New Blog Question: Ads

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So, I'm setting up a blog/personal website, and I have decided (via my own variation on Pascal's wager) to mar it's beautiful face with adspace.

I have heard things about both Google Ads and Project Wonderful. Any thoughts? Is it difficult to get set up for either?


Staff member
You will definitely make more with Google than you do with Project Wonderful.

For example, Google Ads very nearly pay for this site. A couple of months I didn't crack the $100 mark but almost every month the Google ads put $100-120 in my checking account. I pay $119 a month for Halforums.

I've had Project Wonderful now for 2 months 8 days. I have $2.22 in my account. You could probably charge more (as you set the amount people have to pay) but look at He's got 2 spots open for $1.70 per slot and nobody is buying. And he has 4000 - 6000 page views a day.

Go Google ads.


Staff member
Another difference between Google Ads and PW that is worth note. Google Ads take a fuckall amount of time to get money from while PW you can pull the money out right away. What's there, that is.

Here's how Google Ads give money.

When you have money at the end of the month totaling $100 or more, they will forward that amount to you. Eventually. Say at the end of January you had $132 in Google Ads money. They verify this on the 5th or so of February and pay you that amount around the end of the month. So as long as you are generating revenue it will get to you. But it takes longer for Google.
I see. Now, what about for me, when I will not be generating that kind of revenue? There is no way my personal blog, which MIGHT get twenty hits in a day is going to be worth as much as Halforums is.

Truly, I'm not expecting to make very much (if any) of my cost back via ads. I just figured it couldn't hurt to put some up there, just in case.

What does that mean for me, then, where I won't hit $100 until about 2067?
Heh. I've often considered putting Google ads up just to see what kind of ads they match to my bizarre content, but I can't make myself give up the screen space, plus the same 'lack of traffic' thing applies to me as well. Interesting to hear how they pay out though.


Staff member
They are free to put up and you never know if something you put in might get linked somewhere.

Why not do it?
For myself, it's just that I don't want to give up the space. I'm already afraid that the text-fearing world won't scroll all the way down to read the page or so I post at a time.

I've even considered putting them up on the basis that it might legitimize the site - make it look like less of a blog and more of a full-fledged website.

(Also, the Google agreement has a big fat warning about copyrighted content, and the fact is I use whatever images are appropriate to my posts without attributing them in most cases.)
Now, I don't know what kind of numbers DLOG gets, so this is more or less a shot in the dark, but I don't expect to get nearly as much traffic to my site as I assume yours gets. And if I'm putting up ads, you can definitely get away with it.

I just needed a little 'home on the web' that I could put in my signature, emails, and calling cards. I have no real specific plan for the site beyond 'everything.' Flickr feed, for when I finally get my camera, a blog for my thoughts and writing, hopefully a subdomain for my Haiti project if it ever gets off the ground ...
I'm actually attempting it now, but have had little luck getting signed up. That's my only real grief with Google - everything is free, and that's awesome, but the support process is to avoid actually contact wherever possible, so I'm stuck asking questions on a forum, and I hate those goddamned things. :p


Staff member
You need to be able to put code in your footer. Depending on what software you use for your website there might already be places to put the code.
It's not where to put the code - I run the site through Blogger. It's the actual account setup I'm having trouble with. Hopefully, someone will get back to me.
I'm getting close to abandoning AdSense altogether. My application seems to be in a permanent state of "under review". I've found a couple of entries in their forums that have been in the same state for months. I guess if I'm serious about ads, I'll eventually move on to something else. I mostly tried to enable it as a lark anyway.
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