the new prices on our plans:

We hope you’re enjoying great TV shows and movies from Netflix, and that you’ll continue to enjoy Netflix on whichever plan you choose. We realize you have lots of home entertainment options, and we thank you for your business. As always, if you have any questions, please call us at 800-715-2146.

So will you be switching to the new streaming only plan?

For me personally even though I am annoyed that the plan I currently have is having it's price raised (only a $1 but still) I still heavily rely on the DVD part so I am sticking with the DVD plan for now.




There are still a lot of titles that aren't available for streaming. It's definitely a touch choice, to be sure.



...RENT movies? ... foreign words to me... if I want a movie I wait till it goes down to the $5 bin at Walmart.. unless I REALLY want it and I pay $10-$20 for it.




I will stick with my 1 DVD a month plan. 10 bucks a month for that and streaming is a pretty damn good deal.




Netflix has been pretty open about how they've been shifting their business model in favor of streaming over DVD rentals so this isn't really a surprise to me. With the announcement of this new plan I am strongly considering getting a subscription so I've got movies to watch while I'm in Prague next spring/summer.




We have the $7.99 streaming plan. It's fine for what it is - you have an itch to scratch movie-wise and it's available quickly and painlessly over the web. The fact that the PS3 has the Netflix app makes it that much easier to watch it on the big TV.



I'm switching to stream only.

If there's something new coming out I want to see, I've always used Redbox. No need to wait the 1-2 days for Netflix to send it to me.

If there's something older that I want to watch that isn't on Instant Que, I rent it from Amazon for $1-3 and still watch it online.




1 DVD at a time here. An extra $2 a month for the 3 or 4 movies that I actually want to watch the Blu-Ray for or aren't on streaming is well worth it for me.




I don't have a credit card. Netflix doesn't want me.

I even have a Roku unit that I can't use.




I don't have a credit card. Netflix doesn't want me.

I even have a Roku unit that I can't use.
You can purchase visa gift cards at many places. It gets around the credit card issue if you are really interested in it, and you don't need to worry about the recurring fees. A $25 gift card would give you 3 months of online streaming.

We use redbox for our rental needs, though, and until we start renting 2+ movies a week, it doesn't make financial sense to go for netflix. On the other hand, we use Hulu a lot, so if that went away (and they are slowing pushing the "hulu plus" subscription down the line so that you have to wait longer and longer to see something for free) then we might actually consider paying for our entertainment.




I don't have a credit card. Netflix doesn't want me.

I even have a Roku unit that I can't use.
Netflix will take paypal.




I am considering canceling my Netflix account since I get it streaming through my xbox with my XBLA Gold account that I am paying for anyway.

Might keep it though since I only rent movies for my kids on DvD but they are now watching it on the Xbox too so....


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

...RENT movies? ... foreign words to me... if I want a movie I wait till it goes down to the $5 bin at Walmart.. unless I REALLY want it and I pay $10-$20 for it.
Yeah, if you've never watched a movie and want to give it a shot, you buy it. Bull. I bet you pirate.

I'm gonna stick with the 1-a-month. I thought I was already paying $10, so it doesn't change in my head.




I will stick with my 1 DVD a month plan. 10 bucks a month for that and streaming is a pretty damn good deal.
Same here. Paying an extra dollar a month doesn't bother me in the least. I love the instant stream as I always find something to watch when there is absolutely nothing else on tv. I use the 1 dvd out at a time to catch up on movies or tv series not available online. Got through four seasons of It's Always Sunny this way.




...RENT movies? ... foreign words to me... if I want a movie I wait till it goes down to the $5 bin at Walmart.. unless I REALLY want it and I pay $10-$20 for it.
Yeah, if you've never watched a movie and want to give it a shot, you buy it. Bull. I bet you pirate.


Man, I know so many people who only buy movies. It seems very strange to me but, they do it.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

...RENT movies? ... foreign words to me... if I want a movie I wait till it goes down to the $5 bin at Walmart.. unless I REALLY want it and I pay $10-$20 for it.
Yeah, if you've never watched a movie and want to give it a shot, you buy it. Bull. I bet you pirate.


Man, I know so many people who only buy movies. It seems very strange to me but, they do it.[/QUOTE]

...Wal-mart pirates.



I was planning on switching down to 2 per anyway. I might go down to 1 next semester.




*looks at his Blockbuster Video employee shirt*

PAY for movies?




Aren't they going bankrupt?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

*looks at his Blockbuster Video employee shirt*

PAY for movies?
PAY for movies using time rather than money?




I hate you americans for having things like this. Here it's even hard to find regular DVD renting, because piracy has killed it. Now you either buy or pirate, for most movies (You can still rent, but the catalogue is very very limited).


Joe Johnson

I'll probably move from 3 to 2 movies, but I won't go streaming only until they offer more. Plus, I just bought a Blu ray player dangit, so I need to get some use out of that first (it also streams Netflix anyway).




I am considering canceling my Netflix account since I get it streaming through my xbox with my XBLA Gold account that I am paying for anyway.

Might keep it though since I only rent movies for my kids on DvD but they are now watching it on the Xbox too so....
As far as I'm aware, and maybe I'm reading this wrong, you have to have both the XBLA Gold account AND a netflix account in order to access Netflix using your XBOX 360.

I've made the switch to the $7.99 plan. While it was nice to have access to blu-ray via mail, we'd never watch the ones we received, so it's a waste for us.

Edit - fixed.




I've made the switch to the $7.99 plan. While it was nice to have access to blu-ray via mail, we'd never watch the ones we received, so it's a waste for me and my wife.




Yeah, I'm aware of that bit of grammar, yet it always slips my mind. i even looked at your edit and was like "fixed what?" then I realized what I'd done.



...RENT movies? ... foreign words to me... if I want a movie I wait till it goes down to the $5 bin at Walmart.. unless I REALLY want it and I pay $10-$20 for it.
Yeah, if you've never watched a movie and want to give it a shot, you buy it. Bull. I bet you pirate.


Man, I know so many people who only buy movies. It seems very strange to me but, they do it.[/QUOTE]

...Wal-mart pirates.[/QUOTE]

Hey. I still legally purchase them even if it was $5 :)




I am considering canceling my Netflix account since I get it streaming through my xbox with my XBLA Gold account that I am paying for anyway.

Might keep it though since I only rent movies for my kids on DvD but they are now watching it on the Xbox too so....
I thought you had to have a Netflix subscription and an XBLA Gold to watch streaming Netflix on the 360. I didn't think it was either/or.




I am considering canceling my Netflix account since I get it streaming through my xbox with my XBLA Gold account that I am paying for anyway.

Might keep it though since I only rent movies for my kids on DvD but they are now watching it on the Xbox too so....
I thought you had to have a Netflix subscription and an XBLA Gold to watch streaming Netflix on the 360. I didn't think it was either/or.[/QUOTE]

You need both.




I am considering canceling my Netflix account since I get it streaming through my xbox with my XBLA Gold account that I am paying for anyway.

Might keep it though since I only rent movies for my kids on DvD but they are now watching it on the Xbox too so....
I thought you had to have a Netflix subscription and an XBLA Gold to watch streaming Netflix on the 360. I didn't think it was either/or.[/QUOTE]

You need both.[/QUOTE]

Interesting. A buddy of mine just setup a gold account, doesn't have a netflix account and it worked for him.




Interesting. A buddy of mine just setup a gold account, doesn't have a netflix account and it worked for him.
Was he using a free trial? Both Netflix and Microsoft say you need both subscriptions to watch on the 360.




Interesting. A buddy of mine just setup a gold account, doesn't have a netflix account and it worked for him.
Was he using a free trial? Both Netflix and Microsoft say you need both subscriptions to watch on the 360.[/QUOTE]

It's entirely possible.




Yes, there's a free trail for the first month.




Yes, there's a free trail for the first month.

Oooooh a free trail? Can I choose which trail or is it random? If I get to choose I am going for Oregon!


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Okay. Get your covered wagon and go to Oregon.




Watching too much netflix gives dysentery. Just a heads up.




See, I didn't have an issue with this when they announced it/emailed me about it, but now I'm seriously starting to consider canceling altogether. What, exactly, new content are they suddenly making available for streaming? I caught up with Bones, re-watched Angel and BtVS, recently finished watching Psych, and went out looking for something to watch/re-watch tonight and found jack shit to watch instantly. Magnum P.I., which I previously watched all of except the last season, no longer available for streaming. Air Wolf, no longer available for streaming. Knight Rider (the original), no longer available for streaming. Miami Vice, no longer available for streaming. My fiance and I went through just about every TV show we could think of to watch, and none of them are available all of a sudden. Well, it's the holiday season, how about some Christmas movies/TV shows... not available for streaming (except for An All Dogs Christmas Special and the 1950s era Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer). Ok... well... how about some sports comedies? They're down to one page of movies and I've never even heard of any of them - and I loves me my sports comedies. How about some late night comedies (aka, raunchy comedy)? Well, there's about 7 pages of that, but again, none of the good stuff. Can't even find a decent National Lampoon's flick - aside from some weird titles I've never heard of.

In fact, I just checked my "Instant Queue" and 16 titles have been removed from the queue because they're no longer available. None of them were titles I listed above. Hell, for that matter, checking my "Watch it Again" section, it's gone down from 14 pages to 6. So... are they going to up their rates so they can offer us the content that was previously available again, or are they actually offering new content? More, is the new content they're going to be offering worth watching?




Chances are good that with the success of streaming they have to renegotiate their rates with the content providers. The contracts they previously had probably expired. Given that they knew this was happening when they changed their rates, I would have expected them to make the new rates match what they would owe to stream the material.

I'd be surprised, however, if they didn't introduce a tiered streaming rate sometime next year, so that they can pay some content providers more than the really cheap properties.

But if I were you I'd contact them and complain. Make sure they know this directly impacts you, and ask for a specific answer whether they are coming back (and when) or if they are not going to be able to stream those shows in the future.

Also, keep in mind that they are switching CDNs right now, so it may be that they are doing it poorly. This should be done by January, though.




I started Netflix Instant about a month ago, and I've noticed that it's generally a great service to browse through to find something to watch, but virtually every time I actively go looking for something, it's "DVD only". It doesn't matter if it's a release from last year, a cartoon box set, or a classic movie. Nine times out of ten, if I actively seek it out, it won't be available online. Anyone else have this experience?

Also, I wanted to make sure everyone knew about queuenoodle. It exists to warn everyone when something is going to expire from Instant service. I just finished watching "King of Kong", which expires on the 28th. (If you haven't seen it, it's a great documentary / character study about Donkey Kong world records and the people who make them.)




I started Netflix Instant about a month ago, and I've noticed that it's generally a great service to browse through to find something to watch, but virtually every time I actively go looking for something, it's "DVD only". It doesn't matter if it's a release from last year, a cartoon box set, or a classic movie. Nine times out of ten, if I actively seek it out, it won't be available online. Anyone else have this experience?
I've had the exact thing happen to me time and again. I don't personally subscribe to Netflix, but many times I've been at a friend's house who does. They always ask people what they want to watch, and after searching we almost always find out its DVD only. Nothing ever seems to be available for streaming.




It's a bit of a tossup, IMO. I've had pretty good luck looking for something specific, but I've had friends complain about streaming availability.




I've found maybe 20-30% of the stuff I'm actively looking for on instant play. When I see something that's dvd only, I just add it to my queue and keep looking.

I can always find something interesting on instant play, though. If I want to watch something specific, I just have to plan ahead.




Yeah, I mainly use it for TV shows. Movies are, like FLP said, about 20-30% there.



I actually use it to find new stuff I wouldn't have given a chance to otherwise. I browse the available streaming titles and end up 4/5 times finding something new that I enjoyed watching and share with others.




Netflix Canada's selection is pretty limited. I guess that's why our Blockbusters are still open.
