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That's the reason LICD is the first comic on my daily checklist. :rofl: Well, the funny AND the fact that there is ALWAYS a new comic in the morning.
Great comic. Did you all read his comments on the Amazon comic contest? I know some people in the industry have taken their usual stance of "the contest is evil" to the point that you wonder if it's petty jealousy that someone other than them would actually have a shot at stardom. But the guys at LICD are supportive of young talent taking a shot at this. I have a lot of respect for these guys and Penny Arcade guys. They've reached the heights of success and continue to be supportive of new talent.
Oh god. I don't read that strip regularly, but I'm cracking up still, a minute after reading the strip.

That's great :D

Philosopher B.

I must say, I got a hearty chuckle out of that. I should probably read more of that comic ...

Confession: I have never read LICD.

Confession #2: I am on March 2005 and counting.
It's a flipping great ride. With surprising character depth. I thought it to be a well drawn fluff comic with hot chicks. I was glad to be wrong. It was a well drawn, character storylined comic with hot chicks. :D
Yeah. Some of the earlier stuff But there have been some pretty awesome storylines, without ever suddenly becoming "epic" and jokeless and stuff :)
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