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New Adam Sandler Movie.




I'm ashamed to say that my wife and kids will want to see this and they will love it. I, on the other hand, will be trying to find other things to do. Like rearranging my sock drawer or swallowing hydrochloric acid.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

I didn't read anything in the thread, but this will be a piece of shit




You couldn't be bothered to read 1 post? Yours is #2. (In more ways than 1 -HEYO!!!)


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

You couldn't be bothered to read 1 post? Yours is #2. (In more ways than 1 -HEYO!!!)




Damn Katie Holmes is super hot. And I was laughing at the kids, I hope they steal the movie.




This looks like crap, even on Adam Sandler levels. And believe me, that's saying something. This is like...Pauly Shore levels of crap.


Philosopher B.

That looks like shit twice-shat. Like, someone dropped a really big load into their hands, paused for breath, and re-ingested said load, whereupon they waited until they had to shit once more.




Meh, he's not that bad...

Of course he's also not good enough to pay for a cinema ticket...




Why does every remotely funny actor want to be Peter Sellers?




This reminds me of what someone said about Michael Jordan's hitler mustache. Clearly Adam sandler has no real friends. Real friends have the heart to look you in the eye and tell you you're making a big mistake.




Honestly this reminds me of his CD/SNL days, which to me is MUCH funnier than his last few years of "serious comedy".




I have no desire to watch this movie, though I giggled a bit at the trailer and now I feel deep shame.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

I love how Adam Sandler did Funny People, then immediately signed up for this movie.




I have no desire to watch this movie, though I giggled a bit at the trailer and now I feel deep shame.
You have to agree with Jill, that guy look like a hobo




I love Adam Sandler movies and can't wait to be there opening night.




I love how Adam Sandler did Funny People, then immediately signed up for this movie.
Funny People was excellent.




I wonder what contract Eddie Murphy, and Steve Martin have signed. We'll give you an 8 picture deal but 6 of those HAVE to suck.


General Specific

General Specific

Sandler's movies are either pretty good or the scraping the depths of suck. This one does not look good.




Silliness. God knows I'll end up watching this one day... probably when it starts coming on TBS. I'll be visiting my father. He'll be coming off of some huge case and will be ready to turn his brain off for a while. He'll have made a really good roast with lima beans. We'll eat and watch, and he'll chuckle in that wonderful way. I can tell that I'm going to enjoy this movie;s ability to create a fun moment between my dad and me.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

You know, it would be pretty amazing if this was a fake-out trailer like Green With Envy. And was for Funny People 2 or a spinoff with Sandler as a cameo/and have the real movie be about Jonah Hill, Schwartzmann, and Aziz Ansari's characters or something.




Wow a movie created just so Adam Sandler can play with himself.
