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New Angels Comic!






Oh... oh you slick sonofabitch...

The problem here is that I think this has gone on too long for Stockholm Syndrome to kick in... Hammer's got too much invested in hating this cockbite.

Although, I do forsee him giving Hammer a crack at the woman who's been wailing on her this whole time.




Oh... oh you slick sonofabitch...

The problem here is that I think this has gone on too long for Stockholm Syndrome to kick in... Hammer's got too much invested in hating this cockbite.
I don't think he's going for Stockholm Syndrome, really. It seems obvious that he doesn't care if Hammer likes him or not, as long as she knows he's in charge. Hence the whole power-play ritual.

Although, I do forsee him giving Hammer a crack at the woman who's been wailing on her this whole time.
I'm inclined to believe that his releasing of Hammer has to do with the power struggles on the ship and he believes he can use Hammer against her tormentor. Of course we know that Hammer is not so easily manipulated, something he'll find out for himself eventually.
