New Angels Comic!

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As a poster commented under the comic on the page, be certain that Hammer knows which target she wants to kill more, first.

Setting Carelli up so it's her word against his as to the truth of the events that are about to unfold - magnificent bastard... and for some strange reason, the usual camera that monitors his office appears to be experiencing technical difficulties right now...

Whichever way Hammer goes in the next few seconds, I don't see a good way out for her...


Nothing like a mind>expletive delted< to make your day interesting. I'm surprised, though, that he actually trusts that she won't kill him. :rofl:
As a poster commented under the comic on the page, be certain that Hammer knows which target she wants to kill more, first.
IIRC the worst thing that Bill Gates Jr. has done to Hammer was threaten to kill her to protect his ship from the Outcast. He did leave her at the mercy of Larissa but has since released her. I'm saying Hammer won't kill him at some point in the future, but right now it is no contest as to who she would kill first.

Setting Carelli up so it's her word against his as to the truth of the events that are about to unfold - magnificent bastard... and for some strange reason, the usual camera that monitors his office appears to be experiencing technical difficulties right now...
BGJr isn't setting up Hammer. He's killing off every Crimson Shield on Risae, there is no question of who's responsible for that. What he's trying to do is secure Hammer's loyalty by giving her what she want's most, at least what he assumes she want's most: revenge against Larissa.

Whichever way Hammer goes in the next few seconds, I don't see a good way out for her...
If she kills Lasrissa, she can convince BGJr that "loyal" to him. That would buy her time and some limited freedom to figure out her escape.
All in all, this is a very nice twist. However, why is he running this risk?

I'm just *afraid* that Hammer will kill *him*, seeing no way to arrange with Larissa.
Or give her a gun that's not loaded, or is otherwise disabled.
Except that he wants Larissa dead and he wants Hammer to kill her. In his mind letting her kill Larissa will make Hammer loyal to him. Giving Hammer an unloaded gun would not achieve either aim.

Hammer is not going to shoot Four-eyes, there are not sufficient reasons for her to do so and plenty of reasons to not do so. Hammer's not stupid, if she kills him she'll have to fight her way through the small army outside that is right outside the door, make her way across a station that she doesn't even know the layout of and find a ship that she can fly and somehow make it back to a friendly ship even though she has no idea where in space they are. Or she can pretend to be loyal to Four-eyes which can potentially buy her at least some freedom to figure out all the things she needs to know to escape.

Not to mention the fact that there are likely troops just outside the door ready to pounce the second that Hammer looks at him funny. I mean, he's cocky and a bit of a dick but he's not entirely stupid....
Hammer is not going to shoot Four-eyes, there are not sufficient reasons for her to do so and plenty of reasons to not do so. Hammer's not stupid, if she kills him she'll have to fight her way through the small army outside that is right outside the door, make her way across a station that she doesn't even know the layout of and find a ship that she can fly and somehow make it back to a friendly ship even though she has no idea where in space they are. Or she can pretend to be loyal to Four-eyes which can potentially buy her at least some freedom to figure out all the things she needs to know to escape.
But another question is: With him dead, and Larissa alive, would the troops stay loyal to his dead body and continue to take out the fanatics? IF there were a way for Hammer to affange with Larissa, I'd consider killing him an option that deserves attention.

And: Why is he interested in a loyal Hammer? What's the use?
He's a manipulator, with a decent amount of charisma. He knows what buttons to push, he knows when to push them, and he knows how to drain every drop of usefulness from those he has power over.

He may have a plan for Hammer, he may not, but at this point, he's got a chance to rope her under him (loyalty-wise, that is), whilst simultaneously taking out a thorn in his side.

All things considered, he'd be stupid to NOT use Hammer like this...
But another question is: With him dead, and Larissa alive, would the troops stay loyal to his dead body and continue to take out the fanatics?
It's reasonable to assume the Crimson Shield fanatics are all dead, BGJr. certainly seems to have gone through a lot of trouble to arrange this. If Larissa, their commander, didn't see this strike coming it's pretty doubtful that any of the others were any better prepared.

IF there were a way for Hammer to affange with Larissa, I'd consider killing him an option that deserves attention.
I'm not sure what you mean by "affange", I'm going to assume you meant "arrange". I'm not sure I see why Hammer would be more inclined to come to an arrangement with the woman who cut off her hand and has been systematically torturing her for the past year. Less than a minute ago Larissa was about to take Hammer back to her cell, the 'long way' (ie. a little extra torture before the main torture).

And: Why is he interested in a loyal Hammer? What's the use?
Not knowing his overall plans it would be difficult to say for certain. Although it is possible that he may need someone to replace Larissa... :p

But after all these twists... is it really conceivable that Hammer will simply kill Larissa?
I suspect it will be closer to self-defense. Hammer is not an assassin, I don't think she has the instinct to kill someone in cold blood. Although to be fair she has been through a lot.
But the question remains, who will Carrelli drop the hammer on (yes, pun intended).

Admittedly, it's tempting to surmise she'll blow Larissas brains out for what that bitch has done to her, but what then? If she does, does she gain her freedom, so to speak, or by doing that, does Larissa win in the end. And if she surprises our mysoinist friend there, and turn the gun on him, where does that leave her with Larissa and the others?

Another thought - Is that gun loaded at all??
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